Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
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Hello Lyn. Hope all is well with you :)

Joe’s Bro has gone freelance, acquired a lovely French girlfriend and they bought a flat together last year (that’s an apartment for our friends overseas :D ) Life is treating him well, but he is in IT which helps with the salary to afford to buy a property!

We celebrated Joe’s Dad’s retirement with lengthy travels in France around the Rugby World Cup (yes, I was supporting Wales of course)

This year’s plans were more modest and two trips got cancelled due to Mum and a third next month depends on whether the gas bubble in my eye has dissipated. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for 4 days in Budapest!

Next year, we’ll undoubtedly visit Joe’s Sis in Philadelphia. We have other plans too, but I’ll let on nearer the time. :)

And at the rescue, we’ve just got over baby bird season and are now hitting peak hedgehog season! I need to steer clear of infection risks to my eye at the moment so I can’t do shifts yet. Hopefully I’ll be cleared for both driving and that at the end of the month 🤞
Yes all good with me thanks Linda. Lola continues to rule the roost. He has finally realised he's a tortoise and has enjoyed lots of time in the garden and even started eating grass - only took him 8 years!

This year I have 3 hedgehogs using my garden which is amazing considering I only have a small garden on a busy street off an even busier road. One of them is nesting in my garden under my crocosmia leaves. I have secured an umbrella over his spot so it's nice and dry. I've bought a Hogilo house for him so hope he'll move into that.
He's had a cough during the day, so I contacted a local hog carer with recordings in case it was lungworm, but it seems to have calmed down now.

I have a couple of trail cameras keeping an eye on them, and footage going back to April. It's lovely to see them but I do worry if one or two of them misses a night.

I'm so pleased Joe'sBro is a
doing well and best wishes to Joe's Dad for a long and healthy retirement too in spite of the family worries and sadness you're going through.

Are you still moderating on the IT forum?

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon/evening all.
It's quite cold here at the moment - down to low 40sF. Some northern parts of the UK have had frost, but I think it is going to be a bit warmer for the weekend.

I don't usually drink, but I'm just having a nice brandy before bed. I woke up about 4 last night and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up about 5. I feel tired tonight but a brandy will help me sleep more soundly 🤞 So it's for medicinal reasons (that's my excuse anyway).;)

I hope you're all having a good Thursday and ready for another weekend. I'm going to climb the apples and pears now and try to sleep all night so nos da and take care.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Maybe knocking off the drinking might make it easier...well, at least till you're re-situated. Lol

Slow day here.."nursing injuries" after seeing Dr Chiro this morning LOL. My BP has been bouncing from normal to high since I listed my home in June. I did a stress test a few years age and was fine but it makes me feel wiped out. I go see the regular Dr in the morning. I figured I should go so Kerry doesn't get that worried look every time I feel run down.

Our bodies change. I have never required daily meds till my inhaler came along 20 yrs ago. We'll see.

She's at her old school borrowing several tables for her yard sale on Sat. We have a lot of stuff!

I told her to add " WHOLESALERS WELCOME" to her signs!
25 years ago was my last drink of alcohol.
I finally realized that everytime I drank I didn't get in trouble.
But everytime I got in trouble I was drinking. 😂

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