
Well-Known Member
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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Good evening all, I haven't caught up with your posts yet but I'm very excited because I just found a newt in my kitchen! That's how wet it's been here - even they've had enough of it!:)
It's back out in the garden now and will hopefully be safe.
So to date my wildlife count includes numerous garden birds including a redwing overwintering in the UK, a hedgehog (not seen for a while so he may have moved on), at least 4 frogs and now a newt!
I wish I'd got a better look at it but it was black and about 10 cm long. Great crested newts are black and very rare but it looked smooth so was probably a common newt. I did try to use my wildlife camera to photograph it but I don't think it worked. Will check later and post here if I caught it.
Hope you are all having a good Tuesday.

How cool! I’ve not seen a newt in real life I don’t believe...


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Jun 23, 2018
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Ok. Now a coat on the outside of the cabinet doors. We’re using Total Boat Lust Matte Finish Varnish. Supposedly you can put a coat on every hour or so with minimal to no required sanding between coats.

View attachment 311269

Gorgeous! I hope you will get to take a ship tour and photograph when it’s all installed and finish... I love beautiful wood! Furniture, cabinets, carpentry, u name it.. I am always amazed at how much character you can change with grain, color, cut,etc....

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Wellllll.... Hubby had to go back to work today and I didn’t have anyone at home that could watch Jayden while I brought Jess to Houston for her surgery... Dad can watch him, but he doesn’t do the bath, meds, suppers, and things like that... So the only solution I could come up with was to get a hotel room within walking distance of the hospital .. I can be here with Jess and then walk over and take care of the necessities for them.. ..Poor Dad is very run down from the chemo but he’s here .. said that Jayden is taking care of him! Jess is still in surgery this morning but should be out any minute now. I’ve been face timing them intermittently.. Once I get Jess back and settled in her room, I’ll run over and check on them. ?
Wow I've been thinking of you and yours today. Now I know why.?

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Gorgeous! I hope you will get to take a ship tour and photograph when it’s all installed and finish... I love beautiful wood! Furniture, cabinets, carpentry, u name it.. I am always amazed at how much character you can change with grain, color, cut,etc....
Yes. I can't wait to see it too.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Ship’s Galley Box - update.

Sanding all complete. All sawdust vacuumed. Entire areas tack clothed off. Furnace & fan off so no airborne dust is blown about.

The first coat. Inside of the doors. We sit & watch varnish dry. ?
View attachment 311258
I can't wait to see ?


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Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Good luck to Jess for this surgery too. Hope it all goes as well as possible for her.
It's wonderful that Jayden and your Dad are looking after each other.
Hope you manage to get some rest to keep your strength up too Heather.
Thank you Lyn... it went relatively well. There was some infection that is cause for concern where the plates, nerve grafts, and bone work was done.. so that site was re-opened, irrigated and cleaned well and then re-closed.. they did a lot of closure where the fasciotomy was but some had to be left open and packed. Wound vac was removed...the plan is to send her home on IV antibiotics and home health for daily wound care.. (Tomorrow hopefully) they also did a large graft so now there’s another large dressing on her thigh where they took the graft from..;-(. If we make it at home with no issues, we won’t have to come back for two weeks...

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Good Afternoon All,

I started reading this morning then had to walk upstairs into the office to start the day and consequently forgot to carry on reading. LOL Oh how easily my mind gets distracted............I look up and around and ask: "Ummm what were we talking about again?"

Oh well, It is Tuesday, which means you can choose how you want to spend your day. You can either choose to have a positive day or you can choose to shoot everybody. Personally I think that sometimes you just have to let go and shoot some people, I mean you cannot always be diplomatic, now can you!!! So lets see, what can we post to cheer everybody up with???????

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You chose a duck for heaven's sake.?


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Oct 12, 2018
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No, the birds are used to that sound as it happens in my house almost every week end from February to October, just usually not that loud. Another thing you can do is if they play rock n roll loud and disturbs you, you need to play Patsy Cline or Hank Williams Sr, Garth Brooks, Dolly, really loud that makes'em crazy. I am so glad I don't have to go thru that anymore. I'm sorry you do

so funny you say that....
I have a band on hold called :

“The Neurotic Outsiders”
They have a song called “nasty ho”
And one called “Jerk”.

(Real grunge and Naughty)
All prepared in my CD player (ok... so I didn’t throw it out yet..)
And facing their “Adjoining wall”
If you please and have time in your day...
Endulge me and have a listen for yourself.
I think you’ll agree , it’s right up their alley.


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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
No, the birds are used to that sound as it happens in my house almost every week end from February to October, just usually not that loud. Another thing you can do is if they play rock n roll loud and disturbs you, you need to play Patsy Cline or Hank Williams Sr, Garth Brooks, Dolly, really loud that makes'em crazy. I am so glad I don't have to go thru that anymore. I'm sorry you do

and actually the father is Armenian ??
That’s the kind of music that I hear all the time. AND BASS...(at night from his wii or gamboy or whatever they are called now adays???) ?


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Oct 12, 2018
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Oct 12, 2018
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What a color!!! Do you know what it's called?
Here's mine, blooming like a crazy thing, even tho I turned it, all the blooms are on one side. How about some photos of your sunroom? I love looking at other members plants...Last night I counted to make a point about saucers, I have 64 plants in my house for the winter.
My lefty
View attachment 311237
I don't have any small tortoises in tort tables anymore. So here's what I've done to the tort table in the Mary and Big Sam's shed
View attachment 311239
So I am hoping that the pull of the light will over time, will make the old man cactus straighten up

I think they all look absolutely beautiful!!
What a nice job you did with your plants and they look fantastic!!!!
Although, .... I am not sure “an old man cactus” CAN straighten up anymore!???
That’s why he’s old!!!!


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Oct 12, 2018
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Sunroom half a wreck right now, being used a tool transition room. Tools we use on the deck during the day are brought into the sunroom over night. Once it’s a bit tidy, pix.

Here’s our Monstera & another Monstera Wannabe

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View attachment 311242

you guys!!!!
How do ya do it???
The only plants that look like this in NJ are the ones in the plant stores!!!!
Absolutely stunning!!!


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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Actually the palmate newt is the scarcest in the UK

The GCN is actually pretty common, but protected because it is scarce across the rest of Europe. They are BIG though. You really notice the size

If you do have a photo, even a wonky one, I’ll show it to our resident newt expert. They’re daughter’s second speaciality after dormice :)

ID Guide

If I saw anything that looked like THAT in my kitchen I would have jumped so high I would have STUCK to the ceiling like a cat!!
(In the cartoons)..?


Well-Known Member
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Ok. Now a coat on the outside of the cabinet doors. We’re using Total Boat Lust Matte Finish Varnish. Supposedly you can put a coat on every hour or so with minimal to no required sanding between coats.

View attachment 311269

wow! So beautiful!!
When do we get to go out on this boat you speak of???? ?


Well-Known Member
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
'Protected' that's what I meant to say. I don't think it was big enough for a GCN looking at the pictures I've googled - only the colour matches the description. Sadly I didn't get a picture myself - the folder is empty. I just wish I'd examined him in more detail before releasing him.
Very nice of him to pop in though - I've not seen a newt around here for many years.
Just goes to show how even a small garden like mine can attract wildlife.

How do you know it wasn’t Elvis? Or Maryln Monroe? Or someone reincarnated?
Just stepped in for a spot of tea..?

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