Greetings from WV!


New Member
Aug 18, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Princeton, WV
Hello! I am in the learning stage of getting a tortoise! I would like one that could stay in an outdoor habitat longer into our WV springs and falls, so I’m thinking a Russian or get a permit for a box turtle. The little guy or gal will have an indoor enclosure in both my classroom at school and home and an outdoor enclosure in each, as well. I’m looking for the best set ups now and trying to beef up my knowledge. If I’m reading everything here correctly, could this hardwood mulch I found cheap work well as a substrate? Also, I’m concerned about digging out of the outside enclosures. Would laying pavers around the perimeter prevent it? Or would I need something like the dig barriers used under fences to keep small dogs contained? Digging the walls down into the ground is difficult because of the rockiness of our ground. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
Welcome to tort Paradise. You will interact with real people that love tortoises and know what they are doing, experts ya might say. Someone will be along soon to answer your questions, just wanted to say a friendly hello. This world is FULL of wrong information about everything Tortoise so please be careful where you get info and care advice from. Here is NOT that but it is the exact opposite.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello and welcome!

Someone can advised better on the outdoor enclosure than me, but indoor wise, feel free to check out these threads! I think you’ll find them helpful🙂if you’re thinking about getting a hatching, they’ll need housing inside a closed chamber for roughly the first 3 years or so, this thread goes over that

And here’s how to set up indoors for adults, pretty similar😊

Hope this helps! I’m sure they’ll be more folks along to advise soon👍

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