sick tortoise

  1. L

    New to Gopher Tortoises, please help

    Hello everyone, I found a very old gopher tortoise in the middle of a dangerous intersection. I brought her home and planned to relocate, but she seems like she just doesn't feel well. Gave her water, strawberries and cukes, and that woke her up, lol. I've had her 8 hours and she hasn't moved...
  2. T


    Tortoise has had a runny nose (clear) for a few days now and has rapidly declined. He is not breathing only through his mouth and I am truing my beat to wipe any fluids from his nose. I have given him specific nose drops I received from the vet last year for the past 2 days. Now he is only...
  3. T

    Sick tortoise, need advice pls <3

    Hi, I need some advice, my tortoise won't generally move much and keeps on pooping (which I have to clean up often). I realise when I start picking it up 30 degrees, it inhales deeply. I gave it some tortoise flue and eye medicine(specificly for sulcata ones). Pls give some advice on what I...
  4. EmW

    Nebulising with f10

    My tortoise, Nelly (who is at least 50/60 years old), is unwell with pneumonia and reduced liver function, which the vet says was likely due to the infection. The vet didn't catch the respiratory infection straight away as she actually went in for something else originally. Before all of this...
  5. EmW

    Keeping my marginated tortoise indoors for the winter

    Firstly, thank you in advance for reading my post, I know it's long! Just a bit of background before I ask my questions. My family has had our marginated girl, Nelly, for about 44 years and she was fully grown when they got her. She was given to my mum when she was a young child so Nelly is...
  6. P

    Is my tortoise beginning to get sick?

    Hi everyone. I went to the vet last week to give my tort an examination and the vet said my tort's poop had germs and protozoa, so they gave me 2 deworming potions to give to the tort every day. Today, a couple of hours ago, I saw a bubble coming from my tort's nose while I was giving him...
  7. pritesh123

    Tortoise fell off and not eating anything

    Hello everyone, I'm new to tortoise form. I'm putting my concern here. My tortoise fell off stairs and he is not eating anything, he sleeps all the time, sometimes he suddenly starts moving. Today I was giving him water but it came out of his nose and mouth. I'm really scared and I don't any...
  8. R

    Over Weight Sulcata

    Hey Everyone, My sulcata just turned 1 and he was super normal and healthy. Then all of a sudden, within like a week or two he got a really fat neck kind of like a double chin, and his bottom seemed fatter. The only difference in his diet was we started giving him Rep-Cal tortoise food, as a...
  9. littletortie

    My juvenile red foot tortoise won't open her right eye. What could this mean? Advice appreciated!

    Hi everyone. I just got this red foot juvenile last week. (see pictures) She seems quite shy (which is understandable since she's in new surroundings) but she won't eat much. She eats about the size of her head. Is that normal? Also, she isn't active. She's only hungry at night it seems...
  10. SJTort

    Help!! (Trouble Breathing?)

    I just got home from a work trip and my little guy looks bad! Right? Open mouth, labored breathing. Eyes look flat. I’ve had that same person watch him previously, but I would love a confirmation of my suspicion that he is sick please.
  11. T

    Sick Sulcata - Needing Help Fast

    Hello, We are new here, but are needing some help with our baby sulcata tortoise who isn't doing well. My boyfriend and I purchased a tortoise, who is named Rocky, in May of this year, and was told that he was 8 weeks old (making him 4 months old now), and he seemed to be doing fine up until...
  12. S

    Help, tortoise keeps making a strange quack noise

    Hello so my 5 month old leopard tortoise keeps making sound throughout the day and at first I thought it might be a bit of an infection but he doesn’t sneez, doesn’t have a reduced appotite or bubbles coming out of noise. He makes a clicking sound when eating and seems to open his mouth wide...
  13. dzzxmm1919

    3yr old leopard tortoise severe intestinal gas/constipation. Please help!

    Hello tortoise lovers. This is my first post about my 3 years old leopard tortoise, Strong. My husband has already posted her basic information on another thread: We took her to a vet immediately when...
  14. R

    Tortoise not eating / freaking out

    Hi everyone, Rowdy the Russian tortoise is about seven years old now. Everything was fine up until a three days ago when I noticed he started ramming the walls and decor in his enclosure. I thought this was odd so I looked closer and he was walking around with his head sucked in his shell. I...
  15. Chicken

    Tortoises Sick

    My yellow footed tortoises has recently been sick. Jerry's (girl tortoise) eyes were filmed shut. I washed it head under warm water and opened one but the other is still shut. Noses are full of snot and she's shaking when she walks. Haven't seen her eat or poop. Garry's (boy tortoise) eyes are...
  16. K

    Has been on antibiotics for 6 days and hasn't pooped in the past 3 day.

    Hey Everyone, Just wondering if anyone had some insight on how RI and antibiotics affect a Greek Tortoise. My little one is about 4 (we think) and has a RI. I took her to the vet and got her checked up and got 10 days of antibiotics. I have been soaking her every morning and feeding her as...
  17. M

    Sick Horsefield Tortoise - Is he hibernating or sick?

    Hello everyone! I have a 2 year old horsefield tortoise named Newton. Over the past three weeks he has completely stopped eating and is sleeping all the time, only waking up if pestered enough (which I don't want to do) but then going straight back to sleep when putting him back down again. Due...
  18. D

    Roughly 4 Month old Sick/Refusing to eat Redfoot!

    Hello, this is my first post but I've been reading this forum religiously for months now. Unfortunately my first post is a very sad one, I purchased 2 baby redfoots which I recieved on Sept. 30, I was told they were roughly 3 months at the time and they weighed in at 68.5 & 63 grams. When I...
  19. K

    Russian tortoise swollen leg

    Hi all, i have a Russian tortoise for about 5 years now and this is the first time something is wrong with her. Today I discovered that her left leg is swollen and has a small red mark. I took her to the vet but he didn’t really know what was wrong. It could have been a bite (she is currently...
  20. A

    4 months still wet nose ?

    He is spike Less than 1 year Old baby Indian star tortoise, he has wet nose since 4 months now. His nose was completely blocked by mucus at the start of this sickness, then I decided to increase the enclosure temperature at 95 to 100°f..... Now his nose is not blocked by mucus but watery...