Effects of cold water bathing

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5 Year Member
Jul 25, 2013
View attachment 52143i am raising a sulcata and shes almost 2. I do everything to keep her happy and perfect and healthy. I am currently halfway through my schooling to become a environmental scientist so ive done alllll the research i can to find every detail about this critter and my boyfriend is the one who bougt her and he bathes her and refuses to let me. I know how warm the water should be and he seems to think im just making it up and even if i have the info rit in front of his face he will not do anything that makes him wrong. So he wont listen to me. I tried to take her outta the bath before n he grabbed her so i dnt want her to be in the middle of this never ending battle between us. I want him to have to read the facts every single time hes standing there bathing her. Is there any way someone can physically mail me a care and health sheet i would print it myself but i cant seem to find anyone with a darn printer. If thisnis possible send me an email or private mesage with a response thanks so much[/font]
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The Dog Trainer
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How about a response right here?

Sulcatas need to be kept warm. There is no cold season where they are from. My friend from Senegal describes their two "seasons" as hot and hotter. Daily highs are typically in the 90s during the hot season, and 100+ in the hotter season. Mediterranean tortoises benefit from a night time cooling period. During the day, cool temps are the norm in their native ranges sometimes. SULCATAS, however, need to be kept warm day and night. Especially babies. Cold water is not good for them and helps nothing. Just because they can survive something, does not mean it is good for them. Adult sulcatas are known to be able to survive colder temperatures, but they thrive and stay healthier when they are kept warmer and in a way that is more "natural".


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Also, tell him to take a cold shower and see if he likes it. Is it doing him any good to take a cold shower, or would a nice warm shower actually feel much better. If he doesn't listen, throw him to,the curve so he doesn't keep doing bad things for the poor tortoise. He's walking the line of cruelty and other things I'm not allowed to say.


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Beside all that Tom and Barb said, think about this. If you had a child with this man, and he took control over the bathing of your newborn infant and refused to bathe the baby in warm water, what would you do? If you tried to take the baby away from him and he does what he did with you and the sulcata, would you just let him? Of course not. Well, a baby may be different but his behavior won't. Believe me, any man who refuses to listen to reason, and is so pig-headed because he can't be wrong, is a recipe for disaster. Think about what you're getting into. A good indicator of a kind, sympathetic, and loving person can be measured by the way he treats animals especially his pets. Think about that.


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5 Year Member
Jul 25, 2013
If i wanted relationship advice id be on a relationship help forum lol.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Tortoises are cold-blooded animals. Sulcatas un particular are from a very warm environment. Cold temperatures are not good for them or even potentially dangerous.

I'm not sure I understand the dynamics of your situation, but those are the facts.

I generally start my soaks in the mid-90s F and take him out once the temperatures drop to around 80 F; this is about 25-30 minutes in my house.


5 Year Member
May 2, 2012
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Why would he be so controlling over something so small as giving a tort a bath, too stubborn to listen to good advice, & its just kinda common since u use warm water... idk any animal or person who would willingly take a cold bath ...now maybe a splash in a cold pool on a hot day but not a sully :/ hope your bf listens and your tort doesn't get sick

Levi the Leopard

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Oct 1, 2012
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Shesblu, You are becoming an environmental scientist, you are the girlfriend AND co owner of the tortoise... if he doesn't listen to you say "he needs to bathe in warm water" then why do you think he would listen to any of us online advisers?

You've been given some good reasons for why warm water is needed above. I hope their answers helped you.

I also am curious how cold the water is, room temp? refrigerated bottled water? straight tap?
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