
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Sorry to hear Ray. I'm just happy that you guys have the resources for Rose to go home to be with her mom & Aunt(s)

I woke at 3, Kerry up with me by 3:30 saying "Your sleep habits were supposed to become more like mine, not the other way around." LOL

We are chatting away at 5:30 as she dresses for school when she asks, "weren't you going to put the trash out at the other house this morning?"

Oh crap.....I jumped into dirty clothes and began driving over, a Bald Eagle flew 20 ' over me!! I came over here, got trash out...whew
View attachment 371328

Last night when Kerry got home it was so beautiful out that we decided to take the ebikes out and go check on the sketchy-nervous mom Osprey. She's got babies!! We could hear them in the came out horrible and we can't see the babies yet.
View attachment 371329
Speaking of babies....Kerry got vid of the fawns the other day when they were born. You can clearly see two suckling and possibly a 3rd.....then the next night she heard a scream in the woods. She said it was horrible.

Yesterday when I was at the Nook I saw mama....with 1 fawn. :>(

While I was relaxing after bring over a ton of block, pavers and brick and unloading them, Mama Deer comes breezing through......her fawn stashed in the ferns behind us. We said hi....she's the silent type....but she's cool. The pic is very deceiving....."objects are closer than they appear"
View attachment 371330

Today is "load the truck for the junkyard in the morning" day. Kerry is coming out tonight....I have to call cleaners and another real estate agent....the 1st one seemed dull. I want "dynamic"....LOL

My ex forwarded a Facebook by the wife of my last friend from "back in the day" he was the only one left alive....3 yrs younger than me. If I saw his ghost and asked him "What the F did you do A/H?" He would reply that he F'ed up. I don't know what his issues were that he was unable to overcome....maybe that's why he didn't come to a party a few years ago after Kerry tracked him down. Sure makes me humble that so far, I'm good.
View attachment 371331
I dated Robin once in the 70's and then introduced them. I also him him his job at Chesapeake Sprinkler when he was 19. He passed still working at the same job.

Rodger used to drink and want to fight, I smoked and was generally they never saw it coming! LOL We broke many laws together....fought White guys in Glen Burnie bars, Black guys in Baltimore bars, ran a fencing operation and he is the only person I have ever trusted in my entire 66 yrs not to break inside of an interrogation room, no matter how they lied to him. We were never once arrested or caught. We were tight for 10 yrs but after we both got married, it became obvious to the girls that we couldn't be wasn't safe for raising a family. So we drifted.....My sons football team played his sons team many years later and we chatted but we both knew not to begin with the "war stories"...that was the last time I saw him, 20 yrs ago. I was "nuclear" and he was "war"....neither too great on their own but real bad together. I am sad for my friend.

So today, I'll take my time loading that truck....just thinking.

Sry for the bummer but enjoy the day guys.....& Ray, don't start making plans to get into trouble..... till after Rose leaves!
He sounded like a true friend. I had a friend like that. Lost him about 5 years ago.
Our motto was " if you are willing to accept the consequences, then do it".
Our bar was set pretty low, so we had some real crazy times.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Well we got word last night. That my mother in laws sister passed. So Rose was on the computer last night getting 2 tickets to fly to the Philippines. Rose and Nanay will be leaving Saturday for the Philippines. Looks like it will be Opo and myself watching down the fort.
🤗🙏To your family. I'm sure Rose and Nanay are upset they're families are so close. I'll be thinking of you and Opo too and hoping for all of you.😘

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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Mr Fre will do anything to keep playing ball. Today he was able to bark at the wind while holding a ball in his mouth.😄 I had to tell him to quit talking with his mouth full 😂he was a good boy and trotted right over to me raring and ready to play ball 🏈 🏀 with his tongue hanging out, wagging his tail, and looking at me with puppy dog eyes. G ma ni how's a girl supposed to refuse 🤗


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Sorry to hear Ray. I'm just happy that you guys have the resources for Rose to go home to be with her mom & Aunt(s)

I woke at 3, Kerry up with me by 3:30 saying "Your sleep habits were supposed to become more like mine, not the other way around." LOL

We are chatting away at 5:30 as she dresses for school when she asks, "weren't you going to put the trash out at the other house this morning?"

Oh crap.....I jumped into dirty clothes and began driving over, a Bald Eagle flew 20 ' over me!! I came over here, got trash out...whew
View attachment 371328

Last night when Kerry got home it was so beautiful out that we decided to take the ebikes out and go check on the sketchy-nervous mom Osprey. She's got babies!! We could hear them in the came out horrible and we can't see the babies yet.
View attachment 371329
Speaking of babies....Kerry got vid of the fawns the other day when they were born. You can clearly see two suckling and possibly a 3rd.....then the next night she heard a scream in the woods. She said it was horrible.

Yesterday when I was at the Nook I saw mama....with 1 fawn. :>(

While I was relaxing after bring over a ton of block, pavers and brick and unloading them, Mama Deer comes breezing through......her fawn stashed in the ferns behind us. We said hi....she's the silent type....but she's cool. The pic is very deceiving....."objects are closer than they appear"
View attachment 371330

Today is "load the truck for the junkyard in the morning" day. Kerry is coming out tonight....I have to call cleaners and another real estate agent....the 1st one seemed dull. I want "dynamic"....LOL

My ex forwarded a Facebook by the wife of my last friend from "back in the day" he was the only one left alive....3 yrs younger than me. If I saw his ghost and asked him "What the F did you do A/H?" He would reply that he F'ed up. I don't know what his issues were that he was unable to overcome....maybe that's why he didn't come to a party a few years ago after Kerry tracked him down. Sure makes me humble that so far, I'm good.
View attachment 371331
I dated Robin once in the 70's and then introduced them. I also him him his job at Chesapeake Sprinkler when he was 19. He passed still working at the same job.

Rodger used to drink and want to fight, I smoked and was generally they never saw it coming! LOL We broke many laws together....fought White guys in Glen Burnie bars, Black guys in Baltimore bars, ran a fencing operation and he is the only person I have ever trusted in my entire 66 yrs not to break inside of an interrogation room, no matter how they lied to him. We were never once arrested or caught. We were tight for 10 yrs but after we both got married, it became obvious to the girls that we couldn't be wasn't safe for raising a family. So we drifted.....My sons football team played his sons team many years later and we chatted but we both knew not to begin with the "war stories"...that was the last time I saw him, 20 yrs ago. I was "nuclear" and he was "war"....neither too great on their own but real bad together. I am sad for my friend.

So today, I'll take my time loading that truck....just thinking.

Sry for the bummer but enjoy the day guys.....& Ray, don't start making plans to get into trouble..... till after Rose leaves!
We were going to send Rose's mom to the Philippines in a few weeks. But things have changed, so they both are going. We buy items and pay bills with 1 credit card every month. We pay the credit card off every month. We accumulate points that way. It helps out in these situations. Plus silver bullion is moving up. I won't sell the silver yet but it's nice to see the growth. Just nice to know there is a little nest egg if needed.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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I've thought about using hybrid willows for a sight barrier on my back fence but them being deciduous always made me rethink it. I always put it off trying to find some fast growing drought tolerant hypoallergenic evergreen unicorn.
Try Bay/Laurel their great for fast growing evergreen hedging.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Well we got word last night. That my mother in laws sister passed. So Rose was on the computer last night getting 2 tickets to fly to the Philippines. Rose and Nanay will be leaving Saturday for the Philippines. Looks like it will be Opo and myself watching down the fort.
So sorry for Rose and Nanay's loss. A very sad trip to make.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Sorry to hear Ray. I'm just happy that you guys have the resources for Rose to go home to be with her mom & Aunt(s)

I woke at 3, Kerry up with me by 3:30 saying "Your sleep habits were supposed to become more like mine, not the other way around." LOL

We are chatting away at 5:30 as she dresses for school when she asks, "weren't you going to put the trash out at the other house this morning?"

Oh crap.....I jumped into dirty clothes and began driving over, a Bald Eagle flew 20 ' over me!! I came over here, got trash out...whew
View attachment 371328

Last night when Kerry got home it was so beautiful out that we decided to take the ebikes out and go check on the sketchy-nervous mom Osprey. She's got babies!! We could hear them in the came out horrible and we can't see the babies yet.
View attachment 371329
Speaking of babies....Kerry got vid of the fawns the other day when they were born. You can clearly see two suckling and possibly a 3rd.....then the next night she heard a scream in the woods. She said it was horrible.

Yesterday when I was at the Nook I saw mama....with 1 fawn. :>(

While I was relaxing after bring over a ton of block, pavers and brick and unloading them, Mama Deer comes breezing through......her fawn stashed in the ferns behind us. We said hi....she's the silent type....but she's cool. The pic is very deceiving....."objects are closer than they appear"
View attachment 371330

Today is "load the truck for the junkyard in the morning" day. Kerry is coming out tonight....I have to call cleaners and another real estate agent....the 1st one seemed dull. I want "dynamic"....LOL

My ex forwarded a Facebook by the wife of my last friend from "back in the day" he was the only one left alive....3 yrs younger than me. If I saw his ghost and asked him "What the F did you do A/H?" He would reply that he F'ed up. I don't know what his issues were that he was unable to overcome....maybe that's why he didn't come to a party a few years ago after Kerry tracked him down. Sure makes me humble that so far, I'm good.
View attachment 371331
I dated Robin once in the 70's and then introduced them. I also him him his job at Chesapeake Sprinkler when he was 19. He passed still working at the same job.

Rodger used to drink and want to fight, I smoked and was generally they never saw it coming! LOL We broke many laws together....fought White guys in Glen Burnie bars, Black guys in Baltimore bars, ran a fencing operation and he is the only person I have ever trusted in my entire 66 yrs not to break inside of an interrogation room, no matter how they lied to him. We were never once arrested or caught. We were tight for 10 yrs but after we both got married, it became obvious to the girls that we couldn't be wasn't safe for raising a family. So we drifted.....My sons football team played his sons team many years later and we chatted but we both knew not to begin with the "war stories"...that was the last time I saw him, 20 yrs ago. I was "nuclear" and he was "war"....neither too great on their own but real bad together. I am sad for my friend.

So today, I'll take my time loading that truck....just thinking.

Sry for the bummer but enjoy the day guys.....& Ray, don't start making plans to get into trouble..... till after Rose leaves!
So sorry for your loss too Jeff. When friends the same age as us die it's a trigger for good and bad memories and a stark reminder of our mortality. Take care.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning/afternoon all and Happy 1st June! The start of our meteorological summer. 🌞
It was a lovely sunny morning and Lola was basking for over an hour, but it's turned quite grey with a chilly wind so doesn't feel very summery at the moment.

My hedgehog/s continues to visit every night and last night I'd left my garden door open and he wandered into my kitchen at about 22.30. I thought it was Lola when I heard the pitter patter of tiny feet but then I remembered he was tucked up in his hide. He didn't stay long just popped in and went back to the garden.

All quiet on the western front neighbour wise, I think they are off on holiday next week so there'll be some respite for me.

I hope you're all well and enjoying some good weather.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Will you be able to see the launch of Starliner from Cape Canaveral today Ray?
I hope it all goes well for the space station crew it will be carrying.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Rose and Nanay are on their way home. They never got out of Orlando.🥲
When they get home, I will get on the phone and figure this out. Hopefully we can at least get a flight for Nanay.
Ahhh poor Rose and Nanay. I'll be sending 🤗🙏 that the best happens for them.😊