diarrhea, propectalin okay?

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New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 15, 2013
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New Orleans, Louisiana
hello again!

Fiona is doing pretty good so far, except for the diarrhea. It just started this morning so i checked another fecal on her and still didn't find any parasites.

She still won't eat her timorthy or alfalfa hay, but she is eating spring mix, dandelion, the grass in enclosure, and her hisbiscus i planted! So she is eating better for sure. I'm guessing this diarrhea is from the change in diet or maybe stress??

i checked in a book at work and it said propectalin would be okay to use, has any one else used this? or is there anything else that would work a bit better?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I wouldn't use any medicine. Just give the right diet, temps, and hydration and let her body adjust. To add fiber you can blend up the hay until its almost a powder or just very fine pieces. Then mince up the greens super fine, wet them, and sprinkle the finely chopped hay on top and mix it all up. In time this should solidify the stools, unless you have some sort of protozoan infestestation or something of that nature.
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