New baby redfoot not eating

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10 Year Member!
Oct 9, 2009
I believe he ate one day, but I'm not sure, as I couldn't tell if he just tore the greens and they dried or if he really ate half. I haven't really seen him eat though.

He's in a 50 gallon tote. I've raised the temps to about 87 the humidity is being kept well with the dirt and moss. Water bowl and hide.

I believe it ate, but I'm not 100% sure as it sort of looked like the heat just dried out the greens and maybe he moved it. I'm just hoping he ate it even though it was only half.

The tort is in a 50 gallon tote with temps raised to about 87ish. Humidity being kept well with coconut coir and moss. Water bowl, hide, and a piece of tile for food.


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Feb 15, 2008
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"Not sure if he really ate"... sometimes this suggests that you are offering too much food. The daily amount should only be about as big as its head.

We had a guy saying similar things several months ago, and when he showed us the set-up, there was a pile of food bigger than the tortoise- he never knew if it had eaten because the small amount it DID eat was hidden by the pile.

How big is your daily serving?
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