Light in tortoise box


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
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My granddaughter had a young tortoise for Xmas 2023. She purchased a tortoise box with light from amazon. In the UK the light is on for 12 hours per day, now that it is summer here can the light be put on for a shorter time in the day?

Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
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My granddaughter had a young tortoise for Xmas 2023. She purchased a tortoise box with light from amazon. In the UK the light is on for 12 hours per day, now that it is summer here can the light be put on for a shorter time in the day?

Hello and welcome!

What kind of tortoise and of what age your granddaughter has? Because recommendations can be different for different species and ages. And what kind of lamp? Photos of the tortoise, its box and lamp packaging would be perfect.

In warm summer days tortoise can be outside and enjoy natural sun - it's much better than any lamps. Yet it needs its own secure space - similar to a pen or a garden bed.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome from a fellow uk member!😊

It would be great if we could get some more information from you.

What type of tortoise does you granddaughter have? How old roughly?
What sized set up are you using?
What kind of lighting are you using? Package photos are good!
Do you have indoor uv?
What are you overall temps? Ie basking spot, rest of the enclosure day temps, and night temps
What is your humidity?
Lastly what kind of substrate are you using?

Don’t worry if you don’t have answers to all those questions, just answer what you can.

A photo of both the tortoise and the set up would be very helpful🙂


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
My granddaughter had a young tortoise for Xmas 2023. She purchased a tortoise box with light from amazon. In the UK the light is on for 12 hours per day, now that it is summer here can the light be put on for a shorter time in the day?
If the tortoise is in an outdoor enclosure during the day, the light can be off. If the tortoise is indoors during the day, all of the lights need to be on. There should be at least three lights, and sometimes a fourth heat source is needed for heat. You need ambient lighting, UV lighting, and a basking lamp. If the pet store sold you just one bulb, it is the wrong type and should not be used over tortoises. Most pet shops do not understand tortoise care and they recommend and sell all the wrong products. The correct care info is here. Please read, understand this info, and make changes if you want your granddaughters tortoise to survive and thrive:

Questions are welcome.


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
If the tortoise is in an outdoor enclosure during the day, the light can be off. If the tortoise is indoors during the day, all of the lights need to be on. There should be at least three lights, and sometimes a fourth heat source is needed for heat. You need ambient lighting, UV lighting, and a basking lamp. If the pet store sold you just one bulb, it is the wrong type and should not be used over tortoises. Most pet shops do not understand tortoise care and they recommend and sell all the wrong products. The correct care info is here. Please read, understand this info, and make changes of you want your granddaughters tortoise to survive and thrive:

Questions are welcome.
Many thanks will look into this
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