identification help

  1. J

    Is this sulcata tortoise?

    Hello everyone, we have found this tortoise in our garden (left there by previous owners who left the country). Could someone please advise what kind of tortoise this is? One friend suggested a sulcata. Also what age it could be? Thank you Jana
  2. T

    What is he?

    Hey everyone, I’m looking for some identification advice. I’m not sure what species my tortoise is. I inherited him and i’m not sure of his backstory. I love him to absolute bits and I just want to know how best to care for him. Everywhere I seemed to look, I could only find the tortoises that...
  3. Kota62

    Found a Tortoise in My Driveway

    Found this little one under my truck yesterday evening. I live in Las Vegas, NV and am pretty sure it’s a desert tortoise but this tortoise is definitely not wild. I would like confirmation on species just so I know how to properly handle it.
  4. LavenderPickles

    Please help identify type of tortoise

    Hi all! I am very excited to be inheriting the family tortoise and in preparation for taking him on I would love your help. He is around 60 years old and my family who initially had him never knew what kind of tortoise he is. I would love to find out so I can research and provide the proper...
  5. A

    Found a tortoise need help identify what tortoise it is

    So a family member was outside there house and a guy was walking around with a tortoise and they took it because they thought it was one of there's, however it turned out it wasn't so know they have this tortoise and they don't know what it is. so i want to know if anyone can help identify what...
  6. K

    need help ID'ing tortoise (written on + holes?)

    first time posting so i dont know if im doing this right, hi! I live in northeast Oklahoma and this little guy walked by my window. I saw this blob of bright red on his shell, so I went to check on him in case it was a wound. it turned out to just be marker. I don't know if he's some kid's...
  7. M

    Tortoise Identification Help - from Instagram

    Hello, I would like to know which tortoise is in this Instagram Reel I saw: Thank you in advance !
  8. J

    Hermann’as or Russian?

    I just got this guy(or girl). It was abandoned at a friend’s house by some people that moved. She knows nothing about it. Because Herman’s and Russians have different enclosures and diets, I want to do what is right. Thanks in advance.
  9. Starlight_kitsune

    Box Turtle Identification

    My partner recently received this little guy from a former coworker who couldn't keep him anymore. We were told that he was a western ornate box turtle / Terappene ornata ornata like our 2 others, but I've had some doubts from the beginning. The longer we have him, the more I'm unsure what kind...
  10. D

    What species so I can build a suitable enclosure.

    Hi guys, yesterday when I finished work my brother spotted a tortoise walking on the road which nearly got run over by a car, I quickly reacted to stop the car luckily the driver stopped. Now I have bought it home with me but have no idea which breed it is. Can you guys please help me identify...
  11. C

    Help identifying a young tortoise

    Hi everyone, last night we were rather randomly gifted a young tortoise who I took on primarily because I was concerned what would happen to it if I hadn't. Lots of experience with unusual pets but none with tortoises specifically, and based in internet pics I'm struggling to figure out exactly...
  12. Tortoise Rescue Brenda

    Positive Identification needed

    Hello everyone, I haven't been on here in quite sometime. Life has been keeping me too busy. The tortoise rescue I work with got in these two lovelies recently. I want to make a positive ID so I can ensure proper care. I think the black and grey is a Hermanns and the Yellow and black one...
  13. Z

    Mother found hatchling please advise/ identify

    Hi all! My mother found a hatchling on our land in West Virginia and was determined to bring it home to Fort worth, Texas and care for it. I have no idea what species it is or how to care for it. I've been doing my best with Google results but I know how hit and miss that method is. Please help...
  14. jorg3beto

    What type of turtle is this?

    Hi, I hope someone here may know. My parents found this turtle in the woods, near a highway by the center part of Mexico. They decided to keep it in and they've had it for some months now. I wanted to help them find the best conditions to keep It healthy, but I just don't know what type of...
  15. S

    Help identifying this plant please

    There's a few of these in the garden at the moment.. had Colin outside for 15 minutes today on the patio as it's warmed up a bit today. I always watch him when he was outside and I noticed he tried to eat one of these- I took it off him but I think he may have gotten a small bit still. Will...
  16. CharSparda

    Species identification

    Hey! It’s me making my 838384 thread But yeah, today a friend of mine found a (turtle?) under his car who was being bothered by some dogs and he took it to his garden. He went to a vet who told him this was a land turtle but I am not quite sure if that’s the case, to me it looks like a water...
  17. P

    Testudo Tortoise Identification Help!!! (Question about diet and eye as well)

    Hello! I recently purchased this testudo tortoise from pet smart! No information on the age, sex, or specific species, besides testudo genus. I’m a new tortoise owner and was wondering if anyone was able to tell what exact species of testudo tortoise this is? I also wondering if anyone could...
  18. S

    Help! Please help me identify my tortoise!

    Good afternoon! I am new to this site and new to owning a tortoise! I bought him at Petsmart 2 days ago. I was told he is a Testudo tortoise, but after doing some research it’s hard to pin point exactly what type of Testudo tortoise he is. They didn’t specify his age or anything to me. I am...
  19. L

    Species Identification

    Hello all! I am currently poised to inherit my grandfather's tortoise and want to ensure that I know his species and proper care before I take him in. I have attached images below. Unfortunately I know very little about his care... all that I know is that the tortoise is, at the very least, 60...
  20. H

    Help identifying tortoise

    Hi everyone- I found this tortoise in my yard. Can you help me identify what species it is? from my online research I think it's a sulcata? its pretty small (8 inches long) so most likely a baby?