H1N1 Flu shots

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Useful tips about the Flu
1.The rewards of eating 5 or more fruits and vegetables daily are worth the effort, proven to be strong weapons to fight the forces of flu and colds.
2.Keep tissues handy for coughs and sneezes. Then dispose of tissues in a "no-touch" container. This is a container that is emptied without touching the contents.
3.Cough or sneeze into your elbow or arm NOT your hands, and teach children to do the same. Droplets from coughing or sneezing can contain viruses that can cause other people to become sick. If you cough or sneeze into your hands, everything that you touch with your hands may expose others if they come in contact with those same surfaces.
4.Clean children's toys frequently to cut down on the number of germs, especially toys that can be put in the mouth.
5.If you are sick with a cold or flu, stay home and away from other people if possible. You will prevent the spread of your illness to others and also protect yourself from the more serious side effects of the flu or colds.
6.Don't stack coats in the workplace, childcare facilities, or other public areas. Stacking of coats can pass on cold or flu germs as well as ringworm and lice.
7.In the workplace, avoid sharing common items such as phones and computer keyboards. If you have to share, then wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
8.Enclosed areas should be ventilated periodically to get rid of germs in the air. Consider opening a window in your home in a room that is not occupied to let some fresh air in.
9.Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Always remember to turn off faucets with a paper towel. Teach your children the same healthy habits.
10.Caution! Flu germs found lurking under the mistletoe. If you have a cold or the flu, stay away. If you are healthy, consider yourself warned.
11.Bring a hand sanitizer to work with you and use it periodically, especially if you have a cold. You may want to apply a hand moisturizer or lotion to combat dryness of your hands.


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Aug 21, 2007
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I got the regular flu shot (do every year) three weeks ago and then this last week I got the H1N1. As I work in a State Hospital (couple of confirmed cases already on one housing unit) they really suggested strongly we get the vaccinations. I too have a couple of chronic illnesses two of which are Asthma & Diabetes and a couple more I'll keep to myself) my MD has requested I get the flu shots yearly. So I do. I have never had a reaction to any of. So when the H1 N1 was offered I read up on it and found that the shot, like the regular flu shot does not contain the live virus. So I decided to get it. I had not problems with it at all. A co worker had a bit of a sore arm for a day but no other symptoms. I talked with my daughter about it and we agreed to have my grandchildren get the vaccine this week to keep them safer. She will have to wait until it is made available to her age group. But her husband will get his before her (chronic illness) but they are all planning on getting it now that I did so well. Though each person is different and so can the reactions be I decided for me it was worth the risks.

I got my allergy shots on Friday and had more of a reaction to it than any of the flu ones LOL.


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Jul 18, 2008
I wish some of you could come spend a 12 hour shift with me in the ICU. If you really have a strong stomach, spend a weekend with me (Tim). Here is what I can tell you, this is some nasty stuff. I have never seen such sick people. The scary thing is, some are relatively young and fairly healthy adults. We have seen some very different reactions to it and have had many people intubated, connected to a ventilator (breathing machine) and lying prone (face down) just to keep enough oxygen circulating to stay alive. Seeing what I have seen lately, will make anyone a believer. I feel the risks of getting the vaccine are minimal compared to getting the virus. It is really a bad thing.


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Jan 4, 2009
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I don't think that I'm afraid of taking the flu shot because I think it's going to make me sick when I get it. I actually question the fact that they want to put these chemicals into our systems and what's even more scary to me is they're now adding our children to their list without knowing the potential long term effects of the actual shot or now it's shots. This article that I'm posting says that the CDC stopped testing people over the summer for the Swine Flu Virus because it was becoming too expensive, so how can they tell me what their numbers are? They're only testing people if they are hospitalized in bad condition. Here's the article.

CBS Reveals that Swine Flu Cases Seriously Overestimated
Is the CDC cooking the books again? (10/25/09)
Could conflicts of interest influence the gross overestimation of swine flu cases by the CDC? See entry below this one.

From Dr. Mercola:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states on their main flu Web site http://www.cdc.gov/flu/ that flu activity is increasing in the United States, with most states reporting "widespread influenza activity."

The CDC goes on to say, and I quote:

"So far, most flu is 2009 H1N1 flu (sometimes called "swine flu")."

But wait stop the presses.

A three-month-long investigation by CBS News, released earlier this week that included state-by-state test results, revealed some very different facts. The CBS study found that H1N1 flu cases are NOT as prevalent as feared. A CBS article even states:

"If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn't have flu at all."

Obviously CBS News and the CDC are completely contradicting each other. So who is right?

Well, CBS reports that in late July 2009 the CDC advised states to STOP testing for H1N1 flu, and they also stopped counting individual cases.

Their rationale for this, according to CBS News, was that it was a waste of resources to test for H1N1 flu because it was already confirmed as an epidemic.

So just like that virtually every person who visited their physician with flu-like symptoms since late July was assumed to have H1N1, with no testing necessary because, after all, there's an epidemic.

It's interesting to note that at the same time as the CDC decided the H1N1 epidemic warranted no further testing for cases due to its epidemic status, Finnish health authorities actually downgraded the threat of swine flu.

In late July the health ministry and the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in Finland actually removed swine flu from a list of diseases considered dangerous to the public because the majority of cases recovered without medication or hospital care!

And, as the CDC continues to use fear to motivate and control Americans with their worst-case swine flu scenarios, they say nothing of the experience of those in the southern hemisphere, which just finished their flu season and found it was not as bad as expected.

CBS News Finds H1N1 Tests "Overwhelmingly Negative"

Before beginning their investigation, CBS News asked the CDC for state-by-state test results prior to their halting of testing and tracking. The CDC did not initially respond so CBS went to all 50 states directly, asking for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July.

What did they find? CBS reported:

"The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico


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Tim, my doctor told me some stories and they are very scary, the H1N1 affects some people very seriously. Robyn, I took my decision today and I will receive it, I spoke with my sister and her, her hubby and her child will receive it too, my fiance too. The vaccination started today for people that works in hospital. next week or in 2 weeks it is going to be people with chronic decease and children.
Candy, you always have good points :). It is true that some people thinks they got the H1N1 without being sure and how do they know how many people got the H1N1...


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If you are open minded, please read it all!!
Candy has already posted GREAT info on the ingredients,but i wanted to share more!!! Mercury slowly kills. . .Sorry f there's duplicate info.

Candy has already posted GREAT info on the ingredients,but i wanted to share more!!! Mercury slowly kills. . .Sorry f there's duplicate info.

If you go back on globalresearch.ca and go to science and medicine there's a few articles.. Scroll through some..and I think one says "swine to enforce martial law" or something of the sort. You'll find interesting information...


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Isa said:
Tim, my doctor told me some stories and they are very scary, the H1N1 affects some people very seriously. Robyn, I took my decision today and I will receive it, I spoke with my sister and her, her hubby and her child will receive it too, my fiance too. The vaccination started today for people that works in hospital. next week or in 2 weeks it is going to be people with chronic decease and children.
Candy, you always have good points :). It is true that some people thinks they got the H1N1 without being sure and how do they know how many people got the H1N1...

Isa, I'm glad that you are able to make your decision now. Don't think that I'm not for anyone getting the flu shot. I just wanted people to have the information to be able to decide for themselves. I'm not a believer in one side of anything. There's always two sides even to medical. Now, no crying when the nurse gives you your shot. :p

Tim/Robin said:
I wish some of you could come spend a 12 hour shift with me in the ICU. If you really have a strong stomach, spend a weekend with me (Tim). Here is what I can tell you, this is some nasty stuff. I have never seen such sick people. The scary thing is, some are relatively young and fairly healthy adults. We have seen some very different reactions to it and have had many people intubated, connected to a ventilator (breathing machine) and lying prone (face down) just to keep enough oxygen circulating to stay alive. Seeing what I have seen lately, will make anyone a believer. I feel the risks of getting the vaccine are minimal compared to getting the virus. It is really a bad thing.

Tim I don't think I could handle seeing what you see everyday that's why I thank god for nurses like you and your wife. I know your job can be so emotionally draining. Nurses are very special people who have a lot to give. I know the nurses that took care of my mother when she was in ICU were priceless. They helped us through a very rough time (the doctors now that's another story that we'll leave for later).


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Oct 23, 2009
I am a paramedic in Ohio so I was one of the first to get the H1N1 shot a week ago, and I have had no problems. I think that the risk of contracting H1N1 greatly outweighs the risks of not getting the shot. I for one cannot afford to be out of work for weeks while trying to recover. Once again I have not heard of anyone getting the shot having a severe reaction in my area, but as with any vaccine or medication their is always a risk.



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Jan 4, 2009
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I'm not worried about the shot making you sick (unless it's long term). Can they actually assure you that if you get this shot that you would not get the Swine Flu at all even if coming in contact with a person who had it? Where is the proof. They take guesses every year at what strain of flu is going to hit this year and they take their chances. And they've been wrong before, so the shot really didn't do anything for those people or did it? I would like to know how they are so sure that this shot will protect you. Most people just take the shot and in their minds they are protected (and in a way this is true because the mind is a powerful thing), but is that for sure? That's my question and unless there's a biochemist on this website who can answer than it will still go unanswered. I think what concerns me more than these shots is that people don't question what is told to them by our medical establishment or our government especially when it comes to our own health and the health of our children. I see it time and time again where parents will be giving their children antibiotics and when asked what is wrong with the child they don't really know. They say the doctor told them that he has some kind of infection, but when asked the child was not tested for any infection in the first place. And they wonder why illnesses are becoming resistant to antibiotics. I asked the mother across the street from me why they gave her son antibiotics when they told her it was a virus that he had and she said she couldn't answer that. She didn't ask the doctor she just figured (like most people do) that he's the doctor and he knows best. Is that what it's coming to that you don't question a doctor? I can't go there. This is what concerns me the most. I don't think it really has much to do with the shot itself it's actually about the bigger picture.


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Candy said:
Isa, I'm glad that you are able to make your decision now. Don't think that I'm not for anyone getting the flu shot. I just wanted people to have the information to be able to decide for themselves. I'm not a believer in one side of anything. There's always two sides even to medical. Now, no crying when the nurse gives you your shot. :p

Candy I will try not too :D:p I will try not to ask 10,000 questions to the nurse lol


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Tim/Robin said:
I wish some of you could come spend a 12 hour shift with me in the ICU. If you really have a strong stomach, spend a weekend with me (Tim). Here is what I can tell you, this is some nasty stuff. I have never seen such sick people. The scary thing is, some are relatively young and fairly healthy adults. We have seen some very different reactions to it and have had many people intubated, connected to a ventilator (breathing machine) and lying prone (face down) just to keep enough oxygen circulating to stay alive. Seeing what I have seen lately, will make anyone a believer. I feel the risks of getting the vaccine are minimal compared to getting the virus. It is really a bad thing.

My son called from college up state and asked if he should get the flu shot that they are giving out today. I didn't know what to answer, but after reading all these posts...especially yours Tim, I told him to go ahead and get it. I always get the flu shot every year and if this one is available for me, I will get it too. It's great to see all these honest pro's and con's here, because it really helps us make a decision. This was a great thread.

Yvonne G

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I don't think your son was offered the H1N1 shot. He was probably getting a regular flu shot. Like you, I get one every year. And I'll keep getting one as long as they're offered. But I'm not going for the H1N1. I just don't come into contact with that many people to put me in the at risk group.



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Aug 24, 2007
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No ...it was the H1N1 shot. He called me a while ago and said when he got to the nurse's room they said they ran out of both the nasal and the shot, but will be getting more tomorrow or the next day. So, he didn't get it yet. I told him to try and get there earlier and take the shot, because it doesn't contain the live virus, and the nasal one does. Now a friend of mine tells me there is something called shedding when the person who gets the nasal one, which is a live virus, will "shed", giving it to someone who isn't protected. I wonder if this is true....always something to worry about when your kid is away from home. I am too old for this now........
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