New Russian Torts

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5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
My name is Faith and I am the proud owner of 2 Russian Torts. (Zoey and Winston) They were purchased in June from a pet store, (I didn't know ay better at the time) I am unable to house them outdoors at this time, but should be buying a house within the next year or two. there current enclosure is 3.5 x 2.5 feet. has two UVB lights, and a 100w basking bulb. I have experimented with several substrates, and have not really found one I love. Any suggestions on how I can make my babies home more comfortable would be much appreciated.

PS I live in New England. Cold winters, Hot Humid summers.


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5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2012
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Gran Pulse
Welcome~! Can you tell me which substrates you have tried so far? What are your current temps (day and night). Do they ever get outside? :D


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Sep 22, 2009
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Peoria, Arizona
Welcome to the forum! Your enclosure is great! I'd probably add another hide and thats pretty much it. What diet do you have them on?


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5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
Sure, I have tried a sand and topsoil mix, which seemed good at first, but got really dry and dusty so I soaked it the other day, which seemed to help, but brought the humidity way up for a couple of days. I used the wood bark stuff they sell at the pet store the first time around, and then I mixed the bark with coconut fiber, which I think was probably the best so far. I am actually waiting for a delivery of coconut fiber to change over the pen. My temps are 100-105 basking, and around 85 everywhere else. I haven't checked night temps, but will tonight. As for outside, I take wintson out several times a week. He loves exploring, and won't even eat if he could be wandering and climbing instead, (which sometimes worries me). I try to take zoey out once a week. She is much more skittish than Winston, and immediately hides and stays there. She feels safest in her pen and will only eat when in there, but boy can she eat. Meanwhile winston is always trying to climb out.


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5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
I used to have another hide, but they mostly knocked it over. Since I put all of the leafy plastic plants in the corners, this is where they hide, and sleep. Winston uses the half log, but more in his attemps to climb out than to hide under. lol As for food I feed them different lettuces, green, boston, romaine, dandilion, and I cut up other veggies a couple of times a week they like carrots and radishes best. Sometimes I get grape leaves from the yard. I know absolutely nothing about gardening, but would love to get some edible plants I can grow indoor. I have a small aloe plant I feed them from time to time as a treat.

Thanx for the input.



5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Gran Pulse
mzprfct7400 said:
I used to have another hide, but they mostly knocked it over. Since I put all of the leafy plastic plants in the corners, this is where they hide, and sleep. Winston uses the half log, but more in his attemps to climb out than to hide under. lol As for food I feed them different lettuces, green, boston, romaine, dandilion, and I cut up other veggies a couple of times a week they like carrots and radishes best. Sometimes I get grape leaves from the yard. I know absolutely nothing about gardening, but would love to get some edible plants I can grow indoor. I have a small aloe plant I feed them from time to time as a treat.

Thanx for the input.


Have you tried Cyress Mulch? I try to stay clear away from sand. It stinks to the tortoises. But this is just my personal opinion.


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5 Year Member
Aug 17, 2012
Welcome! I'm a newbie myself. We just got our Russian about a week ago. He mostly hides and digs, and he loves to go walking outside. Like you, we got him at a petstore (not knowing better) and we currently live in an apartment and hope to find a house in the next couple years (with a big yard!) But for now, we take him outside for at least a little bit as often as we can. We have so far attempted to feed him dandelion, clover, marigold, and even those grassy pellet things they sell at the pet store. The only thing he's touched is the organic mustard greens we got from the grocery store. And, what's really odd, is he only seems to eat it when we hand feed him. He hasn't touched anything we've left in his dish. We've heard that it can take a long time for a tortoise to adjust to a new enclosure and new lifestyle, so we're hoping that's the only issue! I've also heard you shouldn't use a cfl bulb for their uvb, because it can hurt their eyes, but not sure what I can get to replace it?

Right now we're using fir bark, but we don't really like it that well. It dries out pretty fast, and I am afraid the bark is going to poke him in the eye or something when he digs. We're going out tomorrow and getting coconut coir. It seems to be the only substrate anyone can agree is safe. I've also read that you should avoid fruits and vegetables, and to only give those as a rare treat (if ever).


New Member
5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
mctlong said:
Welcome! :D

I can't see them in the pic - Where are they hiding?

In the corner. We have fake plants/leaves in every corner. They love them so much they don't even use the hide any more. And you can get them at the dollar store.
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