Golden Boi

New Member
Jul 22, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
My Indian star tortoise is vomiting and seems dull since 2 days. Not moving much (mostly sleeping) or eating anything. His eyes also seems bit puffy.
Vomitted almost 2-3 times. Day before this he passed lot of watery faeces.
It'll take us 2 more days to visit vet since we live in remote area.
Please help us to understand what could be the underlying conditions.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hello and welcome! I’m so sorry you’re joining the forum under stressful circumstances!
I can’t advise a whole lot here, but they’ll be more members along shortly that can hopefully help you out! In the meantime, more information on how you’re keeping them would be super helpful! Don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions, any is good🙂

Do you have an indoor or outdoor set up? How big?

Do you know the rough age of the tortoise?

What are their temperatures like? Ie basking spot, overall day temps and night temps, temp guns are a great way to check!

If inside, what kind of lights&heating are you using? Packaging photos are handy!

Do you use indoor uv? If so what kind?

What do you use for substrate? How’s your humidity?

What have you been feeding diet wise?

Any photos of your full set up(s) would be great also, and some of your tortoise, I hope you find the help you need!😊

Golden Boi

New Member
Jul 22, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Thank you for your prompt reply.

Our set up is indoor (average size) but for sunlight we put him in the garden.

Temperature & humidity in my area are adequate for star tortoise around -
35-40 C.
Also Don't use UV light coz we get sufficient sunlight. He also bask for at least 1-2 hr.

Food :
cucumber, leafy vegetables,
pumpkin leaf, mostly leafy greens & vegetables.
But I think he ate alot before falling ill , it could be indigestion but he passed a lot of faeces & committed.