Manouria full house

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10 Year Member!
May 18, 2012
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wildak said:
quote" Pls don't ask me to break any more laws !!
I am already breaking many laws by just buying and keeping them!"

Just curious to the export laws. I don't knowingly purchase animals illegally.

I thought Boreno was part of their native range, according to the books anyways. I guess they could have been planted their from people at one time.

Do you know anything about the different colors from different regions ? It's difficult to tell from the ones we get in the US as they are often smuggled to markets from many regions before making it to the US.

Some of the imports I have are olive green like the one in your picture while others were all yellow. I find it hard to believe they all came from the same area.
I have also seen darker brown ones.

I'm just trying to learn what I can about Impressa as there's not much info out there in books.


Sorry took a while to reply . Busy with peak egg season !!

I know not much information on them in regards to diet , actual distribution .... Etc In books or Internet !!
But by trail and error I have proven and unproven a lot of things ( at least to myself ) !! ie they can be trained to eat other stuff beside certain type of fungus. .. Or they accept pothos .......

By the way
I got my herd in three batch
- first pair ( seller claim from mainland Malaysia )
- Second lot of about 10 ( seller say pass on to him from a Thai wholesaler )
- last lot ( friend sourced them himself from logging camp in laos ) so this lot I am 100% sure of their origin as collected in-situ !!

But even from lot 3 all shades are there - all yellow , more orange , with olive green ......... So I am thinking it's genetic rather than locale that set the colour apart .


tortoises101 said:
The Cayman Turtle Farm received mixed feelings from biologists when they decided to release captive green turtles into the waters surrounding Grand Cayman. So far, nothing has happened. IMO as long as the animals you're releasing harbor no harmful microbes I see no problem.

Hi there

I do blood test , fecal test on my intended release subjects ( only local sp are released to boost local population )
Only the healthy one who passes all test are selected ( beside isolating these from my main group for at least 6 mths prior )


TortieLuver said:
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing :)

Welcome and anytime

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