Adopting any tortoises that need a home in south Florida


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Feb 12, 2022
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There it is, see how defensive it got? Tact is needed for sure. My point is it's a good act to get all the right information out there. But people and situations are case by case. Clearly ganging up on him isn't changing his mind atm but encourgaining small changes might open up to bigger changes. But rather than staying on the issue now it's about character and apparently I'm now on the outside because I'm not siding with anyone.
My point being if you get them to be defensive then they are less willing to listen to the message. I've only used the word "jerk" and you wrote me an essay. Imaging if I used the word "****" or "dickish".

Pretty sure I wasn't writing in spanish either. -troll line, another example on how words would affect the conversation.

Additionally, I think your time is very valuable and I think you are in the right. I'm just suggesting a different approach and praising Evan's intentions, I'm not saying what he's doing is right but I can see he's trying. After all, he tried to find a good place for information by landing on this forumn, he just got defensive. He'll probably see the benefit. Information takes time to digest.

Please don't write me another essay...
Kind of curious where I got butt hurt or what bad stuff I did.


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There it is, see how defensive it got? Tact is needed for sure. My point is it's a good act to get all the right information out there. But people and situations are case by case. Clearly ganging up on him isn't changing his mind atm but encourgaining small changes might open up to bigger changes. But rather than staying on the issue now it's about character and apparently I'm now on the outside because I'm not siding with anyone.
My point being if you get them to be defensive then they are less willing to listen to the message. I've only used the word "jerk" and you wrote me an essay. Imaging if I used the word "****" or "dickish".

Pretty sure I wasn't writing in spanish either. -troll line, another example on how words would affect the conversation.

Additionally, I think your time is very valuable and I think you are in the right. I'm just suggesting a different approach and praising Evan's intentions, I'm not saying what he's doing is right but I can see he's trying. After all, he tried to find a good place for information by landing on this forumn, he just got defensive. He'll probably see the benefit. Information takes time to digest.

Please don't write me another essay...
Sounds like you are trying to cause an argument more than helping the OP.
Before this thread gets closed, let's stay on the topic of the OP's original post.
Luckily we are all different and have our own ways. If you want to smooth talk this or any OP go for it, others will do it their way.


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
Sounds like you are trying to cause an argument more than helping the OP.
Before this thread gets closed, let's stay on the topic of the OP's original post.
Luckily we are all different and have our own ways. If you want to smooth talk this or any OP go for it, others will do it their way.
All I said was people gave good advice, Evan has good intentions. One step at a time. It lead to this. If that causes an argument, I think people need to look within themselves.

Look at Evan's posts, he originally tried to take in more tortoises as a rescue. That was the original post, then through the chat, he's convinced that he shouldn't. Already a win, he learned right there. Progress for sure.
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. But rather than staying on the issue now it's about character and apparently I'm now on the outside because I'm not siding with anyone.

said as though being on the outside is a bad thing

it's much freer when you don't allow the limitations of others to limit you.


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
said as though being on the outside is a bad thing

it's much freer when you don't allow the limitations of others to limit you.
I agree, it's not, just expressing it's odd to me that I'm placed on a side. I was thinking we are more like a collective with a common interest but that's just wishful thinking.
Just got reminded about the handful times where I've mentioned TF to people and their response was "it's not a friendly place".
Regardless, it's a great place for information.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I completely respect where you’re coming from Ryan! I myself was upset on how some of this thread came across, I do myself aim to be as diplomatic as possible with my responses, I think Evan probably does have good intentions here.

However, all that said, I’m still a very new member in comparison to the long standing members you see here, they’ve had these kind of interactions for years now, over and over, sometimes no matter how softly they approach, people don’t want to listen, you and I can both only imagine how frustrating and how much that could wear someone down over time, especially when they’ve been around long enough to witness the devastating consequences it causes. I think sometimes more tact is perhaps needed, but you’ll see firsthand sometimes how even both approaches simply do not work, I don’t think it’s the worst thing to have different approaches, however I’d never want a new member to ganged up on😞

I don’t think anything particularly awful was said in this thread here, it’s all been factual. But I can understand how it may not read very nicely to potential new members😣

I personally had some very frank responses myself when first starting here, I never took them badly myself but I’d had the privilege to explore the forum for a bit first and get a feel for how the different members write, I don’t think it helps that it can be very hard to read peoples tones on things when it’s just written🫤


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
I completely respect where you’re coming from Ryan! I myself was upset on how some of this thread came across, I do myself aim to be as diplomatic as possible with my responses, I think Evan probably does have good intentions here.

However, all that said, I’m still a very new member in comparison to the long standing members you see here, they’ve had these kind of interactions for years now, over and over, sometimes no matter how softly they approach, people don’t want to listen, you and I can both only imagine how frustrating and how much that could wear someone down over time, especially when they’ve been around long enough to witness the devastating consequences it causes. I think sometimes more tact is perhaps needed, but you’ll see firsthand sometimes how even both approaches simply do not work, I don’t think it’s the worst thing to have different approaches, however I’d never want a new member to ganged up on😞

I don’t think anything particularly awful was said in this thread here, it’s all been factual. But I can understand how it may not read very nicely to potential new members😣

I personally had some very frank responses myself when first starting here, I never took them badly myself but I’d had the privilege to explore the forum for a bit first and get a feel for how the different members write, I don’t think it helps that it can be very hard to read peoples tones on things when it’s just written🫤
I agree, I'm not saying it's wrong. They can threaten people if they'd like. It's just the internet and I'm assuming they are all adults. So no real physical harm anyway. I didn't single out anything or anyone or at least didn't intend to. I've monitored Evan's interactions for the past week and I feel like he's pretty passionate. I was just responding to messages replied to me.
Before it gets too off topic, I can see everyones's good intentions. Let's at least agree on that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I agree, I'm not saying it's wrong. They can threaten people if they'd like. It's just the internet and I'm assuming they are all adults. So no real physical harm anyway. I didn't single out anything or anyone or at least didn't intend to. I've monitored Evan's interactions for the past week and I feel like he's pretty passionate. I was just responding to messages replied to me.
I would never condone any kind of threatening behaviour, I haven’t read any myself here but granted I have just skimmed a lot of the responses.

Hopefully these kind of interactions are a learning curve for everyone here! I think there’s definitely a time and place for certain approaches, it’s just not always easy gauging which I guess😕


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I agree, it's not, just expressing it's odd to me that I'm placed on a side. I was thinking we are more like a collective with a common interest but that's just wishful thinking.
Just got reminded about the handful times where I've mentioned TF to people and their response was "it's not a friendly place".
Regardless, it's a great place for information.
I bet the ones thinking that TFO isn't friendly are the same ones that thought they had everything great and learned they didn't and were too closed minded to learn. That's just to bad for them. The goal is tortoise health and well being not coddling human emotions and hand holding.


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
I bet the ones thinking that TFO isn't friendly are the same ones that thought they had everything great and learned they didn't and were too closed minded to learn. That's just to bad for them. The goal is tortoise health and well being not coddling human emotions and hand holding.
The statement is both insightful and ironically close minded. The paradox we live in.


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Dec 28, 2023
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I think this is one of those agree to disagree situations unfortunately😔

I respect all parties points of view and want to remind ourselves we all share the same goals, to help give tortoises the best care possible and remember we all have common ground in our love for these animals❤️

No matter our opinions on one another’s approach, I hope we can all unite in trying to make this as safe and welcoming a community as possible!🙌


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Feb 12, 2022
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Not sure how you see it closed minded, but whatever!
Hey, just so we are on the same page and it might not mean much to you or others. I do like you guys and the information you guys put out there. I wouldn't know what I know if it weren't for TFO and all of your posts. But it appears we have enough people calling out the wrongs so I'm still going to call out the right things people are doing every now and then doesn't matter how small. In this case, Evan finding the right place and giving up on taking more tortoises. When he sticks around more, he'll probably start improving his husbandry, or not. Idk, but I think he will.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hey, just so we are on the same page and it might not mean much to you or others. I do like you guys and the information you guys put out there. I wouldn't know what I know if it weren't for TFO and all of your posts. But it appears we have enough people calling out the wrongs so I'm still going to call out the right things people are doing every now and then doesn't matter how small.
You raise the valid point of calling out the rights of different new members, even if they don’t seem much, I think that does go a very long way in welcoming someone new to a conversation! Perhaps this thread was indeed lacking that.

I want to say Evan has indeed clearly built a very impressive area to house tortoise, his red foots look beautiful! I can’t knock how smooth the growth is on some of those guys!😍beautiful collection❤️

There are definitely things I think need changing up and hopefully Evan has taken on board despite the potential offence he may have felt😣I’d definitely be removing the sand, I think whilst it looks a nice large area in some of the photos, I’m concerned there are indeed too many tortoise for the space there actually is, and obviously I’d never recommend mixing species.

The intention to rescue is undeniably a wonderful one though! I appreciate what he was trying to achieve with the initial post🥰

It was clear from the beginning to see Evan has a passion for tortoise, which is why me and I’m sure each member included here, would absolutely hate to see him and his tortoise suffer any serious consequences from the husbandry issues we could see, which I guess is why they were homed in on so much, I hope the mix of different responses hasn’t put off him, or any new potential members coming across this thread, from wanting to stick around and learn from one another🙏


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
You raise the valid point of calling out the rights of different new members, even if they don’t seem much, I think that does go a very long way in welcoming someone new to a conversation! Perhaps this thread was indeed lacking that.

I want to say Evan has indeed clearly built a very impressive area to house tortoise, his red foots look beautiful! I can’t knock how smooth the growth is on some of those guys!😍beautiful collection❤️

There are definitely things I think need changing up and hopefully Evan has taken on board despite the potential offence he may have felt😣I’d definitely be removing the sand, I think whilst it looks a nice large area in some of the photos, I’m concerned there are indeed too many tortoise for the space there actually is, and obviously I’d never recommend mixing species.

The intention to rescue is undeniably a wonderful one though! I appreciate what he was trying to achieve with the initial post🥰

It was clear from the beginning to see Evan has a passion for tortoise, which is why me and I’m sure each member included here, would absolutely hate to see him and his tortoise suffer any serious consequences from the husbandry issues we could see, which I guess is why they were homed in on so much, I hope the mix of different responses hasn’t put off him, or any new potential members coming across this thread, from wanting to stick around and learn from one another🙏
All this and Evan turns out to be a tortoise flipper, that'll be a smack to our faces....


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To be clear, is this applicable to all species including adding animals of the same species to a collection or only where mixing species is concerned?

I suspect that the risk of disease introduction is about equal if you are comparing the addition of the same species with the addition of a different species to the same collection. There are some species that are much riskier than others though. Bringing in anything in the Gopherus genus is high risk for Mycoplasma. Wild collected Kinixys appear to be an exceptional risk for TINC. Testudo maybe Mycoplasma and Herpesvirus??? Galapagos and Radiateds are very high risk for TINC as well.

Species have already been mixed by so many people for so long that many diseases have already spread everywhere. Tortoises passing through a distributor/wholesaler/retailer probably multiply this risk with each step. When I see these YouTube guys with crazy tortoise collections or see private zoos trying to collect every species of turtle/tortoise I just shake my head.

Because imo the way this forum warns against mixing species as though its five alarm with only a nod to 'quarantining' when introducing new animals of the same species is a huge mistake. Also, aligning with your point 2, theres little thought placed on whether different species on the same property can be effectively kept isolated from each other outdoors. Boiling it down to don't mix species overly simplifies it almost to the point of uselessness.

Not mixing species is solid advice. I think it would be hard to argue that anything positive comes from it.

There isn't enough focus placed on quarantine and isolation but I understand why. Like I said before, simple isolation/observation based quarantine would need to be at least 1-2 years at a minimum which is not very practical. The alternative is serial testing but test results are not reliable enough. In the case of TINC and probably Crypto, infected animals that are not visibly sick do not shed enough of the pathogen for it to be detected by todays testing methods. I have seen TINC positive animals repeatedly test negative for 17 months and counting. A combination of extended quarantine with serial testing is probably the best you can do today.

To your last point about being able to isolate populations on the same property. My wife and I are making a valiant attempt but I am sure it is in vain. We go to great lengths every day but we can't control the bugs.


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Hey, just so we are on the same page and it might not mean much to you or others. I do like you guys and the information you guys put out there. I wouldn't know what I know if it weren't for TFO and all of your posts. But it appears we have enough people calling out the wrongs so I'm still going to call out the right things people are doing every now and then doesn't matter how small. In this case, Evan finding the right place and giving up on taking more tortoises. When he sticks around more, he'll probably start improving his husbandry, or not. Idk, but I think he will.
You do you, that's why this forum works. We aren't all the same.
I just don't understand why some people have to try and call out those that aren't like them. I see many replies on a picture thread. There are obvious concerns just in the pic alone. Yet, so many make comments about how cute the tortoise is, never saying anything about all the wrongs. That doesn't help the tortoise at all, but no one calls them out on it. Personally, seeing all that's wrong and saying nothing is such a disservice to the animal. Same as if one sees animal neglect or abuse in a store or on CL. Ignoring it makes one seeing it as guilty of the neglect or abuse as the one doing it.
That's not me. I care more about animals than humans.
But any way someone wants to get a point across is great, just don't ignore the obvious and say nothing.
What's also great about this forum, is we can have discussions and move on. Most of us do not hold grudges.


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I suspect that the risk of disease introduction is about equal if you are comparing the addition of the same species with the addition of a different species to the same collection. There are some species that are much riskier than others though. Bringing in anything in the Gopherus genus is high risk for Mycoplasma. Wild collected Kinixys appear to be an exceptional risk for TINC. Testudo maybe Mycoplasma and Herpesvirus??? Galapagos and Radiateds are very high risk for TINC as well.

Species have already been mixed by so many people for so long that many diseases have already spread everywhere. Tortoises passing through a distributor/wholesaler/retailer probably multiply this risk with each step. When I see these YouTube guys with crazy tortoise collections or see private zoos trying to collect every species of turtle/tortoise I just shake my head.

Not mixing species is solid advice. I think it would be hard to argue that anything positive comes from it.

There isn't enough focus placed on quarantine and isolation but I understand why. Like I said before, simple isolation/observation based quarantine would need to be at least 1-2 years at a minimum which is not very practical. The alternative is serial testing but test results are not reliable enough. In the case of TINC and probably Crypto, infected animals that are not visibly sick do not shed enough of the pathogen for it to be detected by todays testing methods. I have seen TINC positive animals repeatedly test negative for 17 months and counting. A combination of extended quarantine with serial testing is probably the best you can do today.

To your last point about being able to isolate populations on the same property. My wife and I are making a valiant attempt but I am sure it is in vain. We go to great lengths every day but we can't control the bugs.
A lot of the reasons quarantine isn't posted about as much, is likely because the new animal is already added by the time anyone here knows about it.


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Feb 12, 2022
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Southern California
You do you, that's why this forum works. We aren't all the same.
I just don't understand why some people have to try and call out those that aren't like them. I see many replies on a picture thread. There are obvious concerns just in the pic alone. Yet, so many make comments about how cute the tortoise is, never saying anything about all the wrongs. That doesn't help the tortoise at all, but no one calls them out on it. Personally, seeing all that's wrong and saying nothing is such a disservice to the animal. Same as if one sees animal neglect or abuse in a store or on CL. Ignoring it makes one seeing it as guilty of the neglect or abuse as the one doing it.
That's not me. I care more about animals than humans.
But any way someone wants to get a point across is great, just don't ignore the obvious and say nothing.
What's also great about this forum, is we can have discussions and move on. Most of us do not hold grudges.
I get that, that's why I wrote what I wrote. Otherwise I'd just chill with popcorn.

I bet if I ask some questions about my tortoise or turtle right now, you guys will still answer it.

I just hate to see people turn away and not stick around and lose out on valuable info.

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