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Chanhassen, MN Rehoming:
2 Redfoot tortoises with a hatch date of Aug 28, 2021. I purchased from a reputable AZ breeder just after hatch date. I don’t know gender but I do want to keep them together. They bask, eat, hide & do “tortoise things” together.
No shell, beak or nail problems. Neither have ever been sick that I know of. They are not picky eaters.
Very friendly. They will eat out of our hands & let us give
I have rescued to Russian Tortises and I’m kind of a beginner, any tips are appreciated 😊
Lyn W
Lyn W
Hi Please post in Introductions and you'll get more responses. Please read the Information for new people under FAQs and caresheet for Mediterranean/Temperate species in Species Specific threads If you follow those your torts should thrive but only if you separate them into their own enclosures because torts should never be kept in pairs.
Lyn W
Lyn W
Also ask as many questions as you like people here are happy to help.
We built the your plan night box. Well Charlie has grown to 78 lbs. When it is time to build a bigger one? At 15 degrees right now in texas and we are having trouble keeping the box at a steady temperature. We hung a small space heater to help with the temps. Is there a better way? Not sure why it is not holding the heat as good and if the fluctuation going from 71-100 is even good every 53 min?
I have a African sicata tortoise i don’t know the sex or how old it is, my cousin who passed left it behind, so IM now taking care of it, everything looks good with it, but i have not seen it once drink any water, i have have given it , cucumbers and hay and some romaine lettuce, along with tutle pellets it doesn’t seem interested in so now it doesn’t get any, i often moist the leafy greens, and it soaks 3x a week,
Question i had was am i doing everything right? It lays out in the sun daily, i did notice some white on its shell like around its patterns on its shell, what could that be from?
Alex and the Redfoot
Alex and the Redfoot
Hello and welcome! Your post is a "profile status update" and probably will go unseen. Please, can you make a thread in Introductions or Sulcata Tortoises section (use green button "Post thread" on the top right of the main forum page)?

Photos of the tortoise (top, bottom shell, tail area) and its enclosure would help tremendously. Especially with the "white patterns" thing. Also what it is its age, size, weight?
Hi all,
First time member here. I’m not sure how to post here, I hope this is the proper approach for support. I am so glad to have found this forum! I need help with our little foot. Once I have confirmation of this being the way to go, I will share our situation.
Thank you!
I was told you might be able to help me. I posted pictures on the thread... "few days ago she said she wanted us to look at Tortie because she thought she saw another crack. I am up loading a couple pictures of his shell. I don't see a crack like the last time. And as I was doing some reading on this Forum I am hoping for some help. Thanks in advance."
Brand new Sulcata owner via a gift from my son. ALL helpful advice is welcomed. We live outside of Houston.
Hi Mikki, I see you are in Spring Hill - I am in St Pete but planning to move to Spring Hill. My Frankie is about 6 years old and weighs about 50 lbs. I'm trying to think ahead about his enclosure & house. Are winter temps routinely a problem in SH?
hi Tom,
I am new to this site, so my apologies if I’m not reaching out correctly. I couldn’t find a way to PM. We are currently looking for a sulcata baby for my son for Christmas. Yes, we understand the commitment that goes along with owning a sulcata which is why we made him wait 5 years. I stumbled upon your care information and I just want to say thank you.
Cont. My nephew just recently got a sulcata a few months back and they have him in a small Rubbermaid container with an open top and I would have followed suit if I didn’t find your guide. So thank you. Please let me know if you have any sulcata s for sale. We would like to go through a reputable breeder and not a big co. Like Tat. Thanks again, hope to hear back soon
We have bought all our items and are setting up our habitat this week. Let us know if you have any available… we would love to be considered for purchase. Ty
I just purchased a baby red foot tortoise, he’s so cool even kids were holding him
Alex and the Redfoot
Alex and the Redfoot

Teach kids to wash their hands before and after handling a tortoise :) And not to take him out just for fun. They can help with hand-feeding and bathing him, though.
Hold on for the ride. My Stumpy is now almost 20lbs and 14" long and 10" wide at 1yr. 8.5months. Will probably be 25lbs at 2 years. Just posted a photo of him by the wood stove and those bricks are 6.5 inches. I have another little one that is growing slower... thankfully.
I am new to the forum, and we have a Sulcata that is about 30" and close to 95lbs. He has a large burrow in the yard and I'm wondering if I need to heat it for the winter. Any thoughts or suggestions? He has a heated house but can push out and return to the burrow. We are in the Houston area so the weather is hot and can be pretty chilly at night. 40's and a few nights dipping into the 30's.