HIGHLY RECOMMEND TortoiseSupply.com

David Steere

Active Member
Mar 14, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Rhode Island
Been meaning to post this but have either forgot or been very busy with other things.

I recently have purchased a 2 3/8" inch 8 month old Russian Tortoise who is named after my wife Sandra that passed away last December 22, 2023 called Sandy ( covers both male or female ).

Have now had the tortoise since April 17th, 2024. The Russian Tortoise was packed very well, arrived on time and was in GREAT condition! Extremely impressed!

Since I had Sandy the tortoise eats every day, poop's and pee's every day when soaked each morning and is very active, alert and hopefully happy in the new 48"x72" enclosure I have created.

Thank you Tyler for sending me my first Tortoise who means so much to me! This tortoise is much more then just a pet.

Also thank you TortoiseForum for helping me setup my enclosure and answering all my stupid questions and telling me when I was doing something wrong and how to correct each issue!

Made the transition of Sandy to a new home pretty much seamless.

Once again THANK YOU Tyler!

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