Are my guinea pig and tortoise OK to be outside together for a couple of ours a day


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I think guinea pigs are so cute but they poop so much oh my garsh. Since I like to keep my little Russian as clean as I can for his health, I just don't put him with other animals. And truely I wouldn't want my little guinea to be exposed to a tortoise either. I've exposed Sapphire to other animals in the past but I just don't make it a daily practice even for a short time anymore. Maybe I'm an over protective mommy dearest 🤔
No, you are just doing the right thing like the rest of us.


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I think guinea pigs are so cute but they poop so much oh my garsh. Since I like to keep my little Russian as clean as I can for his health, I just don't put him with other animals. And truely I wouldn't want my little guinea to be exposed to a tortoise either. I've exposed Sapphire to other animals in the past but I just don't make it a daily practice even for a short time anymore. Maybe I'm an over protective mommy dearest 🤔
Redfoots must think guinea pigs are just mini Capybaras.


The Dog Trainer
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Sorry I suffer dyslexia...
I know dyslexics that are able to use caps and punctuation. I am ignorant about the details of dyslexia. I was unaware that it prevented people from using punctuation and grammar. My apologies for my lack of knowledge of your condition.
...because some people are saying not to do this and not to do that
Why do you think some people are saying this to you? Who do you think the people saying these things are? Do you think they have good intentions or ill intentions? Do you think they might have experience that you have not had yet? Or do you think they are just making stuff up to give you a hard time for some reason?


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Nov 4, 2021
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Hi I'm a duchy college student who has passed animal management lvl 1 as well as taking btech animal care lvl 1 and 2 and got a merit at lvl 2 people here have said that I should stop my tortoise and guinea pig socialising however I adopted them from the same owner who has been letting them out together for a while so I decided to keep doing that because they both have not displayed any signs of physical or behavioural stress they haven't even been near each other because the heat and the fact that I don't want to over heat him also this is not a troll to those who think it is they are supervised every time they are out together so let me keep my animals as I want and as far as the animal welfare act 2006 I have not broke a single one of the 5 welfare needs including the need to be housed with or apart from other animals, the need to exhibit natural behaviour and the need to be free from pain injury and disease
Do you have a big garden as my tortoises were in a big house with a big garden before I moved into a flat. They have lived with cats, rabbits and guinea pigs over the years. They will need to be fed separately but if you have a big garden you should have no problems.


PS: They need separate water bowls which will need disinfecting.

Aden and Herbie

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Jul 5, 2022
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Hello from Devon,close to the Cornwall border . I am sure you want your animals to be happy and comfortable, and you know how they react to each other - do they have a large enclosure outside? If so, and if they tolerate each other well, that is a good sign, but I doubt if they actually care if they are together or not. The main problems , it seems to me, are if either of them could pass on an infection, worms, or anything else to each other. Also, would they eat each other's food? And if you gave the guinea pig some medicine, say, the tortoise might eat its poo - as they sometimes do - and be affected badly !
How long has their previous owner put them out together? And was it all day, or just for a short time?
Do they have separate sleeping arrangements?
Don't get upset by questions or criticism - people want to help.
Yes they have separate sleeping quarters they are out a hour or two in a large puppy playpen half net and half shade with constant supervision so if they poo it gets cleaned up as soon as it is seen


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Hmmm, why ask if you aren't going to take the advice anyway? I'm not asking that question to start an argument, I really want to know why someone does this.
Animals that live together in the wild, have the wild to get away from each other. They also usually have their own territory they stick to the majority of the time, at least until they go on the hunt.
We all have wild animals we can't keep out of our tortoise yards, not that some of us haven't tried. But purposely putting them together in such a small area is questionable.

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