Hello from Oregon

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Oct 5, 2012
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Hello everyone! :)

I'm Heidi and I live in Oregon. I work 2 jobs, one at a grocery store and the other selling Mary Kay.
My boyfriend and I will be getting our very first tortoise in about a month.
We will either be getting a baby Hermann's or a Russian most likely. We're going to check a few local reptile stores out tomorrow! :) We already have the enclosure set up and are figuring out how to get the temps right, lamp heights, etc.
Whatever we get, they will be named Stormageddon Dark Lord of All. (Doctor Who? Anyone?) Or Stormy for short.

I'm really concerned about pyramiding, so if anyone has any suggestions or helpful comments that would be great! Especially humidity levels and best suggestions for food to find easily at a grocery store.

Looking forward to meet everyone! :)

Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Heidi!

With those two species, pyramiding isn't the issue that it is with leopards and sulcatas. Don't even worry about it. With the Hermann's and Steppe tortoises if you see a bumpy one, its usually more food/UVB/calcium related. So get your new tortoise out in the sun as often as you can and feed him calcium-rich foods. A nice, big habitat so he can get plenty of exercise is also helpful.


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Welcome! For Russians, here is a good link (only diff is most of us don't use sand in substrate).
Also check out the 'species specific' section of this forum for more info on Russians and Hermans.

Watch Craigslist, too, as you often see torts that need homes there.

You might consider posting pics of your set up to verify it is OK. Pet store advice is, unfortunately, usually incorrect in just about every aspect.
Finally, both types of torts thrive outside. In the PNW, you can keep them outside several months per year as long as they have a dry spot to retreat to.

Oh yes, welcome!


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Oct 5, 2012
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lynnedit said:
Welcome! For Russians, here is a good link (only diff is most of us don't use sand in substrate).
Also check out the 'species specific' section of this forum for more info on Russians and Hermans.

Watch Craigslist, too, as you often see torts that need homes there.

You might consider posting pics of your set up to verify it is OK. Pet store advice is, unfortunately, usually incorrect in just about every aspect.
Finally, both types of torts thrive outside. In the PNW, you can keep them outside several months per year as long as they have a dry spot to retreat to.

Oh yes, welcome!

I got most of my set up advice from this site and a couple other websites. Currently it is a 3 1/2' x 2' rubbermaid like container. It's got 2 or 3 inches of bedding and I have my lamp and hide place and everything. I also currently live in an apartment, so having an outside enclosure in the summer is not possible, but I plan on taking it outside on "walks" a lot. :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Welcome! I want to know if you make it out of the reptile store with out a tortoise.


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Jacqui said:
Welcome! I want to know if you make it out of the reptile store with out a tortoise.

Fortunately we did. :p They have a couple baby Hermann's that are super adorable. We'll be getting it in a week or two most likely.


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Welcome to tfo I love my Russians they are a great tort.


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Oct 8, 2012
timetravellingtortoise said:
Hello everyone! :)

I'm Heidi and I live in Oregon. I work 2 jobs, one at a grocery store and the other selling Mary Kay.
My boyfriend and I will be getting our very first tortoise in about a month.
We will either be getting a baby Hermann's or a Russian most likely. We're going to check a few local reptile stores out tomorrow! :) We already have the enclosure set up and are figuring out how to get the temps right, lamp heights, etc.
Whatever we get, they will be named Stormageddon Dark Lord of All. (Doctor Who? Anyone?) Or Stormy for short.

I'm really concerned about pyramiding, so if anyone has any suggestions or helpful comments that would be great! Especially humidity levels and best suggestions for food to find easily at a grocery store.

Looking forward to meet everyone! :)

Hey just wanted to say welcome and that my sister inlaw also sells Mary Kay. :D hope you enjoy it here. I also just joined and am learning so much. Also my sister owns a pets store in brookings and she can help you with lots of diff things. If you can't find it she can prob order it for you.
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