Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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:mad::mad::mad: I hope the person stopped.
Yes he did, had to really with me sliding off his bonnet and ending up in front of his car.
The police issued him with a driving without due care and attention order on the spot and he admitted he just didn't see me.
He was rushing to get through a gap in the traffic, cut across the junction and was on the wrong side of the road.
I have all the details now for his insurance.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Oh Lyn,

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I really hope it gets better soon.
Thanks Carol - I'll get there eventually, but think I may have to use the tortoise sanctuary for Lola for a while.
I have been on touch with them and he could have his own heated enclosure with uvb for £30 and week which isn't bad.
It will just be so hard to part with him even for a short time but it's not fair to have him in the cramped conditions he's in at the moment when he is used to having his own room. I'm sure he'd have a lovely time and I'd know he would be warm and secure. Can't help worrying about him picking up disease or not eating properly though.
Who'd have thought that this stray tortoise that came into my life almost 5 years ago would come to mean so much to me.
Last edited:


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Yes he did, had to really with me sliding off his bonnet and ending up in front of his car.
The police issued him with a driving without due care and attention order on the spot and he admitted he just didn't see me.
He was rushing to get through a gap in the traffic, cut across the junction and was on the wrong side of the road.
I have all the details now for his insurance.
Good to hear that. Not the accident but the driver didn't run.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Well now that you mention that . Come to find out. I stopped for a rest and when I dismounted the horse with no name. I could hear a distress coming from the horse with no name. I couldn't see what was wrong. Being dark and no jellyfish. I went over to the horse with no name and found my prosthetic was coming off the horse with no name. I removed my prosthetic and felt that the horse with no name was growing a new leg. ( I guess horses here in the CDR grow limbs like lizards grow tails). Anyways I found myself in a perdicament. The prosthesis wont fit the horse with no name. So I will have to stay where I was until the horse with no names leg fully grew. This might have taken 2 hrs or 2 days. You never know being tired and delusional in a hot, dark, desert in the rain. (I think it was rain it had a smell to it). Being delusional in the dark kinda reminds me of my younger days eating sugar cubes. ( different story different time)
Anyways I could tell the horse with no name and I were getting hungry. So not being able to see without jellyfish. I used my survival skills I learned in the Prussian war and got on my hands and knee. If you noticed I said knee not knees. I felt around with my nose to the ground and came across some clumps that were small piles. I smelled them. The smell kinda reminded me of Opo's soaking water. (at this time I had forgotten my sullies name, but with the smell I remember).
Anyways my thumb is tired because I only have one and I am on my smartphone.
To be continued.
Looking forward to the next instalment!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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You've been on my mind all day. I'm hoping that everything is working out better for you and your baby Lola. Trying to send you a ton of strength and healing.
Thanks again Cathie, I'm coping OK with the walking frame, crutches and strategically placed chairs to kneel on when I'm in the kitchen.
It's a pain when I've hopped into another room only to find I've left something behind and have to hop back.
I have some knee pads I've worn when I've gone caving with the kids in school, so they've helped take the pressure off my knees.
I look like I'm off skateboarding though - if only.........!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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I deleted the first video because I didn’t like it and didn’t want two on YouTube. So the first link won’t work for those of you that haven’t seen it.
Here’s the updated one.

Oh wow that's beautiful! It will be so relaxing to sit out there and watch the turtles and fish.
I'm very jealous!

Lyn W

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10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Evening all.
It's almost 1 a.m. Monday morning here but can't sleep so thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is.
I had a few visitors today so not had as much time as I thought I'd have.
Hope Sunday has been a good day for you and that those suffering with bad health at the moment are feeling better.
I'll just wish you all a Happy Monday and because I'm off work (every cloud has a silver lining ;)) I should be here sometime tomorrow.
So Nos Da for now and take care.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Thanks again Cathie, I'm coping OK with the walking frame, crutches and strategically placed chairs to kneel on when I'm in the kitchen.
It's a pain when I've hopped into another room only to find I've left something behind and have to hop back.
I have some knee pads I've worn when I've gone caving with the kids in school, so they've helped take the pressure off my knees.
I look like I'm off skateboarding though - if only.........!
I know exactly what you're saying about forgetting even one thing. I used 1 crutch, a walker with a seat, and a crutch inside each doorway. Scooting on 1 foot using heavy furniture to maneuver thru my home etc. Planning each excursion before I even tried. And you are going through worse. You'll be in my prayers until I read you're better.


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Evening all.
It's almost 1 a.m. Monday morning here but can't sleep so thought I'd pop in to see how everyone is.
I had a few visitors today so not had as much time as I thought I'd have.
Hope Sunday has been a good day for you and that those suffering with bad health at the moment are feeling better.
I'll just wish you all a Happy Monday and because I'm off work (every cloud has a silver lining ;)) I should be here sometime tomorrow.
So Nos Da for now and take care.

I sure hope you get some sweet dreams tonight ... eventually! I continue to think about u n Lola and hope for the best for both of y’all. G’night Lyn!


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Thanks again Cathie, I'm coping OK with the walking frame, crutches and strategically placed chairs to kneel on when I'm in the kitchen.
It's a pain when I've hopped into another room only to find I've left something behind and have to hop back.
I have some knee pads I've worn when I've gone caving with the kids in school, so they've helped take the pressure off my knees.
I look like I'm off skateboarding though - if only.........!

You poor thing!!

I hope your compensated for all your pain and suffering!
Don’t feel bad, that’s why we have insurance. Hopefully your insurance co. will fight for the best dollar amount!! Never settle in the first round.


10 Year Member!
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I understand that. This would definitely not be a rescue. Let me think a few days and I will PM you my phone number if its a go. I will tell you how much space I can provide and will get it set up by your guidance. I just have Opo no other pets.
It must be something similar to his current home.
He's an outdoorsman.

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