Just For Fun can you identify

Len B

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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
First this plant is definitely on the do not feed list. I brought some to the beach from the Maryland house back in 2006. They were growing and multiplying until I set up an outside enclosure for an Impressed tortoise I was raising several years ago. He ate them all and thrived growing nicely without harm. I was surprised and happy to see this coming up this year. It looks different when it gets big. Probably most fouram members have never seen one but may know the name.KIMG3362.JPGWhen it matures they produce red berries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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It might be Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). It would fit the look in the photo and your area. And your description of the berries. Even though it contains high levels of oxalate crystals, it might be possible your tortoise ate it without visible harm. But I can't be sure without seeing the flower.

Len B

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Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
It might be Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). It would fit the look in the photo and your area. And your description of the berries. Even though it contains high levels of oxalate crystals, it might be possible your tortoise ate it without visible harm. But I can't be sure without seeing the flower.
Impressive, Your correct. I love the woodland plants. But they don't do real well here at the beach. I have a small patch of mayapples and at one time I tried ferns but they didn't do good and slowly died off. My yard is more suitable for cactus growing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Impressive, Your correct. I love the woodland plants. But they don't do real well here at the beach. I have a small patch of mayapples and at one time I tried ferns but they didn't do good and slowly died off. My yard is more suitable for cactus growing.
Arisaema triphyllum doesnät grow here in Finland, but many Arisaema plants are grown as decorational plants in gardens. I simply googled what Arisaema plants are native to Maryland and identified from there 😊

My childhood home was in a very wooded are with many woodland plants that were easy to get to thrive in our garden.

Len B

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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
My phone identified it for me! And a good thing because I had no clue.
I posted about this plant a while back and I believe it was you that said it was a safe to feed plant. It will have small yellow blooms later.KIMG3383.JPGKIMG3384.JPGif safe to feed I'll offer it to Hermanns tortoises.

Len B

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2010
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Southern Md - Northern Neck Va
This time, I'm not sure what this tree is. It looks like an oak of some type but KIMG3466.JPGKIMG3468.JPGI can't find a match for the leaf. Whatever it is was planted by a squirrel a couple years ago. It growing in an area that I only mow usually once a year. I've cut it twice with the mower but since it keeps coming back I decided to dig it up today and pot it. Any ideas?

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