Can anyone help?

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Jul 4, 2010
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Sorry to be posting so much but you guys and gals seem to know alot. Well I have been using the tortoise pen now for a few days. My little one just over 6 inches) has been chasing my male around (he is about 9 inches) for the last couple of days. Ramming him with it's head and kicking him out of all the hides. I went to check on them tonight and the big one seemed to sound like he was hissing when I picked him up. Then it sounded like wheezing but it stopped when I set him back down. Could he of gotten a uri from going in and out of the house (I have been bring them in at night) Could it be from stress that he is making these noises at me? Should I separate the pen so they each have there own space? I am so confused they got along fine inside and it was smaller space?
Thanks :shy:


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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It is hard to say, but he just sounds like someone who was tired of being bullied, hissing is usually not a sign of a RI a runny nose and open mouth breathing is usually a sign . Hissing it what they do when startled or angry. Sp,eti,es tprtposes will just turn into jerks and start bullying one and another if this keeps up you should seperate them, remember most turtle and tortoise species do fine all by themseves they don't need a partner or friend.


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I have found that as long as they aren't hurting each other (biting) they usually can work it out in a few days. If it continues, or one is getting hurt, you should separate them. Does your enclosure have a lot of "furniture" to help block their views of each other?


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kimber_lee_314 said:
I have found that as long as they aren't hurting each other (biting) they usually can work it out in a few days. If it continues, or one is getting hurt, you should separate them. Does your enclosure have a lot of "furniture" to help block their views of each other?

I have two hides in there and Hosta's I posted some pics on Monday. I have been tweaking the pen. I just don't understand why now when they have a bigger enclosure and being outside. I can't tell for sure if the little one is a male but after looking at some pics tonight of smaller ones I am wondering if Miska is a male. But he or she seems so little to be bullying the bigger one.


Maggie Cummings

You should have many sight barriers and places for the one to get away from the bully. Several hides, many pieces of wood, plants, rocks, mounds... all different stuff so the one being bullied can get away. If it continues he will stop eating. Or at least that's what generally happens. There's also mental bullying that goes on too, so you need to make sure the one is eating and having an alright life...after they get used to the bigger pen it might settle down, but it sounds to me like the bully is claiming dominance for the new pen. He wants the pen for his, he IS the boss...I'm just saying...


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Nov 19, 2008
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I'm sorry - I haven't kept up with your other posts so I didn't know this was a new enclosure. Fighting is very common in a new enclosure. Once, I moved four male box turtles into a new roomier enclosure and they broke into some major fights (they had never fought before.) In a day or two they settled down and are fine now. Hope that helps!


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Jul 4, 2010
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kimber_lee_314 said:
I'm sorry - I haven't kept up with your other posts so I didn't know this was a new enclosure. Fighting is very common in a new enclosure. Once, I moved four male box turtles into a new roomier enclosure and they broke into some major fights (they had never fought before.) In a day or two they settled down and are fine now. Hope that helps!

THANK YOU! I will use all the advice. I did put in more hides abd deco so it looks like a maze :) Thanks again and I will let you know how it turnes out.

Stephanie Logan

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Why can't we all just get along?

May be time for the strap. Or the time out chair.
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