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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
Hi, all! Just wondering if anyone trims their tortoise's nails? How long are nails on a THB supposed to be?

I had to trim my torts' nails, as soon as I got them last week. Poor thinks couldn't walk properly. But I'm thinking I need to trim them a bit more, as I feel they're still too long. Please advise. (Oh, and I used to be a dog, cat, and bird groomer by trade, so I'm pretty adept with the clippers. I know how to avoid the quick!) tks a bunch!


May[CHERRY BLOSSOM] & Hermann's [TURTLE][TURTLE] (Darwin & Wallace)
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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If you feed on a flat rock or piece of tile and also put some in the enclosure to walk on, it will help to keep nails and beak trimmed.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
wellington said:
If you feed on a flat rock or piece of tile and also put some in the enclosure to walk on, it will help to keep nails and beak trimmed.

Tks! I got some rocks for them to climb on. They have to climb to get to their basking spot and down to their food. I'll definitely look into getting a piece of slate for their larger enclosure.

May[CHERRY BLOSSOM] & Hermann's [TURTLE][TURTLE] (Darwin & Wallace)
Winnipeg, MB, Canada


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Rough pieces of slate tiles are a great way to do this as well, perhaps placing them within the torts desired walking pathway--this way he will walk across the slate tiles and trim the nails down---you can get the slate flooring tiles from home depot for like a buck or so a piece for a 12x12 inch piece...


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May 24, 2013
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I WOULD HIGHLY ADVICE AGAINST THIS! IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING PLEASE DONT DO IT! I learned the hard way! tortoises have nerve endings on their nails and if you cut too deep, your cutting the nerve endings and it would cause them to bleed. i damn near cried when i did this. I was stupid and naive when i first did this. If you really have to do it, look closely. if its white and clear then slowly trim it. the blacken part has all the nerve endings. you probably cut that part and that's what caused him/her from walking properly.


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Jul 12, 2013
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ascott said:
Rough pieces of slate tiles are a great way to do this as well, perhaps placing them within the torts desired walking pathway--this way he will walk across the slate tiles and trim the nails down---you can get the slate flooring tiles from home depot for like a buck or so a piece for a 12x12 inch piece...

Tks! I'll definitely look into it.

May[CHERRY BLOSSOM] & Hermann's [TURTLE][TURTLE] (Darwin & Wallace)
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Jlant85 said:
I WOULD HIGHLY ADVICE AGAINST THIS! IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING PLEASE DONT DO IT! I learned the hard way! tortoises have nerve endings on their nails and if you cut too deep, your cutting the nerve endings and it would cause them to bleed. i damn near cried when i did this. I was stupid and naive when i first did this. If you really have to do it, look closely. if its white and clear then slowly trim it. the blacken part has all the nerve endings. you probably cut that part and that's what caused him/her from walking properly.

I'm sorry you had to learn it the hard way. Tks for your concern, but I know exactly what I'm doing. I was trained by professionals and I've been clipping nails dogs, cats, birds (parrots, finches, canaries), and even the occasional hedgehog, for 20+ years. I've never hit a quick!

May[CHERRY BLOSSOM] & Hermann's [TURTLE][TURTLE] (Darwin & Wallace)
Winnipeg, MB, Canada


5 Year Member
Jun 26, 2013
I also trim dogs nails as a groomer and would know where the quick is but I don't feel the question was really answered. If the nails are extremely long can you cut them? Do the quicks grow out like a dogs does? Mine are extremely long and the slate rocks, wooden hide(that he climbs on) and slate water dish have not really done much in shortening. If my knowledge from dogs applies then I feel that trimming to get the major length off is necessary and the rocks etc. would help maintain a proper length. Can anyone tell me that this might be true or am I wrong? I have a hatchling and would like to take care of his nails ASAP if needed.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
panda said:
I also trim dogs nails as a groomer and would know where the quick is but I don't feel the question was really answered. If the nails are extremely long can you cut them? Do the quicks grow out like a dogs does? Mine are extremely long and the slate rocks, wooden hide(that he climbs on) and slate water dish have not really done much in shortening. If my knowledge from dogs applies then I feel that trimming to get the major length off is necessary and the rocks etc. would help maintain a proper length. Can anyone tell me that this might be true or am I wrong? I have a hatchling and would like to take care of his nails ASAP if needed.

I'll PM you on this.

Winnipeg, Canada
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