Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shell!

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5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
Hello Tortoise Forum!
I live in Phoenix, Arizona and I have just been given a 5 year old tortoise that has pretty bad pyramiding. The previous owner said the tortoise has been kept in a cage indoors it's whole life with only a sun replicating light. Her son only fed it only red leaf lettuce and no supplements. Since I have had him, I keep him outdoors in a kiddie pool with a 50/50 mix of sterile soil and sand. I have need feeding him a variety of recommended vegetables and sprinkling ground up calcium with vitamin D on his food. (this is what I read to do.) I know that I will not get rid of the pyramiding, but I don't want him to develop any more serious health issues because of it.

Any, and I mean ANY, suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I hope the pictures I uploaded come through clearly.

Anna Smith


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Jun 8, 2012
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I saw one on craigslist a few days ago that looked really bad. Is this the one?
Anyways, that's great that you're able to give it outdoor time.


The Dog Trainer
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Having seen your post now, I think you need to make him a larger enclosure and make it on the ground. It will be much easier to keep things cool enough there in AZ that way. Also, I'd get rid of the sand. Soil alone will work fine or just whatever dirt is in your yard where you build the pen.

In my signature are a bunch of links with ideas for outdoor housing and diet and stuff.

And here's a great diet sheet.

This may not be constructive, but I'd really like to kick the adults that are responsible for this right in the rump!


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It looks like you have a grassy area? If you can, just let him stay in that area. The grass and outdoor sun will be great for him. It doesn't look like the kiddie pool would be big enough for him to get a whole lot of exercise. Read up on the forum about good things to add to his diet, and he should have everything he needs. Just make sure his outdoor area has some good shade and places to get out of the heat.



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You already got great advice. I just want to add. Be sure he has water available 24/7 and in a container large enough for him to get in and out of, but not too deep. Also, be sure he as plenty of cool shady areas to get into and under for when he chooses to get out of the sun.


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

tortle said:
I saw one on craigslist a few days ago that looked really bad. Is this the one?
Anyways, that's great that you're able to give it outdoor time.

I did get him/her on Craig's list. However, she did not post any pictures. So this may not be the one. Hate to think there is another one out there. She just gave him to me on the condition that if I had to give it up, I would contact her first. That won't be happening. I know the pyramiding won't go away, I just want it to be healthy.


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Tom said:
Having seen your post now, I think you need to make him a larger enclosure and make it on the ground. It will be much easier to keep things cool enough there in AZ that way. Also, I'd get rid of the sand. Soil alone will work fine or just whatever dirt is in your yard where you build the pen.

In my signature are a bunch of links with ideas for outdoor housing and diet and stuff.

And here's a great diet sheet.

This may not be constructive, but I'd really like to kick the adults that are responsible for this right in the rump!

I know how you feel! I feel so blessed to have it. I have done sooooooo much reading on the care of tortoises before I got one. But now I know why she didn't post any pictures with it and she gave it to me for free. I'm working on larger enclosure. I can't just let him run around the backyard, as I have water turtles too and they get out of the pond and walk around, so the edge isn't very high, but the pond is several feet deep. Sod won't be available in Phoenix until September. It just burns up. But I do have connections with a nursery where I can get plants wholesale. The owner has had Sulcatas as well and she directs me towards the grasses and 1 gallon hibiscus plants. So if he eats them, it's pretty inexpensive to replace.

Just tell me you don't think he is doomed to a difficult life! Thank you so much for your help and advice! I know I have so much more reading to do! I will get the sand out of there. And make it bigger. Add sod when it becomes available. I had very short notice when I got him. So I improvised. I've only had him a week today. Because of his condition, I didn't want to go through trial and error for his sake.


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Neal said:
It looks like you have a grassy area? If you can, just let him stay in that area. The grass and outdoor sun will be great for him. It doesn't look like the kiddie pool would be big enough for him to get a whole lot of exercise. Read up on the forum about good things to add to his diet, and he should have everything he needs. Just make sure his outdoor area has some good shade and places to get out of the heat.


The neighbors tree provides dappled sunlight, so it's never full sun. It's pretty hot here, so it is warm enough. The late afternoon sun is the strongest. I watch him go in and out of his hide. The grassy area you see is a picture the woman I got him from's park, where they took him to run around. I have a park nearby, but I don't know if they fertilize the grass, and have been warned away from taking him there. He used to live in a cage, indoors, his entire life except for trips to this park. As I replied in to other posts, so won't be available until September here. But I will get a grassy area started ASAP when I can. I am hoping the extra calcium supplements, natural sun, better diet, and advice from all of you will carry me until then.

Thanks so much!


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

wellington said:
You already got great advice. I just want to add. Be sure he has water available 24/7 and in a container large enough for him to get in and out of, but not too deep. Also, be sure he as plenty of cool shady areas to get into and under for when he chooses to get out of the sun.

I have gotten some great advice! As for the water.... He HATES to be soaked. Previous owner told me he didn't enjoy it. Should I just do it anyway? Maybe because she didn't do it much? I know now, that she did absolutely NO research when deciding to get a tortoise. And when I asked her about soaking, supplements, and what she fed him, she didn't do the first two and only fed red leaf lettuce, warning bells went off. But I took him anyway.


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RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Annaliisas said:
wellington said:
You already got great advice. I just want to add. Be sure he has water available 24/7 and in a container large enough for him to get in and out of, but not too deep. Also, be sure he as plenty of cool shady areas to get into and under for when he chooses to get out of the sun.

I have gotten some great advice! As for the water.... He HATES to be soaked. Previous owner told me he didn't enjoy it. Should I just do it anyway? Maybe because she didn't do it much? I know now, that she did absolutely NO research when deciding to get a tortoise. And when I asked her about soaking, supplements, and what she fed him, she didn't do the first two and only fed red leaf lettuce, warning bells went off. But I took him anyway.
You should soak him whether he likes it or not. I soak mine first thing in the morning. It is a time that is convenient for me and he is not so active. If he moves around and tries to climb out just leave him in. Eventually he will drink.


The Dog Trainer
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Use a tall sided opaque tub with warm water to soak. Fill it about a third to half way up his shell. 20-30 minutes. If you are in a hurry and only have ten minutes thats fine. If you forget him and he goes an hour, thats fine too. You can replace the water if he soils it or if it cools. Don't worry about whether or not he likes it. He NEEDS it, and all of them get used to it. I've had a couple that were in a near frantic panic about it at first. It only took a couple of months for it to become a routine boring part of their day. Plus the exercise is good for them.

Don't worry too much. With your care, I think he's going to be fine.


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He is lucky he found you. I agree with Tom about the soaking. They get used to it and eventually will learn to enjoy it. Mine seem to know how long is 20 minutes, and then start trying to get out to eat, haha.


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Laura said:
what do you house him in now? he needs a pen outside with sunshine graze, and plenty of room to walk..

I have a kiddie pool in the back yard that I'm using for the moment. I also have a pond with sliders and they come out of the pond to roam around. So I have who build a wall to keep them in their area so I can give Wally more space. He has dirt and a hide and some desert grasses and two hibiscus bushes in it.

Tom said:
Use a tall sided opaque tub with warm water to soak. Fill it about a third to half way up his shell. 20-30 minutes. If you are in a hurry and only have ten minutes thats fine. If you forget him and he goes an hour, thats fine too. You can replace the water if he soils it or if it cools. Don't worry about whether or not he likes it. He NEEDS it, and all of them get used to it. I've had a couple that were in a near frantic panic about it at first. It only took a couple of months for it to become a routine boring part of their day. Plus the exercise is good for them.

Don't worry too much. With your care, I think he's going to be fine.

I just posted about over soaking him. Can you? I soaked him in the sink for 25 minutes this morning and kept changing the water as he pooped and it cooled. He mellowed out towards the end. But I have to say, he's like a new animal today! Full of energy. Roaming around. So should I try soaking him again this evening as well, since it seems to be helping him?

I did replace the substraight this morning and it is now all sterile dirt. It hasn't compacted yet and it was more difficult for him to walk on at first, but I don't think he has very good muscle tone from being in a cage for so long. He is in his hide partway and sticking his head out most of the day. Very alert. He had some kale and broccoli with calcium sprinkled on it. I put a little zucchini in there too,but he didn't eat it.

Q'sTortie said:
Looks like hes found paradise :D

Thank you. I am lucky to have him. I am also lucky to have all this expertise to ally my fears. Tom says not to worry so much...I am a mother of 2, worrying is what I do. Lol!


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Kale is okay as part of a varied diet. I'd skip the broccoli and zucchini for a while. Leaves, grass, leafy greens, and weeds are what he needs. You might also order up some Mazuri. You only need a small quantity. Lots of our forum memebers here sell it.


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Tom said:
Kale is okay as part of a varied diet. I'd skip the broccoli and zucchini for a while. Leaves, grass, leafy greens, and weeds are what he needs. You might also order up some Mazuri. You only need a small quantity. Lots of our forum memebers here sell it.

What is mazuri? And who sells it?


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Mazuri is a pelleted diet formulated specifically for tortoises. Tortoise people all over the place use it and swear by it. I use it as a supplement to a varied diet, to make sure my tortoises get all the nutrients and nutrition they need. Sort of like a multivitamin in food.

Many people sell it. Just do a forum search. I don't want to recommend one person at the expense of another when the product is identical.


New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 13, 2012
I am glad you found him. :) He will be a happy tortoise. Looks like you are already off to a good start!


5 Year Member
Aug 8, 2012
RE: Help! I have been given a 5 year old Sulcata with a pretty bladly pyramided shel

Tom said:
Mazuri is a pelleted diet formulated specifically for tortoises. Tortoise people all over the place use it and swear by it. I use it as a supplement to a varied diet, to make sure my tortoises get all the nutrients and nutrition they need. Sort of like a multivitamin in food.

Many people sell it. Just do a forum search. I don't want to recommend one person at the expense of another when the product is identical.

You are my touchstone now, Tom, sorry if I bug you with my ignorance. But I looked up Mazuri and i had it in my cart at, but we have a Pet FoodDepot 5 miles south of us, so I thought I would look there first before paying shipping. They had Grassland pellets in the big container for $17.00. So I got that instead. The first ingredient is grass. Is that ok? They also sell a small jar of mazuri, but not any bigger sizes.

Tom said:
Mazuri is a pelleted diet formulated specifically for tortoises. Tortoise people all over the place use it and swear by it. I use it as a supplement to a varied diet, to make sure my tortoises get all the nutrients and nutrition they need. Sort of like a multivitamin in food.

Many people sell it. Just do a forum search. I don't want to recommend one person at the expense of another when the product is identical.

I had a 1 pound bag of Mazuri in my cart at LLLReptiles and remembered that we have a Pet Food Depot 5 miles south of us. So I went there and they had a small jar of Mazuri and several sizes of Grassland. I bought the grassland large jar for $17.00. The first ingredient is dried grass. You are my touchstone now Tom, I hope I don't bug you with my ignorance.

Annaliisas said:
You are my touchstone now, Tom, sorry if I bug you with my ignorance. But I looked up Mazuri and i had it in my cart at, but we have a Pet FoodDepot 5 miles south of us, so I thought I would look there first before paying shipping. They had Grassland pellets in the big container for $17.00. So I got that instead. The first ingredient is grass. Is that ok? They also sell a small jar of mazuri, but not any bigger sizes.

I had a 1 pound bag of Mazuri in my cart at LLLReptiles and remembered that we have a Pet Food Depot 5 miles south of us. So I went there and they had a small jar of Mazuri and several sizes of Grassland. I bought the grassland large jar for $17.00. The first ingredient is dried grass. You are my touchstone now Tom, I hope I don't bug you with my ignorance.

Sorry double posting. Lol (dork!)
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