Cathie G

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon evening all, I've been a bit busy with family and house stuff and then fell over and hurt my wrist and hand so it was painful to type. I didn't have the patience to try one handed. All good now though.
I've been keeping up with your latest posts so looks like everyone's present and correct and hopefully as well as you seem.
We've had the same old mixed weather lately - still pretty cold for April; we've had a couple of dryish days but rain is back over the weekend.
I hope everyone here has a good weekend.
I always miss you when you aren't here and always glad when you pop up. I haven't been able to get Sapphire outside because this year has been pretty much normal. Too cold. It's supposed to be raining here this weekend also but finally up in the eighties f. I'm hoping to get Sapphire outside for the first time this year. But really May would still be a bit early if our climate was acting normally. May will be our anniversary and there was snow on the ground the day I received him.


Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
That's a pretty bird!
My nasty neighbours are up to their old tricks and have no consideration for the Earth or anyone/thing on it.
I love to feed and watch the birds and at last count had 13 different species popping in. However yesterday lots of shiny foil ribbons attached to 3 foot poles appeared above their fence. They are bird scarers :(
They obviously don't like the birds sitting on their fence en route to my bird diner. Maybe it's bird poop they object to, but it's a damned sight easier to clean up than their cat poop which is deposited in my garden. I haven't said anything because I've been assured that the birds will soon get used to it and ignore them. 🤞 I do hope so - I didn't see any goldfinches today and they usually visit everyday.

Then this evening the woman started washing her paved garden and fake grass with chemicals, fine if they kept it in their own garden but they were power hosing it all under their gate (which is at 90' to my fence) flooding the lane at the end of my garden. I picked up about 30 dead or dying worms because a hedgehog has been using the lane at night and if he ate them he could be poisoned. I told her about it and asked her to use her drains instead but all the stupid women kept saying was that it was dog friendly cleaner so wouldn't hurt, she couldn't seem to grasp that if she put it in the dog's food he would probably be ill or die too, and it certainly wasn't worm friendly. She still carried on though.:(
It would be a happier Earth if they weren't on it.
Wish we lived near to each other. I love playing with ignorant people like that.


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Nov 4, 2021
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They are the ceremonial horses used by the Kings household cavalry etc. and have a great life but the builders spooked them. I haven't heard how the 2 injured horses are, the picture of them covered in blood was very sad to see.
Dear Lyn,

The builders spooked them by accidentally dropping some concrete and I have to say that I probably would have spooked as well. Vida the light coloured horse is now back at the stables and the blood that can be seen in the pictures looked horrific but the other horse is still in Equine hospital.



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I always miss you when you aren't here and always glad when you pop up. I haven't been able to get Sapphire outside because this year has been pretty much normal. Too cold. It's supposed to be raining here this weekend also but finally up in the eighties f. I'm hoping to get Sapphire outside for the first time this year. But really May would still be a bit early if our climate was acting normally. May will be our anniversary and there was snow on the ground the day I received him.
I've managed to get Jacky outside:IMG20240426124802.jpg

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Lyn,

The builders spooked them by accidentally dropping some concrete and I have to say that I probably would have spooked as well. Vida the light coloured horse is now back at the stables and the blood that can be seen in the pictures looked horrific but the other horse is still in Equine hospital.

Thanks for the update. I suppose they may never be fit to be used again having been that scared on the streets. Hopefully they'll find a good home for them if they can't retrain them x

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Good morning all. It's a miserable start to the day but I got up early in case my neighbours started their revenge campaign. I know it will come because I had the audacity to speak to her about the chemicals, so they'll find something they know I enjoy to destroy. It's always tit-for-tat with them. So far the rain has kept them indoors.
I'm a bit worried about Lola, he's not been eating much lately hopefully it's just the weather but I'm keeping an eye on him and trying to find lots to tempt him. I hope you all have a good day.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon evening all.
Latest anti bird news - The foil strips the neighbours put up didn't deter the birds at all and ended up wrapped around their own poles or tangled in my tree with the birds sat next to them, so now they have added 4 windmills with additional foil strips every couple of feet. It's blinking noisy out there with them all fluttering and I hope this won't scare the birds away. I'm certainly not going to stop feeding them when they have hungry babies to feed. I'm sure that request will come soon enough though.
I don't know why they are making such a fuss this now, I've been feeding them for years - it probably is more about having a go at me than the birds.

As it looks like a fairground attraction now, can anyone lend me a 12 bore for some target practice ? I may win a coconut if I hit one. :)
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Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Lyn,

I'm sorry you to put up with such stupidity.

It's more spitefulness than stupidity - they are bullies and because I live alone and don't have any back up, I'm an easy target especially if I speak up about anything they do that affects me or my house or the wildlife and it takes a lot for me to do that because I know they'll do something back. They are not reasonable people.
I have been looking to move because of them even though it will be a wrench to leave my old family home that I grew up in. :(
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Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon evening all.
Latest anti bird news - The foil strips the neighbours put up didn't deter the birds at all and ended up wrapped around their own poles or tangled in my tree with the birds sat next to them, so now they have added 4 windmills with additional foil strips every couple of feet. It's blinking noisy out there with them all fluttering and I hope this won't scare the birds away. I'm certainly not going to stop feeding them when they have hungry babies to feed. I'm sure that request will come soon enough though.
I don't know why they are making such a fuss this now, I've been feeding them for years - it probably is more about having a go at me than the birds.

As it looks like a fairground attraction now, can anyone lend me a 12 bore for some target practice ? I may win a coconut if I hit one. :)
Wouldn't it be nice if your birds make your neighbors finally decide to move 😜😉 I say feed them all you want 😊. The birds aren't going to stop eating. Birds can fly and I doubt if all your neighbors contraptions will phase them in the least.😉🤗


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
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Bad neighbors can make life tedious.

Are there any kind of "authorities" you could enlist, who can talk with them and dissuade them from trying to kill and scare away the wild critters? Or who can at least point out the illegalities of their actions - and maybe put the fear of penalties into them. On one hand the neighbors will react like its an escalation, but there's always the hope that they would take a hint from a "real" person/group/company.

Don't give up your ancestral home without taking a stand.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Good afternoon evening all.
Latest anti bird news - The foil strips the neighbours put up didn't deter the birds at all and ended up wrapped around their own poles or tangled in my tree with the birds sat next to them, so now they have added 4 windmills with additional foil strips every couple of feet. It's blinking noisy out there with them all fluttering and I hope this won't scare the birds away. I'm certainly not going to stop feeding them when they have hungry babies to feed. I'm sure that request will come soon enough though.
I don't know why they are making such a fuss this now, I've been feeding them for years - it probably is more about having a go at me than the birds.

As it looks like a fairground attraction now, can anyone lend me a 12 bore for some target practice ? I may win a coconut if I hit one. :)
How about I ship you a AR-15

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
I think they w
Bad neighbors can make life tedious.

Are there any kind of "authorities" you could enlist, who can talk with them and dissuade them from trying to kill and scare away the wild critters? Or who can at least point out the illegalities of their actions - and maybe put the fear of penalties into them. On one hand the neighbors will react like its an escalation, but there's always the hope that they would take a hint from a "real" person/group/company.

Don't give up your ancestral home without taking a stand.


From what I've read what they are doing isn't illegal. However, their house belongs to a housing association therefore they have a landlord and I could contact them to say that they are deliberately spoiling my enjoyment of my garden with their spiteful actions.
I am hoping they'll get fed up before the birds because they are constantly having to untangle the strips. I watched him repositioning some of his windmills this morning, only to see a bird fly between them as he walked away. 😀


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I think they w

From what I've read what they are doing isn't illegal. However, their house belongs to a housing association therefore they have a landlord and I could contact them to say that they are deliberately spoiling my enjoyment of my garden with their spiteful actions.
I am hoping they'll get fed up before the birds because they are constantly having to untangle the strips. I watched him repositioning some of his windmills this morning, only to see a bird fly between them as he walked away. 😀

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon/morning all,
Not a bad day today but quite cold and blustery which has given me no end of entertainment with the windmills. Every now and then a pair of hands would appear at the top of the fence and the untangling of ribbons would begin. Looks like a pair of glove puppets in the nude! ;)
The funniest bit was when we had a particularly strong gust and 3 of the windmills fell over at the same time!🤣. They have spent a lot of time today trying to right them again but thankfully most of my usual birds still fly through them.
I normally don't like the strong winds but all I can say is Thank You God! Now all I need is a lightning bolt to find all that shiny foil.
I hope you're all having a good Sunday!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Lyn,

I'm sorry you are having trouble with your neighbours I also live on my own and I have had to ask my neighbours in the flat above to be a bit quieter but at least we are polite with each other. Anyway when I was a child and we moved house in Malaysia the neighbour opposite came to visit and let her sons walk all the house and handle everything. Mum had to intervene when they fingered a breakable and the neighbour was irritated. From then on if her son's came to play she would call them back, when my youngest brother had his bike repaired they bought some bikes, when my other brother and I were given bigger bikes theirs were repaired, they even copied our taste in music. When my bike was repaired and the back light was working mother and sons stood on the balcony and you should have seen their faces. Also when a bush fire started nearby her sons were allowed to go and watch it instead of going to play with the neighbours!!!



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Lyn,

I'm sorry you are having trouble with your neighbours I also live on my own and I have had to ask my neighbours in the flat above to be a bit quieter but at least we are polite with each other. Anyway when I was a child and we moved house in Malaysia the neighbour opposite came to visit and let her sons walk all the house and handle everything. Mum had to intervene when they fingered a breakable and the neighbour was irritated. From then on if her son's came to play she would call them back, when my youngest brother had his bike repaired they bought some bikes, when my other brother and I were given bigger bikes theirs were repaired, they even copied our taste in music. When my bike was repaired and the back light was working mother and sons stood on the balcony and you should have seen their faces. Also when a bush fire started nearby her sons were allowed to go and watch it instead of going to play with the neighbours!!!

Yes they needed to have a cassette recorder with Donny and Marie cassettes!

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Lyn,

I'm sorry you are having trouble with your neighbours I also live on my own and I have had to ask my neighbours in the flat above to be a bit quieter but at least we are polite with each other. Anyway when I was a child and we moved house in Malaysia the neighbour opposite came to visit and let her sons walk all the house and handle everything. Mum had to intervene when they fingered a breakable and the neighbour was irritated. From then on if her son's came to play she would call them back, when my youngest brother had his bike repaired they bought some bikes, when my other brother and I were given bigger bikes theirs were repaired, they even copied our taste in music. When my bike was repaired and the back light was working mother and sons stood on the balcony and you should have seen their faces. Also when a bush fire started nearby her sons were allowed to go and watch it instead of going to play with the neighbours!!!

All I can say is wow. I'm sad for your neighbor's children not learning how to behave themselves with others. All that will come back to bite them all in the butt .Also Lynn's neighbors too.

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