
once picture's are uploaded, does it look like he's getting pyramiding?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • no

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  • too early to tell

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2012
I try and keep piggys diet a variety, and boy does he eat a lot of food, and some he stays completely clear of (turnip or mustard greens he'll drag and bury or just push in the corner and ignor it till i clear it away) and i try and keep water there for him when he wants it (he's taken to using it as a potty and a sleeping spot). and though his shell has gotten beter than it was he is still showing what i fear may be extreamly early signs of pyramiding (i hear its more in the humidity than the diet) to cause it.
I work and go to school and then every other weekend we have four children that want to play in his pen (were good at keeping the babies away) and my mother takes care of him when were gone, so its hard to keep an exact schedule. Im looking into one of those time shut off power strips for his lights. but since his enclosure is open on the top what would be some good ways to get the right humidity? what would be a good amount of humity for him? Piggy is my sulcata, he is about a year and a half if i had to wager a guess the pet store was unsure exactly how old he was. He was a spur of the moment purchase and soon after realized just how much over my head i was. But i love him too much to give up yet lol. we've made great progress considering his old pen and his new. and well new lights, hiding spot, and so on.
so i would love any help, suggestions, messages, pictures or doodles of concepts. When i get my camera back tomorrow i will try and upload some pictures of his current pen and of piggy and his shell. (he seems fatter than wider) :tort:


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
At a year and a half old the damage is pretty much done or not done as the case may be.

To get Piggy to eat better you can cut up all the greens super fine and mince the less favored stuff in with the good stuff. Start with small amounts of the stuff Piggy doesn't like and gradually. Increase the ratio. And hunger is a great motivator... Just keep the variety high and try to feed non-grocery store stuff more often.


New Member
5 Year Member
Mar 2, 2012
sorry its taken so long, but mediacom has put me without internet for a week, im going to upload them tonight.
as for damage he is nowhere near any of the pictures ive seen of pyrimiding but i just want to be sure. im going to go take the pictures now :)

please ignore that he is sitting on the top soil im about to add to his pen it was just the best place i could get a shot, and hes a bit dusty cuz he was digging a little bit ago lol


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