Hello All! New Baby Leopard Keeper here.


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Jacksonville FL
We live in Jacksonville FL and are first time tortoise keepers- What a great resource this forum is! I have been voraciously researching many issues and this forum is the one place that seems to consistently get it right- Thank you all for all of your hard work getting the info out there for the betterment of tortoise-kind :). I look forward to learning from you all. I noticed signs of possible respiratory infection shortly after purchasing my baby and am happy to report that he/she is on the mend. Big thanks to Dr. Rossi at Riverside Animal Hospital in Jacksonville (in your recommended tortoise vets list) and big thanks to you all for all of the info re: housing, nursing, feeding etc that are contributing greatly to the recovery effort!


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Jacksonville FL
Thanks! just administered the second dose of Ceftazadime and hoping for more improvements in the coming days. He did begin eating again last night (approx. 48 hours after first dose). The only time he is really active is in his soak, so I decided to try and feed him while in there- worked like a charm!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Hi and welcome.
This certainly is a great place for up to date information on all things tort related.
Glad to hear your baby is feeling better.
Don't overdo the hand feeding because they seem to get used to that very quickly - and it's a hard habit to break as I have discovered with my 7/8 year old leopard.
He was ill, so I hand fed him to build him up, but although he is better he is still reluctant to feed himself and will go all day without eating, but tough love is being dished out now so he either feeds himself or goes without. They are stubborn creatures!


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Jacksonville FL
Hi and welcome.
This certainly is a great place for up to date information on all things tort related.
Glad to hear your baby is feeling better.
Don't overdo the hand feeding because they seem to get used to that very quickly - and it's a hard habit to break as I have discovered with my 7/8 year old leopard.
He was ill, so I hand fed him to build him up, but although he is better he is still reluctant to feed himself and will go all day without eating, but tough love is being dished out now so he either feeds himself or goes without. They are stubborn creatures!

Thanks Lyn for the advice and links! Already learned something new today :)!

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