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Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I know I know, it's a long way off for some of us, HOT SUNNY SUMMER! But I am dreaming of the day I can get Tatum back outside in the warm sunshine. In the mean time, I am looking for ideas of how I can Tag? Mark? something, Tatum so he will show up better in the yard, not blend in so well. I have thought about putting a small orange triangle flag on a stick on this back, but I don't know how to do it with out hurting him. I thought maybe a suction cup:) or one of the 3M products that are out:cool:. Any ideas? I don't want anything permanent and of course nothing that would hurt or hinder him. Something so if I look away for a few seconds, I don't have a heart attack because I can't find him right away as he has moved. He can't get out, but it startles me anyway. I am turning 50 very soon, although a very young 50, I want to keep it that way, hence I don't need the heart pelpatations. Any thoughts or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
OMG!!!!! How fricken cute would that be? An orange flag like a quad in the desert.....so...I have seen folks make a shell sweater for their tortoise....te he so silly but cute as all get out....so I don't know what size your tort is but perhaps you can adhere something to a modified sock or strap on device to the shell?.....hmmmm? :D


Well-Known Member
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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ascott said:
OMG!!!!! How fricken cute would that be? An orange flag like a quad in the desert.....so...I have seen folks make a shell sweater for their tortoise....te he so silly but cute as all get out....so I don't know what size your tort is but perhaps you can adhere something to a modified sock or strap on device to the shell?.....hmmmm? :D

He is only 9 months now, so still small, hence the need of a flag or something. I love the sweater idea, to cute. I will have to search for a picture of that. Strap on, like maybe some Velcro? That would probably work. Maybe I could put the flag in the middle of the Velcro and then strap around him. Hmmmm:D. I also just thought of a blinking lite they have out for dog and cat collars, that might work, ya?
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