Juvenile or Adult Aldabra


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Yeah I agree with you about it not being ideal for a sulcata having to stay in the inside area for long periods, but like you say, with so many in dire conditions and housing, this would probably be a huge upgrade for them, which would change that one animals life for the better, again not ideal, but definitely better than how a lot of them get housed😬
Personally I don't see hardly any on here with that size indoor enclosure. If this person is in MI it would definitely be better than most in MI or most other places provide.
I know Tom hates when I say this, but we have a few Sulcatas on here that live in the snowy colder areas and have the opportunity to go outside in the winter. Being from MI and having to visit often. I can say with first hand monthly experience, the cold and snow in MI and here in Chicago, is not what it used to be and each year seems to be warmer and less snow. Last winter barely snow until after the new year and even then, not lasting long, days, not weeks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Personally I don't see hardly any on here with that size indoor enclosure. If this person is in MI it would definitely be better than most in MI or most other places provide.
I know Tom hates when I say this, but we have a few Sulcatas on here that live in the snowy colder areas and have the opportunity to go outside in the winter. Being from MI and having to visit often. I can say with first hand monthly experience, the cold and snow in MI and here in Chicago, is not what it used to be and each year seems to be warmer and less snow. Last winter barely snow until after the new year and even then, not lasting long, days, not weeks.
Yeah it would definitely make a nice home for a rescue in that location🐢💚


New Member
May 24, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Wow you guys are super fast with catching these sketchy things. Though really I doubt anyone woulda just given him an aldabra to rescue. If anyone had an aldabra that they could not raise anymore due to any factors, first they would try to sell cuz they are worth a lot of money OR if they are wealthy enough to not care, would donate to a zoo or some sort of rescue farm.