New African Sulcata 2 years old


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Ok basking temp is 95 under the Cher’s left one is 93 the right one is 94 I’m attaching the most recent groove temps
Oh Yay Mandy your levels are looking so much better! Pretty damn spot on in fact!! Chuffed for you! You’ve done so well getting things sorted!🥰

I think you may actually get away with turning the thermostat the CHEs are on ever so slightly(I’m talking just a few degrees) just so directly under the ceramics is more 88/90, but overall those temps aren’t bad at all imo! You don’t need to move anything, just simply adjust the thermostat slightly temp wise and see what they do, if you’re happier with the overall ground temps at the level they are now and that’s what’s keeping the enclosure above 80 24/7 in all the corners, you can always change it back/leave as is👍

95 directly under the floodlight is *chef kiss* though! Well done!!😁 how are your temps once the floodlight goes off?

Humidity is getting better too! I think before she goes in, you’ll be able to do another light pour, and check the bottom layer of coir is all nice and damp and packed down, then giving the top a spray should give the finale boost needed, just a matter of keeping on top of the dampness then and watching your monitors😊

Be proud of yourself!! I know it’s felt tricky at times, we’ve all been there, but you’ve honestly done SO well and are in the home stretch now!! Just finale finishing touches and waiting for all the smell to go❤️the hardest parts are over!🥳


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I would rise CHEs if it is possible to make temperatures below lower (ambient still should be high enough in a "closed chamber").
Ah ok, so instead of tweaking the thermostat, just raise the ceramics a bit instead? Sounds good to me🙂 we’re aiming for more 88/90 directly under the ceramics at night yes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Give that a go Mandy, leave them a few hours and check again, you’re pretty much there now, just minor tweaks to get things spot on👌

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