Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hi all

My body clock is all over the place as you would expect. It’s been difficult to focus today.

We have caught up with the laundry and are mostly organised in the house now.

Daughter was due to fly to Japan tonight for a holiday. She was perfectly happy to go despite her employer requiring her to work from hime for a fortnight on return. However, the tour company offered to postpone the tour for 12 months for £150 and, with so much closed in Japan, she decided to take them up on it.

Meanwhile, son’s employer has told all staff to work from home and has closed their offices. They’re a design company and set up really well for remote working so it won’t make much difference to him apart from not having to commute to central London every day.

My in-laws have banned us from visiting them even after our planned self distancing is up. I am not upset by this prospect! ? They’re ordering their groceries online and going nowhere. I suspect they’re behind a barricade of toilet rolls ?
That's what's funny here too. All this social distancing is finally giving me a mini-vacation from watching Joe's shenanigans. I have a 12 double roll package of tp so I'm good...received953082852111734903.jpg
This is my favorite meme going around.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hi, gang, hope everyone's well and their torts and turtles are happy and healthy.
Look what turned up in the post yesterday.
View attachment 287858
Thanks, Carol!
The candy cane is rather squished and you can see on the envelope where it's been though the ink of a franking machine or something. Golly.
Talking of late, Merry Christmas everybody and a Happy New Year.
Thanks to all of you who remembered me and sent a Christmas card, much appreciated.
This has all changed, new layout to the forum.
Feels uncomfortable, but I'm sure one would soon get used to it.
Anyway, I'm off out lemming hunting, wifey's practising her sleeping again and Tidgy's very proud having won a small prize as a runner up in an art competition where one had to draw something Megalodon related. Here is her effort.
View attachment 287859
Stay safe and take care all!
Lots of love and hugs,
Hello Adam, my name is Ray. Finally a post from the founder of CDR.
I have a question are you the only one to award points for someone using the word cheese in their post?
I think @YvonneG can but she insists it's only you ?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hi all

My body clock is all over the place as you would expect. It’s been difficult to focus today.

We have caught up with the laundry and are mostly organised in the house now.

Daughter was due to fly to Japan tonight for a holiday. She was perfectly happy to go despite her employer requiring her to work from hime for a fortnight on return. However, the tour company offered to postpone the tour for 12 months for £150 and, with so much closed in Japan, she decided to take them up on it.

Meanwhile, son’s employer has told all staff to work from home and has closed their offices. They’re a design company and set up really well for remote working so it won’t make much difference to him apart from not having to commute to central London every day.

My in-laws have banned us from visiting them even after our planned self distancing is up. I am not upset by this prospect! ? They’re ordering their groceries online and going nowhere. I suspect they’re behind a barricade of toilet rolls ?
Hello hope your trip was good. My wife was going to Japan, S. Korea and Taiwan at the end of the month.
Of course they canceled the trip.
I have self quarantined myself. Hoping this all passes before the end of May. My oldest granddaughter graduates from high school. I wanted to fly to Michigan to be there. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
I am hot pissed! Just had to cancel my San Diego trip (21-28) cause of this hysteria! One plus though wife just found a $3000 bottle of hand sanitizer hidden in the hall closet. Check eBay listing soon! The toilet paper I will be selling on the corner just DM me! Oh well gonna use that week to build my heated night box for my leopard!!!!
Will you sell me half the bottle of sanitizer for 1500 dollars.
I will pay the shipping. ?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hello everyone!

We are back. We landed at London Heathrow at 04:30 this morning and it’s now 13:30 and we are a bit tired. (Understatement)

We have a had a fantastic adventure.

We flew to Singapore on January 22nd and spent 3 nights there coinciding unintentionally with Chinese New Year. Most of China appeared to be there... and coronavirus suddenly became a thing.

Our next stop was Melbourne, Australia, managing to arrive as the bushfire smoke died down, where we watched the Australian Open tennis and explored the city a little.

Them we flew to Auckland picked up a hire car and spent the next 5 weeks touring New Zealand and staying in motels.

Our route:
View attachment 287911

While there coronavirus led to our planes home being cancelled and changed.

Our planned next move to Sydney, Australia was fine but the following 2 nights in Hong Kong became 2 nights on the Australian island of Tasmania (which looks small but is actually the size of England!)

And then we spent 24 hours in the air over 2 days flying Tasmania to Sydney, Sydney to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to London.

And here are some pictures of our tour.
View attachment 287912
View attachment 287913
View attachment 287914
View attachment 287915
Right now we are both a bit jetlagged and our brains are nit in gear. I’ll be back when I can think straight!

Hope you are all OK :) x
Looked like a great vacation.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Just back from HomeDepot, no crowds! Everyone must be in line at Sams or WalMart! We were in the bathroom/kitchen area where I spotted large rolls of “shower pan” liner for sale....& I thought wow, this stuff is perfect for tortoise enclosure linings. At 40 mil thick, much thicker & durable than shower curtains or tarps, & cheaper than other products. Easy to cut, fold and tack up along the sides.

Here’s the product name...

View attachment 288031
I have used it many times for showers. Is it on sale?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
I’m seeing on TWITTER per DOD insiders......that USA might soon impose a one week quarantine on EVERYTHING!

Trump is expected to make an emergency declaration and invoke authorities under the Stafford Act to respond to the Coronavirus later this afternoon, we are told. Details of the declaration were under discussion as of this morning.

➡➡ The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) is a United States federal law designed to bring an orderly and systemic means of federal natural disaster assistance for state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to aid citizens.
Invoking the act is one thing. Carrying out the act to aid citizens is another.
Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Good morning everyone. Had a bad day yesterday. Couldn't do anything but stay in bed. Thanks to Rose Opo was taken care of.
We get the shed delivered tomorrow morning. I will have to stake out the area it needs to be placed. 10 feet from back property line and 5 feet from the septic field. Got to get it right for the inspector ?


Well-Known Member
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May 29, 2014
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Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Good morning everyone. Had a bad day yesterday. Couldn't do anything but stay in bed. Thanks to Rose Opo was taken care of.
We get the shed delivered tomorrow morning. I will have to stake out the area it needs to be placed. 10 feet from back property line and 5 feet from the septic field. Got to get it right for the inspector ?

Good luck. Is it being built/assembled in your garden or comes fully done & just moved to your yard?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good morning everyone. Had a bad day yesterday. Couldn't do anything but stay in bed. Thanks to Rose Opo was taken care of.
We get the shed delivered tomorrow morning. I will have to stake out the area it needs to be placed. 10 feet from back property line and 5 feet from the septic field. Got to get it right for the inspector ?
Oh dear. I hope you are feeling better today


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Basically I am a loner...I venture out only to get supplies and go home...I went to town yesterday for cat litter, bird seed and bread...When I got to my local store...I was stunned, shocked and mad...There was so much tension was in the air, shopping carts were full to overflowing, shelves were empty. I expected some empty shelves, but not to the extent they bread, no cat litter, a fist fight in the meat department between 2 women over a $46 Tri Tip that was $20 last week...This real fight in front of their kids...neither one was very good so no one was hurt...
I've been making jokes about hoarding t-paper...but I'm thinkin now that it's because the powers that be are asking for a 2 or 3 week stay home quarantine...with lots of places closed. USU is closed, fast food closed...schools closed, where are the kids who get breakfast and lunch at school gonna eat...? the Senior Center is closed...where are the seniors who depend on the senior center for food gonna eat? I don't mind staying home, that's fine with me...but those same people with full carts complained about OTHERS HOARDING...frankly...I had a sort of a melt down in the produce lettuces, no pkgs of Spring freakin potatoes. No berries for my box turtles...I was talking to the produce manager (a friend) and ended up on a kinda loud rant...I was scared and mad...but I used the f word a lot combined with mother*****, stupid mf'ers...and so on...I was escorted to my car, which was rather embarrassing...and...on my way home shaking and afraid I realized that the virus was not what I was afraid was the panicked people who looked like normal people...and I thought ...if they are panicking...maybe I am not taking this seriously enough...
My son who I stopped speaking to last year showed up at my door with my granddaughter...who I also hadn't seen, and my DIL who was carrying, t-paper (lol) coffee, Mt Dew ...shampoo, conditioner, and tincture made for neurological pain. Ya can't beat that...
My church closed, sermon will be on-line only, no bible study...the the very worst and horrible NASCAR.... There are 10 confirmed cases at the Veterans Home abt 30 miles from here, and now 1 death..

If there are any Oregonians here that need me...I am available to help...541-231-1366... call and I will be there...I pray for us and I sure hope all my friends here stay safe..
And here is something to take your mind off the virus...377.JPG376.JPG to take your mind off the virus...
Last edited:

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
That was very considerate of Jason and Dawn to bring you those things.

Well, it's a grey, overcast day here. Supposed to be getting a big rain storm for most of this week. I made a nice fire in the wood stove, and I'm going to go into the (library) reptile room and box up some more books. I've lived in this house for about 26 years, and there have been maybe 10 hours of feet walking in that room on the carpet, so that carpet is in very good, almost brand new, condition. Well, don't ya just know it? I spilled a couple drops of yucky tortoise poop water as I was carrying the waterer out to clean it out. So now my brand new carpet has several black spots and if I wash them it washes the protective coating away, which means instead of several black spots I will have a larger spot that gets blacker every time it's walked on. So this a.m. I ordered a clear vinyl hallway runner to put in there in front of the Vision Cages. I only have 2 two shelf book cases and two 5 shelf book cases left to box up. Yesterday I took five book cases to the Good Will store. I tried to give them away on Next Door and had several phone calls, but no one came and got them.

Well, gotta' go see what Misty's barking at. . .


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
That was very considerate of Jason and Dawn to bring you those things.

Well, it's a grey, overcast day here. Supposed to be getting a big rain storm for most of this week. I made a nice fire in the wood stove, and I'm going to go into the (library) reptile room and box up some more books. I've lived in this house for about 26 years, and there have been maybe 10 hours of feet walking in that room on the carpet, so that carpet is in very good, almost brand new, condition. Well, don't ya just know it? I spilled a couple drops of yucky tortoise poop water as I was carrying the waterer out to clean it out. So now my brand new carpet has several black spots and if I wash them it washes the protective coating away, which means instead of several black spots I will have a larger spot that gets blacker every time it's walked on. So this a.m. I ordered a clear vinyl hallway runner to put in there in front of the Vision Cages. I only have 2 two shelf book cases and two 5 shelf book cases left to box up. Yesterday I took five book cases to the Good Will store. I tried to give them away on Next Door and had several phone calls, but no one came and got them.

Well, gotta' go see what Misty's barking at. . .

I think you are wrong about that many times did I sleep on the couch in there? I walked a lot on that carpet I even brought Maks a few times didn't I...and Robin slept there. Actually what I was going to say is...when I moved here 15 yrs ago if you remember, I wasn't going to have reptiles in the 3 bedroom 2 bath house...just me and a buncha animals....light grey almost white I made a rule to myself no shoes in the house...i had outside shoes in the mud room, company had to take off their shoes...I know you must remember my "it's not a reptile room room",that's what you called 15 years later... cruddy reptile water, dropped tortoise poop, lots cat hairballs, and tracked mud during the 7 months of rain...both rooms carpets are dreadful...both rooms are full of reptiles and house plants...and I simply gave up and got rid of that stress. hahahaha and lol...

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Adam, my name is Ray. Finally a post from the founder of CDR.
I have a question are you the only one to award points for someone using the word cheese in their post?
I think @YvonneG can but she insists it's only you ? garsh Hahahahaha?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Basically I am a loner...I venture out only to get supplies and go home...I went to town yesterday for cat litter, bird seed and bread...When I got to my local store...I was stunned, shocked and mad...There was so much tension was in the air, shopping carts were full to overflowing, shelves were empty. I expected some empty shelves, but not to the extent they bread, no cat litter, a fist fight in the meat department between 2 women over a $46 Tri Tip that was $20 last week...This real fight in front of their kids...neither one was very good so no one was hurt...
I've been making jokes about hoarding t-paper...but I'm thinkin now that it's because the powers that be are asking for a 2 or 3 week stay home quarantine...with lots of places closed. USU is closed, fast food closed...schools closed, where are the kids who get breakfast and lunch at school gonna eat...? the Senior Center is closed...where are the seniors who depend on the senior center for food gonna eat? I don't mind staying home, that's fine with me...but those same people with full carts complained about OTHERS HOARDING...frankly...I had a sort of a melt down in the produce lettuces, no pkgs of Spring freakin potatoes. No berries for my box turtles...I was talking to the produce manager (a friend) and ended up on a kinda loud rant...I was scared and mad...but I used the f word a lot combined with mother*****, stupid mf'ers...and so on...I was escorted to my car, which was rather embarrassing...and...on my way home shaking and afraid I realized that the virus was not what I was afraid was the panicked people who looked like normal people...and I thought ...if they are panicking...maybe I am not taking this seriously enough...
My son who I stopped speaking to last year showed up at my door with my granddaughter...who I also hadn't seen, and my DIL who was carrying, t-paper (lol) coffee, Mt Dew ...shampoo, conditioner, and tincture made for neurological pain. Ya can't beat that...
My church closed, sermon will be on-line only, no bible study...the the very worst and horrible NASCAR.... There are 10 confirmed cases at the Veterans Home abt 30 miles from here, and now 1 death..

If there are any Oregonians here that need me...I am available to help...541-231-1366... call and I will be there...I pray for us and I sure hope all my friends here stay safe..
And here is something to take your mind off the virus...View attachment 288116View attachment 288117 to take your mind off the virus...
Love u Maggie...thaanks...