Does anybodys tort do this???

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Feb 24, 2008
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Well long story short, I brought Bowser inside for the night the other night and me and my husband were watching a movie. Then we heard a squeak. We looked around but couldn't find out what it was. It happened two other times, then my husband asked if it was Bowser. I pulled him out of his hide and watched him. Then he did it again. He pulled his head in his shell and made another squeak. He was pushing trying to go poop! I watched him do this for another minute and he did the same thing again.
I remember that soaking a tort will help them go poop, so I set him up with some warm water and put him in it. I went into the other room (he doesn't like me watch him soak). I peeked on him a couple times, and he looked relaxed. His legs were all stretch out, so cute! Then I went back to check on him and there was three huge poopies! (yea, I know, gross) I was so happy that he went. I got him out and put him back in his area, and he went right to bed (I guess he was happy).

He's been going poo everyday, so that is normal. One turd and that is normaly it. But how much he did that night was a lot!!!

What is up with the squeaking? Is that just his way of pushing it out?

Any ideas???



1 Sulcata (Bowser)


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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We would have to "see" what's going on at the time of the squeak. Usually a squeak is because of breathing problems, but without actually seeing it we really don't know.


Greg T

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One of my leopards will do that when I soak her, although she doesn't squeek. She will stretch her neck way out, then pull it in a few times like she's pumping up some pressure, then pow! She will poop during her soaks almost every time. My other leo doesn't do it though, so it may just be something unique to each tort.

I wouldn't worry unless the squeek gets worse or Bowser seems to be having trouble going. :)
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