
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I was just thinking about that today (dog treats). Misty and I eat lunch at the same time. She finishes before me, and I usually don't quite finish all mine, so I generally set the plate on the floor for her. I noticed last night, as she was laying on her back with her feet in the air, that she has quite a soft-looking belly on her. So I thought I'd do a search on chewy . com and see if they sell any low calorie doggy treats and quit sharing my lunch with her.
Good idea. Although if she is not getting fat and or not having health issues I can't see why a little every now and then would be bad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I knocked off another yard inspection today and the people came this afternoon and took home a very nice male desert tortoise. That leaves me with one 65 pound male sulcata, one juvenile-almost-adult m? f? desert tortoise and 6 yearling desert tortoises. I also have three hatchlings, but I don't adopt them out until they're a year old. I was worried I was going to have to hibernate all those desert tortoises - at one time, not too long ago, I had about 20 of them!

Nothing new on the road widening in front of my house. Still wrangling over where they want to put my driveway. So far they're still in the engineering/right-of-way stage. Next comes the $$$ stage. Once I get the finalized copy of where the boundary/property line is, I'll have a fence company come and estimate how much to build a new fence at the new property line, an estimate on how much to make a new driveway (decomposed granite, gravel, etc or maybe even cement), what my full size trees that they tear down are worth, what my full size, mature cacti are worth. . . I wonder if I can add onto all that pain and suffering of the property owner. Hm-m-m-m
Sjoe you have your work cut out for you.
It must be quite hectic to have to hibernate so many tortoises at once. At least though you have less work while they are hibernating.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Depression for some reason
Hmmm. What would be the reason to be depressed?

Do You think that you are no longer needed? Don't feel like that. The way I see it, retirement is your reward for all the hard work and effort you gave for so many years. Retirement is the time that YOU get to have me time. It is the time that you get to say what you want to do without having a boss order you around. It is the time that you get to relax. If for instance at 11am in the morning you want to just go for a drive down the coast or you want to go on a little holiday in the middle of the week because the rates are cheaper then you can do it without having to worry about getting permission to do it.
Lets not forget about the pensioner discounts that you get etc. I think you just need to wrap your head around the fact that you are now free and can do whatever it is you want without feeling guilty about it.
I say enjoy every moment. And if you feel like you need to work then create your own work. Offer your services out and work for yourself that way you can still work according to your own time schedule.

Enjoy it. And relax and don't feel guilty and or depressed about it. It is a wonderful and you deserve it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Look, It's me!!
I'm beyond catching up on what's going on lately, maybe I can request a summary from you guys?
We are still trying to get things done, just put new flooring in the living room and dining room. We still have the kitchen to do but we have to wait for the flooring to be delivered next week (the store didn't have enough in stock)
My house is a jumbled mess from everything getting moved around so it's out of the way and us going through stuff (my husband has WAY to many tools and gadgets)
On top of everything I have been discussing a possible commission piece with a lady. Right now we are still discussing size and intricacies of the possible piece but it's sounding like a very large project. So probably the last one that I'll complete before we move.
Hmmm, renovations are never easy, and you seem to be having them the whole time that I have known you. Good luck on the commissioned piece. If you are allowed to please share with us the finished product. I love seeing your work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Thank you, honestly still feels pretty surreal right now. Murphy is my only Tortoise. I've got 5 Slider Turtles too. I've seriously been thinking about a Sulcata lately though. I live on an acre and a half so I've got the room. Just a thought still though.
Thoughts often turn into reality.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
What they do is say, "We'll give you xx amount of $$$ (for all the stuff I listed in my post) plus for the property we're taking." Then I come back and say, "No way, Jose. It's going to cost me xx amount of $$ to replace, etc. etc." Then they give me another Quote. . . and back and forth.

Because they're cutting off the hill in front of my property they will be putting up a retaining wall, but I'm responsible for doing the fence and the other stuff I mentioned. That's why I need estimates, to be sure I get enough $$ from them.
Good Luck, Definitely sounds like you need it.