Force feeding??


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Nov 17, 2012
As you guys may have seen in the past on the leopard forum, one of my young pardalis babies has been "up and down" health wise with a URI early on and now that the URI has cleared up has ALOT of trouble opening it's eyes.
Without telling the entire story again it's been at least two weeks since its eaten and despite my baby food soaks, upped temps, and eyes drops its eye situation is still very bad. Not puffy at all but they take forever to open and then they don't stay open long.
Her weight has only dropped from 2.2 ounces to 2.0 despite her not eating but she hasn't pooped in over two weeks. Her shell is still firm and she actually has good energy when handled and I find her in different areas of her enclosure all the time.

With all that being said I think my next step out of desperation is to attempt force feeding her with perhaps mazuri through a syringe to get something in her system. I have heard that it can yield good results but I would like other people's suggestions on any "do or don't " since I've never attempted this.

Has anyone had success with force feeding very young tortoises back to health? I'm desperate for advice.

Yvonne G

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Why don't you try some eye ointment first, before forcing.

These are the two that I use, with first choice being shown first:



The first picture shows an antibiotic ointment that seems to be in short supply and very hard to find.

You can get the vetericyn at most pet stores.


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I've never used the Vetricin, and the Terramycin is off the market but several other companies sell it generic. The active ingredient is Erythromycin. Prob can find at any feed store.

You can also you any OTC artificial tears. One drop every 3-4 hours. While tears are not an antibiotic, they are nourishing and aid in healing. I normally recommend clients treat their pets with tears before applying the antibiotic....tears, wait 20-30 minutes, apply antibiotic.

I'm not a fan of force feeding. It really stresses them, and will possibly make things worse. Unless an animal is truly dying, they won't starve themselves to death, and tortoise can go a VERY long time without a meal. Animals in pain/stress/discomfort won't eat.


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I'm not a fan of force feeding. It really stresses them, and will possibly make things worse. Unless an animal is truly dying, they won't starve themselves to death, and tortoise can go a VERY long time without a meal. Animals in pain/stress/discomfort won't eat.


Also, have you tried to daily sauna/steam with the turtle? Go into the smallest bathroom you have ---soaking dish, towel to stuff in the door crack to keep heat/steam in, oh and tortoise....get the water going as hot as possible in the shower and let the steam fill the room really thick and while the steam is going on let the little one be soaking in a warm water soak in his container in his steam room...and do this at least once or twice a day....along with tepid water eye flushes gently with a squeeze bottle....just what I would do.

I know you know this....but the OCD chick in me has to say this to clarify...

Hot steamy water in the shower to steam the room + tort not in the hot steamy water but rather in the room with the steam and in his own soaking dish filled with warm water....:D


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I have a similar situation going on with a sulcata rescue I received a week ago or so. I have a vet's appointment on Monday since the specialist was away for the holiday. I will request that she feed her with a tube because I'm now desperate. She came to me weighing 2.14 lbs. She's now 1.95 lbs. at the age of 6 years old! She came to me not eating or defecating. I tried to force feed her a couple of days ago, but, when I saw how stressed it made her, and I was afraid that I was hurting her tiny head. I just had to stop and cry. She looked at me and I think she knew I was trying to help her. It's just not worth it the risk of causing more damage than she's already going through. Critical care feeding tube is next.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
This is the same baby Gomberg.

I've been doing carrot food soaks 1-2 times a day plus doing eye drops as often as possible. I've seen a "little" improvement on her eye condition but I'm really getting frustrated.
Her energy levels are still good, shell still firm, and weight is staying virtually the same.
She will literally stomp around during her soak but never open her eyes. She only opens her eyes now if I handle her for some time and then she will close them immediately after I place her down.

I've nursed many many sick turtles back to health over the years(mainly box turtles) but this situation is racking my brain. Especially considering that she did rebound and eat for two weeks before regressing again.

I don't WANT to force feed but in running out of options. I've already brought her to the vet and they prescribed baytril which I won't give her. Most of you said baytril is a big no no when it comes to young leopards.

***pulling hair out***ImageUploadedByTortForum1385830889.761139.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1385830922.060369.jpgImageUploadedByTortForum1385830948.312608.jpg
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Have you checked with your vet to see if they can offer loan of a nebulizer in order to get the antibiotic going and if you are uncomfortable with using baytril then explain that and ask for an alternative? Why did they want to do antibiotics?---because of the eyes?

I still say steam/sauna room for a couple weeks will do wonders :D


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Nov 17, 2012
ascott said:
Have you checked with your vet to see if they can offer loan of a nebulizer in order to get the antibiotic going and if you are uncomfortable with using baytril then explain that and ask for an alternative? Why did they want to do antibiotics?---because of the eyes?

I still say steam/sauna room for a couple weeks will do wonders :D

No I haven't asked about a nebullizer. My local vet is the largest in our area but their expertise of reptiles is lacking unfortunately. And being a father of 6 kids and a stay at home wife I honestly don't have the funds to dish out high vet cost. As much as I hate to admit that I have to try cheaper more natural remedies.

I will have to figure out a sauna situation. My wife is completely against me bringing tortoises in the house. I have to keep them in my shed which isn't ideal but it's my only option. I'm lucky she allows me to incubate the eggs inside lol.

We have a short warm spell starting down here in Louisiana so I will make it a point to give that baby some nice long sunshine tomorrow. The last time I saw her keep her eyes open for an extended period and feed was during a sun tub day. She ate well that day but that was the last time she was normal looking and that was a good 3 weeks ago :(

I might try making a short video or her to let yall witness her actions for further input. Can we load videos directly from an iphone through the TFO app?

Thanks again everyone


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Well, if you stay at home and your wife leaves the house you could just sneak a tort in while you are taking a shower???? Oh wait, you said 6 kids---that is alot of mouths to pay off and wait, with 6 I don't see a chance to sneak off to a long hot shower...:p

You can try this modification; with 6 kids you may have a humidifier in the house---even one of the vicks humidifiers? how bout setting it up in a large container...leaving room for the tort...get it going and then place the tort in the container and place a towel over the entire container (peek in every so often to make sure the tort is comfortable),...this would work essentially with the same idea....

As much as I hate to admit that I have to try cheaper more natural remedies.

Sometimes this is the best driver to the most effective and creative situations.....and regardless of money---natural is in my opinion the best path just about every time....

Yvonne G

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In my opinion, they eyes are painful and that's why they are being held closed. You're not using the spiral compact fluorescent bulb, are you? The eyes need some sort of soothing medication. The turtle eye drops you pictured aren't soothers, that's just vitamin A water. Go to the pet store and buy some of the Vetericyn gel. It is soothing and will help to keep the eye lubricated.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Yvonne I only use incandescent heat bulbs with one bulb being a UVB mercury vapor bulb. I've never gotten the coil type bulbs.

I will be going get some of the eye gel tomorrow at petsmart. Hopefully that yields good results.

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