New from Las Vegas, NV


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Nov 23, 2015
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Las Vegas, NV
Hello all, I am the proud mom of a 10 year old male African sulcata. His name is Pokie and we got him about 7 years ago from someone who wasn't taking very good care of him, his shell was very malformed. After changing his diet he appears to be doing well after all these years. I just took him for his first visit at the vet about a month ago and he says he is doing great. I learn most of my information from the internet, but look forward to learning more from people with experience.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Hi Sherrie! Glad you are joining us. Can we see Pokie? What have you enjoyed most about having him in your life?

Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Sherrie!


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Nov 23, 2015
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Las Vegas, NV
Hopefully I posted the pictures properly!!
The first one is Pokie visiting us on the patio. We live on 1 1/2 acres and he usually stays out in the back yard where his house and burrow are. But when he wants company (and snacks) he climbs up the one step and makes his way up to the house.
The second pictures is just him in the back yard.
The third picture is him at his visit to the vet about a month ago.

Our favorite thing about him is how social he is! When we got him we had no idea how fun and friendly they can be. Everyone who comes over loves to go out and visit him, adults and kids. He loves anytime anyone is doing any type of work in the back yard. When we hire anyone to do anything around the property he spends the whole time following them around. Most people love him, although occasionally some of them are afraid of him ;)

He loves to have his neck rubbed and loves to have his shell rubbed and washed during warm weather. Over all he is a fantastic pet and numerous friends have mentioned they would like to get one. But I have had to remind them that his breed is not for everyone because of how long they live and how large they can get! He is only 34 pounds now, but from what I have read I don't think most people would be prepared to care for a tortoise that can reach up to 200 pounds.

Tidgy's Dad

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Hello, Sherrie and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you and Pokie.
He's smashing!:)

Lyn W

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Hi and welcome, he looks quite a character!
Does he have a big container of water to self soak in too.
My leopard enjoys that as you can see from my pic.


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Nov 23, 2015
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Las Vegas, NV
Your leopard tortoise is beautiful! I don't know a lot about different tortoise breeds, although I am learning to love them all more as time goes on. We acquired Pokie mostly because he needed a home and we were able to provide one, but the longer we have had him we are so thankful that he came into our lives.

Yes, he has a large planter base that he soaks in, but that has become a bit of a dilemma for us this last summer as he has outgrown it. I ordered another plastic container that is made for koi fish, but I underestimated his and the containers size and he is to large for it. I would love any ideas anyone can offer on how to create a place for him to soak, that would hopefully grow with him. I have considered even using a kiddie pool cut down on the sides during summer, but I worry about the type of plastic used and whether or not it would be healthy for him to drink? I also know some people use concrete to build a pool, but that seems like a large project and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.

My kids love to play in the mud in the back yard. We have an old covered horse area where they turn on the spigot and play in the mud, the tortoise loves to play with the kids when they have mud days.


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Welcome to the Forum, Sherrie. I love the "mud days". Sounds like an official Sulcata holiday. Would love to see pictures of your kids and sulcata getting muddy together.

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