Beginning Outdoor Yard Enclosure for Casper


May 3, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East-Central Oklahoma
I am beginning the preparatory phase of the outdoor yard enclosure for my sulcata. Yes I know he really won't need it for couple more years, but I have a teenage son with free time and expensive video games he why not build something with the cheap labor ;)
Luckily for him the front 40 feet are already properly set up. He only has to trench about half the yard instead of all of it. Yes I also know that chances are my Casper won't even attempt to dig out, but I prefer overkill setup to lost and found. 009.JPG This trench will be approximately 1.5 to 2 ft deep with brick barrier and an ornamental fence across this part.
I also plan on planting trumpet vines all along the rest of the fence to fill it in and discourage any thoughts of it not being solid. This area has peach tree in it and planning on a cherry tree also, does anyone know if wither of those would be dangerous for my sulcata? Also planting a southern magnolia adjacent is there any danger?
003.JPG I think he is saying this will not stop him....


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The fruit trees are not good for him to eat the fruit. But the says the leaves can be eating in moderation.
A magnolia is also safe in moderation


The Dog Trainer
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In all my years I've never seen or heard of a sulcata "digging out". If they dig, they just go down at a bout a 40 degree angle. They then use this one tunnel as their burrow.. They don't dig down and then back up.

You will need a visual barrier on that fence. You can use plywood or that corrugated plastic roofing stuff cut to size. A 12" barrier is enough to stop even an adult sulcata.

I vote no on the fruit trees. They will drop fruit into the enclosure and your sulcata will gorge on it. This could kill him. They also attract rodents and birds that you don't want around your tortoise enclosure. Use a fruitless mulberry instead. Great tortoise food, heavy shade in summer, no shade in winter…

They can reach 10" in one year. Well started babies that are raised right can easily weigh 20 pounds at 2 years old. I think you will need this enclosure sooner than you think. :) Even babies will benefit from some limited outside time.


May 3, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East-Central Oklahoma
Great information. That was one of my concerns with the fruit trees. I already had the plywood plan for the fence :) And I am planting vines all along the outside. Yeah my Casper spends the evenings outside with me he loves to walk around the yard after his evening bath. He snacks and bulldozes its so much fun. I have a running commentary going on what hes thinking :) I believe the size change hes growing fast.

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