I believe


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
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I strongly believe that it is possible for someone to be an expert in something and also to be kind.

No one wakes up an expert.


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I agree. However, I also think everyone has their limit. Get pushed to that limit and the kindness goes away, at least for the moment!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
No one wakes up an expert.
No, this morning I woke angry! Even with beautiful Kerry laying next to me I woke up **** ed at the world at 1am.

No reason at all for it.....

So back to the subject.....

In my experience, many talented people feel superior to others because they have achieved a level of talent in a particular subject that maybe few do.

The truly talented and internally secure tend to teach others to be as good or better.

They aren't afraid.

To me " nice" has nothing to do with it. It's just whether you carry yourself with class and a sense of decency......or you choose not to.

Some folks...talented or not, just are low-end, sucky people. Most of us minimize our time around them.

Good luck with whatever you are dealing with that caused this thread S.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
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Saint Clairsville OH
I feel like the world is a toilet. Preferable method of dealing with it and the individuals whom are not kind is to be an introvert. I get sick a lot less that way too. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of nice people out there that I enjoy interacting with.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
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No, this morning I woke angry! Even with beautiful Kerry laying next to me I woke up **** ed at the world at 1am.

No reason at all for it.....

So back to the subject.....

In my experience, many talented people feel superior to others because they have achieved a level of talent in a particular subject that maybe few do.

The truly talented and internally secure tend to teach others to be as good or better.

They aren't afraid.

To me " nice" has nothing to do with it. It's just whether you carry yourself with class and a sense of decency......or you choose not to.

Some folks...talented or not, just are low-end, sucky people. Most of us minimize our time around them.

Good luck with whatever you are dealing with that caused this thread S.
Thanks. It's just a great big thing I learned out in the world and I wanted to say it again. It's important to me. I'm 74, not a debater at all ever, a lone not particularly lonely person, an introvert with social tendencies, and a Christian, which best explains me.

And I have the shaky ending of a migraine, which might explain why I told you all this.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I think there is people that are really kind but maybe it seems like they aren't. With basically texting it's hard to convey warmth with very technical information. The fact that they took the time to answer me means something though. If I'm having a discussion with someone I actually like for them to suggest the cons of my bright idea.... which I admit might not be so bright once 😉


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
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Saint Clairsville OH
I think there is people that are really kind but maybe it seems like they aren't. With basically texting it's hard to convey warmth with very technical information. The fact that they took the time to answer me means something though. If I'm having a discussion with someone I actually like for them to suggest the cons of my bright idea.... which I admit might not be so bright once 😉
I'm a mono tone person so even when I'm talking with someone face to face they still can't read me.

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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I'm a mono tone person so even when I'm talking with someone face to face they still can't read me.
Yep exactly. In person I'm very quiet at first. People might think I don't like them or who knows what but that's not the case. When I get comfy you can't shut me up 😜sooo

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Come on Mojo, life is fricken WONDERFUL, even if you happen to be old & ugly(please don't ask me how I know that)! You aren't really a curmudgeon, are you?

In person I'm very quiet at first.

Really? We won't even get to the word "quiet"...let's just start with "VERY"? I don't think a poll here would reflect that.....jus sayin....LOL

Life to me is like a great big movie or a book with a million chapters....I don't like certain type of movies anymore so those parts of the movie, or their real life equivalents get ignored by me.
We all choose how we wish to go through life each morning. I make no judgements on how other choose to live theirs even if I think it's a date with fail army, however I am known for reminding folks that the choice itself is renewable each day. It's almost as good as a reset button, but you can't back up in the game! LOL

I hope the big thing in life was a positive thing S, or will at least give you an opportunity to make something positive out of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Saint Clairsville OH
Come on Mojo, life is fricken WONDERFUL, even if you happen to be old & ugly(please don't ask me how I know that)! You aren't really a curmudgeon, are you?
I'm a happy fun loving person. I just speak in mono tone and have little to no facial expressions. I'm a great guy to hang out with. Ask me how I know 😉. I'm not old and if I say so myself can be described as nothing short of devilishly handsome.🤣

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