
Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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It was the lack of water in many enclosures on such a hot day, which is basic care, that concerned me too. I know torts often tip their water but one of the helpers/staff should have been going around refilling them rather than leaving dry trays. Those that had some water certainly didn't have it deep enough to drink from and there was often only one small tray between 8 or more torts.
You would think that on an Open day they would want to showcase their facility and they have had many positive comments on their FB page but I think anyone who has researched and followed the care guides here would feel the same as me.
That makes no good asvertising for the sanctury, but I think many visitors have not much acknowledgement with torts. These people won`t see the overcrowding and lack of good food and water. :(


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Nov 13, 2016
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The only red in our sky since last week has been from the flames sweeping across two local hills.:(
Apparently two 14 year old girls have been arrested for starting at least one if not both fires.
I cannot post what I think of them:mad:
I think the fire fighting teams are gaining control but still smouldering going on so it could flare up again.
The local community has been donating supplies to keep the firemen/women going, they have been incredible in difficult and dangerous circumstances.
It is dry in Germany too. When I look out of my window I see brown or yellow gras / weeds. Only bushes and trees are still green. The danger of fires is here extremly high too.
Naughty, bad kids. Their punishment should be to work at a firefighter station for many hours !


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Nov 13, 2016
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Hi Bee. At least 5 sullies in together ranging from big to enormous!
There were 10 leopards of different sizes in with 2 others that I think were Hermanns or Greeks in an area not much bigger than my living room.
They breed tortoises as well which I don't understand when they have so many others to rehome (apart from the financial benefit and they say to stop imports).
I can imagine..... That is sad. Thinking of what we always say to newbies: Torts are solitairy animals....:(


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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I found this over in the seventh corner. I think it was meant for our new king?

That looks scary ! Do you want to use it on your next bank robbery ?:eek::D
Who is the new king it I may ask ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Hey all I haven't been on the forum much lately working a lot of hours and trying to juggle things with my dad as well. He's still in the hospital but we're hoping he will get moved to a rehab tomorrow or Wednesday. I didn't get to watch the world cup but I heard it was a great game.

Welcome to the "Cold Dark Room" Heather beware of the Wooly Spider, (if she exists) also avoid the leprechaun he's annoying and nothing but trouble!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! I don't have any postcards but here's a pic of my pup Champ, doing what he does best!View attachment 245327
Hi Todd. Why do you post pics of a "dead" dog ! ? :D:D:D:D Is there any chance that the "dead" dog will recover ?:)


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Apr 26, 2012
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Oh dear. Meaning they don't want to say why.
Actually, that appears not to be the case. The Audubon Zoo is a member of the American Zoo Association which sets out rules and guidelines for all aspects of the animals' care as well as crisis response. The AZA says our zoo notified them promptly, appropriately and is doing everything by the letter.:)
Our local newspaper is full of this story because the zoo is so popular; and especially because of the jaguar breeding program and other breeding programs aimed at saving species that are slowly going extinct in the wild.

It now appears that :eek: Valerio may have engineered his own escape! One of the steel cables that holds the roof elements in place was apparently BITTEN through (but not all in one go). It appears that, pound for pound, jaguars have the most powerful bite force of ANY of the big cats. Jaguars cannot be kept in enclosures using standard chain link fence, for example, because they use their powerful canines to break the links, one at a time, until the space is big enough to get out. :confused: So steel cables of specified thickness must be used (and WERE used) in their enclosures!!!!

I was a little unnerved about his apparent killing spree: murdering other animals but not for food, since they are all well fed. [Others have died of their injuries, so the total death count from Valerio's misadventure is now 9. :(] The article describes an INSTINCT in apex predators that stimulates them to attack and kill ANYTHING that MOVES. It is sometimes referred to as "surplus killing." I can see how, in the wild, for a predator to attack anything that moves during a hunt increases their chance of success and, therefore, species survival. In a situation where the prey animals are confined and cannot flee, well....that same instinct is at work, but with a tragic outcome. So Valerio is NOT some sort of mad animal serial killer: he's a young apex predator in his prime, full of instinct, power and testosterone!

I recently read a book by an Australian who worked as a safari guide in Africa. As soon as he got off the plane to learn his new job, one of the very first things he was told was, when faced with a predator- even one that is charging- "Whatever you do, DON'T RUN!!" He was told anything that runs registers as prey for the apex predator and will be a target. This was valid advice and he describes times where he shocked clients on safari when a lioness charged him- and he stood his ground. The lioness veered off. The only time this DIDN"T work was when another safari guide had unknowingly stopped his jeep of sight-seers right next to where a young lioness had hidden her first litter of cubs. Happily, he survived the mauling, and married the guide who applied first aid! The book is titled "Whatever You Do, Don't Run." ;)

My response to hearing that Valerio may have continuously gnawed a steel cable (for who knows how many nights) until he broke it, was "why does he want out so badly?" :eek: FIND OUT WHAT HE WANTS AND GIVE IT TO HIM, FER GAWDSAKE!!!!!!
Does he want more space? Evict the zoo neighbors, bulldoze their homes and plant whatever trees he wants!!!!!!!! ;)
Does he want more than one "girlfriend?" Send personals ads to the other zoos "Lonely hunky jaguar seeks willing harem of cute jaguar babes!!!" ;):<3::<3::<3:
Does he want different food? Place a to-go order with Commander's Palace for prime rib (done rare)!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Actually, that appears not to be the case. The Audubon Zoo is a member of the American Zoo Association which sets out rules and guidelines for all aspects of the animals' care as well as crisis response. The AZA says our zoo notified them promptly, appropriately and is doing everything by the letter.:)
Our local newspaper is full of this story because the zoo is so popular; and especially because of the jaguar breeding program and other breeding programs aimed at saving species that are slowly going extinct in the wild.

It now appears that :eek: Valerio may have engineered his own escape! One of the steel cables that holds the roof elements in place was apparently BITTEN through (but not all in one go). It appears that, pound for pound, jaguars have the most powerful bite force of ANY of the big cats. Jaguars cannot be kept in enclosures using standard chain link fence, for example, because they use their powerful canines to break the links, one at a time, until the space is big enough to get out. :confused: So steel cables of specified thickness must be used (and WERE used) in their enclosures!!!!

I was a little unnerved about his apparent killing spree: murdering other animals but not for food, since they are all well fed. [Others have died of their injuries, so the total death count from Valerio's misadventure is now 9. :(] The article describes an INSTINCT in apex predators that stimulates them to attack and kill ANYTHING that MOVES. It is sometimes referred to as "surplus killing." I can see how, in the wild, for a predator to attack anything that moves during a hunt increases their chance of success and, therefore, species survival. In a situation where the prey animals are confined and cannot flee, well....that same instinct is at work, but with a tragic outcome. So Valerio is NOT some sort of mad animal serial killer: he's a young apex predator in his prime, full of instinct, power and testosterone!

I recently read a book by an Australian who worked as a safari guide in Africa. As soon as he got off the plane to learn his new job, one of the very first things he was told was, when faced with a predator- even one that is charging- "Whatever you do, DON'T RUN!!" He was told anything that runs registers as prey for the apex predator and will be a target. This was valid advice and he describes times where he shocked clients on safari when a lioness charged him- and he stood his ground. The lioness veered off. The only time this DIDN"T work was when another safari guide had unknowingly stopped his jeep of sight-seers right next to where a young lioness had hidden her first litter of cubs. Happily, he survived the mauling, and married the guide who applied first aid! The book is titled "Whatever You Do, Don't Run." ;)

My response to hearing that Valerio may have continuously gnawed a steel cable (for who knows how many nights) until he broke it, was "why does he want out so badly?" :eek: FIND OUT WHAT HE WANTS AND GIVE IT TO HIM, FER GAWDSAKE!!!!!!
Does he want more space? Evict the zoo neighbors, bulldoze their homes and plant whatever trees he wants!!!!!!!! ;)
Does he want more than one "girlfriend?" Send personals ads to the other zoos "Lonely hunky jaguar seeks willing harem of cute jaguar babes!!!" ;):<3::<3::<3:
Does he want different food? Place a to-go order with Commander's Palace for prime rib (done rare)!!!!!! :)
Respect ! A steel cable bitten in pieces.
I think Valerio wants to be free, to roam free like any wild animal wants to do. No zoo is big enough for big cats like him.
To kill everything that moves is an instinct that have mostly all predators. When a fox gets into a chicken stable he will not only kill one or two chicken that he can eat. No, he will kill all chicken he can get. It is a natural instinct and Valerio only follows this instinct. Luckily no people where standing in his way.... Not to imagine what would have happend.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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Good morning all.

Today's plans have already changed so I am going with the flow.

My neurotic neighbour from over the road collared me just as I was going out to my meeting last night for the latest installment in her lomg tale of woe...someone reversed into her car at a filling station and drove off, she got the registration number and reported it to the police, the insurance company is still treating it as a fault claim (the damage looks negligible by the way), etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc ....

Oh and her printer isn't working. I have to get myself into the right mood to go over there and sort it out as the fix will take 5 minutes and the talking about 2 hours. I have inherited the problem from my late next door neighbour. His patience was greater than mine and he used to sort things out for her regularly. To be fair, she does usually bring a bottle of wine round to say thank you, but I could do with drinking it before I start work to numb the senses!
Good luck with your neighbour...o_O


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
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[emoji3] [emoji3] We wagered being King or Queen of the CDR for a month.
Since Todd (Your Majesty) you ended with a whopping 65.50 points you have been declared as KING for a month.
Enjoy your reign Your Majesty.
Kathy and I being in the bottom will have to be the paupers. And Adam, Lena, Linda and Mark are the aristocrats.[emoji6] We will be your loyal subjects henceforth until the 17th August and will refer to you as Your Majesty in any posts or threads etc.
Hmm, and I am Robin Hood. Be aware of me.:eek::D
I`ll take all your money, gold, pearls and whatever you own and give it to the poor ones.:D:D

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