Injured Sulcata

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New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 30, 2011
I recently found a sulcata tort that appears to have some injuries from a dog. He also appears to have bondo, or super glue and gauz attached to what appears to be an old wound my question is... Does anyone know if this is something he will out grow over time? He is not symmetrical he kinda resembles a jellybean when you look down at his shell.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Hi and Welcome! :D So you found this tortoise how long ago? Have you tried finding his owners? Just seems somebody who went to all that trouble to fix up their sulcata, is going to be looking for the fella. How big is he? Can you take some pictures to show us the damage and the repairs? Actually would be best if you can do those pictures, to post them in the main general area or even the sulcata zone for the most help.

Yvonne G

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Hi awebster:

Welcome to the tortoise forum!!

May we know your name and where you are?

It sounds like maybe he escaped and has been on his own for a while. But you should try to find his owner anyway. "Found" ads in the paper are free, as are ads on Craig's list. You can also put up fliers on utility poles in the neighborhood where he was found.

Don't give out too much info...make the caller describe the tortoise for you.

For now, offer him clean grass and weeds to graze on, with maybe some mullberry leaves or grape leaves as a treat. Make sure he has some shade so he doesn't get overheated.

(the bondo or fiberglass is an old-style of repairing shell injuries. We don't do it that way anymore. It would be good if it falls off. No, he won't grow out of it, but hopefully it will get old and brittle and will fall off in time)
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