First tank set up


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Sep 2, 2020
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(First post) just was wondering if this was a decent first tank set up, and if anyone has any advice on what I need. (I’ve had a tortoise before but he normally just roamed around downstairs.) I’m looking into getting a Russian tortoise and need an indoor enclosure for winter. (I understand a tortoise table would be better but this is the best I can do for now. I currently have a hut, dishes, the bottom is blurred, I have a heat mat, uvb lightbulbs, a little loft that will have a tiny garden, hygrometer, etc.. the tank is currently 4ft by 2ft) still deciding if soil or coco fibre is best so I just threw in reptile mats for now. If anyone has any feedback I’d greatly appreciate it! 75788E3D-2A8D-4FC8-8ABB-8FD230B199F5.jpeg

Golden Greek Tortoise 567

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Dec 30, 2019
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(First post) just was wondering if this was a decent first tank set up, and if anyone has any advice on what I need. (I’ve had a tortoise before but he normally just roamed around downstairs.) I’m looking into getting a Russian tortoise and need an indoor enclosure for winter. (I understand a tortoise table would be better but this is the best I can do for now. I currently have a hut, dishes, the bottom is blurred, I have a heat mat, uvb lightbulbs, a little loft that will have a tiny garden, hygrometer, etc.. the tank is currently 4ft by 2ft) still deciding if soil or coco fibre is best so I just threw in reptile mats for now. If anyone has any feedback I’d greatly appreciate it! View attachment 305135
Those ramped bowls are dangerous, tortoises flip over and drown get a safe, cheap terra cotta saucer. The tort needs actual substrate, I would recommend fine grade orchard bark. Are you planning on getting a hatchling? This is way to small for an adult. What lighting fixtures are you using? Read this care sheet...


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Sep 2, 2020
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Thank you! And yes I know I need different bedding I just didn’t know which is best for a Russian. And I had no idea about the water dishes ? my other one used it no problem.


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Thank you! And yes I know I need different bedding I just didn’t know which is best for a Russian. And I had no idea about the water dishes ? my other one used it no problem.
The aquarium is too small for even a hatchling. There is not enough room to have what is needed, no room for proper temp differences and no room for much needed exercise.
Read the care sheet in the russian section for proper items and care


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Sep 2, 2020
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Thanks! Google said 4ft by 2ft is good for babies but I mean can you really trust google? As as for exercise there will be an outdoor enclosure in the summer and it will have access to the living room during the day during winter but I need something for night time. Definitely looking into care sheets on here.


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Tortoise Hell
Thanks! Google said 4ft by 2ft is good for babies but I mean can you really trust google? As as for exercise there will be an outdoor enclosure in the summer and it will have access to the living room during the day during winter but I need something for night time. Definitely looking into care sheets on here.

Companies pay google to get their content in the front page. Ignore all the previous tortoise knowledge you'll learned and follow the tortoise care sheet from tortoise forum.

The living room floor is not a safe place for tortoises. Outdoor enclosures not only have to be escape-proof but they also must be protected above and below from outside predators.


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Apr 10, 2020
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Generally, 2ft by 4ft is the recommended MINIMUM for baby tortoises. Although, they will probably grow out of it soon, so the bigger the better.


The Dog Trainer
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Thanks! Google said 4ft by 2ft is good for babies but I mean can you really trust google? As as for exercise there will be an outdoor enclosure in the summer and it will have access to the living room during the day during winter but I need something for night time. Definitely looking into care sheets on here.
I think 2x4' is a good size for any baby.

I like coco coir for babies. Use a thick damp layer and hand pack it down. I switch to orchid bark when they get to around 3-4 inches. Soil should never be used under a tortoise.

Those water bowls are not 100% guaranteed to kill every tortoise that has one, but I know of several tortoises that have died in them, and even more that were found upside down in them, but still alive. Sink a terra cotta saucer into the substrate. Much safer that way, and more effective as a water source.

Tortoises should never be roaming the house. It frequently ends in one of many disasters.

All this and more is in that care sheet.