Big Bertha Doing Great


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Sep 6, 2011
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I'm a little behind on this thread, just read about your dog. Omg, I am so very very sorry. I friend and forum member just lost one of her dogs about a month ago and almost a second one. It is so hard. 15 years, thats a long time, you did good. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you did the right thing by not making him suffer as hard of a decision it is, you thought about him before yourself. Again, so very sorry, I know the pain, all too well. It does get better, it may never go away completely, but you always have the good times to hold onto.


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Jun 24, 2014
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I think that for whatever reason she feels that it's a simple matter.
She has been reluctant to perform some tests that I specifically asked for. And she talks over me regularly when I'm explaining something.
None of that matters now because I'm not going back.
It's not that I think she's a bad vet, but she struck out on this one.
My thought is that like the rest of us she is just guessing.
No hard feelings.
I would still recommend her for warm blooded exotics. They are her primary patients.

She has a show that comes on animal planet. Last season she had a tortoise patient, she worked on it but ultimately she ended up taking it back to the owner (who was a vet themselves) because it needed some special test that she couldn't do. I know your past running test and vet visits but perhaps, as a last ditch effort, you could get a referral to a vet that's better with tortoises, even if ya just sent a detailed timeline to them to review, perhaps they could suggest something. Either way I really hope she pulls out of this for ya.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Thanks, Pearly. To tell you the truth, I'm just numb about it all.
I pick up Chesters remains today after work and I just don't seem to care as much about anything right now.
What's the latest with Bertha ed. Got through customs with no problems.


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Bertha sat out in the rain all day.
I soaked her and placed her in her house with some food but she walked over the food and was sitting in the open again this morning.
I'll try mango this weekend. It worked once before and the rest of the gang will like the treat also.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 15, 2014
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I am so sorry that Chester got sick. Your time with him doesn't compare with your short time looking after Bertha.
I took it hard last year when my 1st & only dog that I ever had died. It was 3 weeks of decline, with a diagnosis of COPD.
Ended up having a blood disorder. We made arrangements for the vet to come to out house to put him to sleep.
That same night he had a medical emergency & we rushed him to the vets office at 12:30 am & the vet met us there.
He didnt even charge me for after hours or emergency, just for the shot.
We had Buster cremated too. (never done that before, but glad I did)
I am sure after that my husband was concerned. I created a Buster photo album, and found a spot to add some of
his best pics. (he was quite photogenic ! )
I gave our other dog Coco more attention since during Buster's illness she had to play second fiddle to his care. She was always
understanding of that & she is now our only dog.
My husband wanted to make me happy again & get another beagle. I told him no, and still feel the same way, as
it wouldn't be fair to the next dog.
They make such a great impression on our lives & make us better people for that.
It takes time & there will always be that fondness in our hearts. Take care.


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Aunt Caffy

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May 21, 2014
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I am so sorry that Chester got sick. Your time with him doesn't compare with your short time looking after Bertha.
I took it hard last year when my 1st & only dog that I ever had died. It was 3 weeks of decline, with a diagnosis of COPD.
Ended up having a blood disorder. We made arrangements for the vet to come to out house to put him to sleep.
That same night he had a medical emergency & we rushed him to the vets office at 12:30 am & the vet met us there.
He didnt even charge me for after hours or emergency, just for the shot.
We had Buster cremated too. (never done that before, but glad I did)
I am sure after that my husband was concerned. I created a Buster photo album, and found a spot to add some of
his best pics. (he was quite photogenic ! )
I gave our other dog Coco more attention since during Buster's illness she had to play second fiddle to his care. She was always
understanding of that & she is now our only dog.
My husband wanted to make me happy again & get another beagle. I told him no, and still feel the same way, as
it wouldn't be fair to the next dog.
They make such a great impression on our lives & make us better people for that.
It takes time & there will always be that fondness in our hearts. Take care.
Great picture. You had a beautiful baby. Hold onto those memories.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Sitting. Looking out of her house.
No food. No water consumed.
The same.
What a blooming shame! She won't even drink if the water is under her nose?
Does she move at all, Ed?
Come on Bertha help yourself!!!!


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I'm adding new sleeping quarters to my largest pen tomorrow.
It's going to mount on the outside of the pen and they can enter through a hold I'll cut in the wall. Then I can remove a doghouse from the inside, giving them more square footage and a double sized new sleep house with a cooling fan.
During this renovation I'll place Bertha out in the main yard and see if she wants to explore.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I'm adding new sleeping quarters to my largest pen tomorrow.
It's going to mount on the outside of the pen and they can enter through a hold I'll cut in the wall. Then I can remove a doghouse from the inside, giving them more square footage and a double sized new sleep house with a cooling fan.
During this renovation I'll place Bertha out in the main yard and see if she wants to explore.
Sounds great for them.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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When I soak her I ad more and more water. She just raises her head higher and higher.
She will not drink.
She used to plunge her whole head in and gulp.
Its so strange and so sad - it's as if her survival instinct has gone.
I know you said she's on her own now but can you squirt some water in?
or are you just letting nature take it's course completely