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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Jessicap said:
I have read that people leave their torts rome the house. What are their bathroom needs? Are they fairly clean animals, going mainly in one area. I had a green iguana who would only deficate in his water pan. Are torts the same? Also see that they are to be soaked a couple times a week. What do you do when they get to be 50+ pounds? Would misting them or just supplying one area of the pen that is more moist sufficient?
Is there a breed that is a better choise for Wisconsin Winters? If outside housing in a 8 x 10 stall, what would your suggestions be to make it livable for them through the winter. What humidity range is appropriate for them.

Hi Jessica:

Welcome to the forum!!

Please don't believe all that you read. Most of that stuff is posted by inexperienced keepers. A tortoise needs its own habitat. Wandering around the house isn't good for him. He needs to be a lot warmer than your floor will allow, plus what if he eats something harmful from the floor. You might be able to keep a tortoise ok during the winter in an insulated garage with heaters and lights. I'll let other Wisconsin members help you in that regard.

Go ahead and take a trip through all the forums and learn what you can from our postings. And if you have any particular questions, please ask away!


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Nov 27, 2010
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RE: Welcome to !

emysemys said:
Jessicap said:
I have read that people leave their torts rome the house. What are their bathroom needs? Are they fairly clean animals, going mainly in one area. I had a green iguana who would only deficate in his water pan. Are torts the same? Also see that they are to be soaked a couple times a week. What do you do when they get to be 50+ pounds? Would misting them or just supplying one area of the pen that is more moist sufficient?
Is there a breed that is a better choise for Wisconsin Winters? If outside housing in a 8 x 10 stall, what would your suggestions be to make it livable for them through the winter. What humidity range is appropriate for them.

Hi Jessica:

Welcome to the forum!!

Please don't believe all that you read. Most of that stuff is posted by inexperienced keepers. A tortoise needs its own habitat. Wandering around the house isn't good for him. He needs to be a lot warmer than your floor will allow, plus what if he eats something harmful from the floor. You might be able to keep a tortoise ok during the winter in an insulated garage with heaters and lights. I'll let other Wisconsin members help you in that regard.

Go ahead and take a trip through all the forums and learn what you can from our postings. And if you have any particular questions, please ask away!

Thanks for the reply - I personally wouldn't let him roam the house but mostly wondering how clean they are. Do they usually find one spot where they like to go or could it be anywhere :0) And I have been reading ALOT! I like to be totally informed before getting any pet since I know once they are there, they will be for life.

What do you think of the Leopard Tortoise. That is the breed I am currently looking at. I think they are beautiful. They say they are non diggers, and non aggressive. Sorry for all the questions ... lol. But feel it is better to get them all answered before getting a tort than after :shy:


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Nov 27, 2010
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RE: Welcome to !

Hello I am very new!! My name is Christian. I just visited a friend with a whole family of Sulcata's and fell in love. Would love to start my own family of tortoises soon. Christmas is coming earlyI hope! I am in Los Angeles and would like to move forward soon. Any places you can direct me would be much appreciated. Thanks and excited to join the club! ^.^

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Jessicap said:
What do you think of the Leopard Tortoise. That is the breed I am currently looking at. I think they are beautiful. They say they are non diggers, and non aggressive. Sorry for all the questions ... lol. But feel it is better to get them all answered before getting a tort than after :shy:

What you have learned about leopards is true - non diggers, not aggressive, but they are pretty introverted. I have three and they don't interact with me at all.

xtian1015 said:
Hello I am very new!! My name is Christian. I just visited a friend with a whole family of Sulcata's and fell in love. Would love to start my own family of tortoises soon. Christmas is coming earlyI hope! I am in Los Angeles and would like to move forward soon. Any places you can direct me would be much appreciated. Thanks and excited to join the club! ^.^

Hi Christian:

Welcome to the forum!!

Please do some research on sulcatas before you jump in with both feet. They need lots of room, and you have to keep them warm in the winter. Does your friend have large sulcatas or are they still babies? A large sulcata can be very destructive. The dig terribly big burrows, knock over your bushes and plants, mess up the stucco on the house, tear up the lawn. If you can put up with all this, they are very people-friendly and most sulcata-keepers really love their tortoises!


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RE: Welcome to !

Hi! I'm Laurie, Houston area, and we have a rescued tortoise. I don't know the sex yet or the age. I'm 99% it is a three toed because it has three back toes. Right now Carrot is living in a rubermaid, he's got a 'cave', pool, and rock. We are buying a bigger habitat and I've been researching what to use and add. I've also been researching diets. I do have the added benefit of a coworker who has 7 various breeds living in her back yard. Any help, hints, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Half1113 said:
Hi! I'm Laurie, Houston area, and we have a rescued tortoise. I don't know the sex yet or the age. I'm 99% it is a three toed because it has three back toes. Right now Carrot is living in a rubermaid, he's got a 'cave', pool, and rock. We are buying a bigger habitat and I've been researching what to use and add. I've also been researching diets. I do have the added benefit of a coworker who has 7 various breeds living in her back yard. Any help, hints, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Hi Laurie:

Welcome to the forum!!

Please take a look through our turtles forum and read about box turtles. After that, if you have specific questions, we'll be happy to help you.


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Dec 1, 2010
RE: Welcome to !

I got a hermann's tortoise a couple months ago and left it with my mom for a couple weeks and it died. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong. But I just got my new one and I love having tortoises. I joined to make sure this one doesn't die. So I can get questions answered. I hope it helps!


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RE: Welcome to !

Welcome to the forum!!!
Sorry to hear about your tortoise :(

Make sure you start a post in the Enclosure section telling everyone how your enclosure is set up, that way you can get the opinions of people who have lots of experience.

Try to get some pics up too :)

Good Luck

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

sammyinfl said:
I got a hermann's tortoise a couple months ago and left it with my mom for a couple weeks and it died. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong. But I just got my new one and I love having tortoises. I joined to make sure this one doesn't die. So I can get questions answered. I hope it helps!

Hi "sammyinfl":

Am in interpreting your user name correctly: You're Sammy and you are in florida?

Welcome to the forum!!

We have a nice section on Hermann's tortoises, and at the beginning of the section is a care sheet written by one of our more experienced members. After you read it, if you have any questions, we'll be happy to help you.

Here's a link to the care sheet:


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RE: Welcome to !

Josh said:
Welcome to We strive to be the leader in tortoise (and turtle) discussions on the web, covering all topics as they are related to everything from the Cryptodira suborder (thats a fancy way of saying tortoises). Our forums allow for in-depth and specific discussions which can be read by tortoise enthusiasts worldwide!

Register Now (it's free!)

I am Josh. I am the site admin/moderator/what-have-you.
Please use this space to introduce yourself (and your tortoises).

Hi It is nice to be among those who love tortoises. I am Panda1955 and I have two ornate box turtles and one California Desert tortoise. I adopted all of them in March of 2008. They were four months old. When it rains, it pours! The boxes are pretty much independent soles who come out to get hand outs(treats). Tori, though, is very special to me.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Hi Panda1955:

May we know your name? And are you in California?

Welcome to the forum!!


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RE: Welcome to !

My name is Darlene and I live in Salida Ca. That is right outside of Modesto. :)


RE: Welcome to !

thanks for welcome me friends.


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5 Year Member
Dec 28, 2010
RE: Welcome to !

Hi all I just got a new russian tortoise for christmas. I call her natasha, tasha for short. She's a wonderfully friendly little girl with a big appetite! I feel in love with her as soon as I saw her! I just wanted to say hello to all!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Realsis said:
Hi all I just got a new russian tortoise for christmas. I call her natasha, tasha for short. She's a wonderfully friendly little girl with a big appetite! I feel in love with her as soon as I saw her! I just wanted to say hello to all!

Hi Realsis:

Welcome to the forum!! May we know your name and where you;re from?


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Dec 29, 2010
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Bellingham, WA
RE: Welcome to !

Hi -

I'm Laura from Bellingham, WA. Currently I've got a three-toed boxy (female?? ~9 months) named Crash, two juvenile Sulcatas (Meatloaf and Mama Cass), a 24 year old male Reeve's turtle (Davy), two Russian torts (male - Mike; female - Micky) and a male golden Greek tort (Peter). The Russians and Greek are all between 5-10 years, exact ages unknown. I've lived with turtles all my life, having grown up with Davy as a surrogate little brother. I look forward to sharing and learning from others with the same weird love of these guys.

I've also got a 5 year old male Australian Shepherd mix who is battling cancer (Elliott) and a 4 year old male Maine Coon (Sammy).


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Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
RE: Welcome to !

Xilonen said:
Hi -

I'm Laura from Bellingham, WA.

Hi Laura:

Welcome to the forum!!

Please read this thread:

Your sulcatas are already starting to show pyramiding. Tom's thread will help quite a bit. This is cutting edge, brand new information...not what you will read in books or see online.

Very glad to have you here with us and thanks for posting pictures. I love your little box turtle!!
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