OMG...what have I done??!!


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Oct 7, 2023
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"Ditsy" is a derogatory term for women, and I refuse to use it. The puppy's name was "Looney". I would also have changed that.

The other 5...Raven, Brutus, Og, Tiger, and Princess are perfectly acceptable.

Hmmm...I suspect you already know about derogatory terms for women, and have them ready for quick use. I'm glad I'm not your friend too, however I don't think that would ever happen in the first place. Enough said.
Ditsy just means rather goofy. Males can be ditsy.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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"Ditsy" is a derogatory term for women, and I refuse to use it. The puppy's name was "Looney". I would also have changed that.

The other 5...Raven, Brutus, Og, Tiger, and Princess are perfectly acceptable.

Hmmm...I suspect you already know about derogatory terms for women, and have them ready for quick use. I'm glad I'm not your friend too, however I don't think that would ever happen in the first place. Enough said.
Yepper, would never have been friends with you. You jump to incorrect conclusions. I don't use those kinds of words.

Levi the Leopard

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Wow! What an undertaking.

I want to thank you and the other friends for helping with these animals on your friend's behalf.

YES, anyone with pets (especially exotics and/or more difficult animals) needs an emergency contact list. I have that in place for all of mine.
A few years ago I was very sick and Drs. told my husband I might not survive the surgery that was needed to save me. We had 30+ animals at the time because I operated an exotic animal show. I was in and out of consciousness and barely remember things that took place during that season of my life. During my lowest point, my 13 year old son spent 6 weeks caring for ALL of the animals in my absence. I hear he did an amazing job, but it was a huge job for a kid. Despite having been trained on how to assist me in their care, it wasn't sustainable for him to remain their full time caretaker long term. Drs. quoted me a 6-8 month recovery time if I survived. Thankfully, my husband was able to rehome the majority of the animals properly, because of my emergency contact list. He also knew what animals were a "no-no" for rehoming. Like Levi my tortoise :) :tort:

A few of the new homes offered to give my animals back to me when I was better. I did end up taking my albino BP back 9 months later but that was the only one. The others were in good homes and being enjoyed by their new families.
To me, names are no big deal. If you don't like Ditsy, don't use it. The dog will not suffer trauma being called Petra, Petunia, Purple or Pee Pee for that matter 🤣 The dog will also be just fine if she goes back "home" and is called Ditsy once again. Everyone can sleep better at night knowing that a name change is of little significance in this case.

The spay/neuter is a bigger change but considering circumstances, it is another detail to be overlooked. You are putting forth a great expense to invest in the dog's health by adding the bloat prevention surgery.

I wish you all the best with these changes in your household and for the healing journey with your friend.

Parrots are a lot. Like a LOT to deal with. If you need some resources for the bird, happy to help. I work for BirdTricks the free flight trainers. We have lots of good info for companion parrots and their people :) ❤️


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I wish you all the best with these changes in your household and for the healing journey with your friend.
Thank you so much for posting this! It is good to hear from someone who has actually been through an ordeal like this one.

I really like your emergency contact list. I have mostly made arrangements for my pets, but I need to put it all down in writing.


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Jul 8, 2017
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Since some time has gone by since this thread was started, I thought I would post an update.

My friend slowly woke from her medically induced coma and was told by her daughter about the loss of her leg and the disposition of all of her pets. I am amazed at how well she accepted this awful news. She is doing well in a rehab hospital and planning her new future. She still has a long road ahead, but is optimistic and looking forward to coming home when that is possible.

We, the church friends and her family, found homes for 5 of the 7 dogs, including Petra, the Great Dane that I took into my home. My friend has told me that I can keep Petra. I told her that I was planning on spaying her, and my friend begged me to hold off on the surgery just in case Petra was pregnant, further explaining that she had almost lost a dog to hemorrhaging due to spaying while pregnant. I agreed to her request...

And now, a month later, we are certain that Petra is going to be a mom! We're not sure exactly when the deed took place, but if I count from the day I brought her home (and action was observed between them), day 64 is Christmas Day! It is possible that the mating happened up to a week earlier, so I am getting prepared quickly. This will be a new adventure for both of us; it's Petra's first litter, and though I've had experience with kittens, I've never raised pups.

My friend thanked me for waiting to spay, and told me that once the pups were weaned, she would give her blessing for the surgery.

We have no idea how many there are. They are dane/bullmastiff mixes, and the average litter size for danes is 8-10. My friend raised a litter of 15 once! In a few short weeks we'll find out. :D

Cathie G

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That's so nice. What a wonderful thing to go through together with your friend. It is kinda crazy trying to help the mother deal with all those babies though after they start moving around. One of the things I did for the little babies though was set up a potty training area with a thick layer of newspaper. A large boot tray with layers of newspaper layed in it works. The time I did it the puppies were trained to it quickly. After a young couple came and chose one their family came back and adopted the rest the next day or so.😊 they were very young to be paper trained already but they were.😊


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Jul 8, 2017
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Once again some time has flown by, and we have news!

Petra had her pups yesterday and today (12/15 and 12/16)!

She woke me up at 12:30 AM on Friday morning, and didn't start having pups until 3:00 PM. It took 12 hours for all of them to be born...11 puppies, 6 males and 5 females.

And I or it didn't happen, so....

Cathie G

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Aug 9, 2018
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Once again some time has flown by, and we have news!

Petra had her pups yesterday and today (12/15 and 12/16)!

She woke me up at 12:30 AM on Friday morning, and didn't start having pups until 3:00 PM. It took 12 hours for all of them to be born...11 puppies, 6 males and 5 females.

And I or it didn't happen, so....
I'm waiting for puppy pics 🤗


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Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Once again some time has flown by, and we have news!

Petra had her pups yesterday and today (12/15 and 12/16)!

She woke me up at 12:30 AM on Friday morning, and didn't start having pups until 3:00 PM. It took 12 hours for all of them to be born...11 puppies, 6 males and 5 females.

And I or it didn't happen, so....
Sadly, we lost a baby girl during the night.

😭 I'm sure that Petra laid on her. It's very hard for Petra to find a spot big enough without a puppy underneath her. Very sad.

But you said you wanted pictures, so....

Here are a few taken right after birth.

This was the 2nd pup born, a male.

We think this is the prettiest pup of them all. Another boy.

This is the tiniest puppy. I've been telling myself I don't want to keep one, but runts are my undoing. This one might stay with me!


This was after 7 puppies, and we thought she was finished. Wrong!


This is the tiny puppy laying over one of the biggest pups. The little one is a boy, and the big one is a girl.

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Wow! They are going to be beautiful dogs. many nipples does Petra have anyways?
She has 10, but 1 didn't fill with milk. Nothing comes out of it. Also, she laid on another puppy and we lost him 😢💔. Heartbreaking! I've made some changes to the nesting area, and Petra seems more relaxed and calm. I'm hoping this will help stop her from sitting/laying on them.
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Jun 21, 2016
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Don't feel bad about the loss, it's pretty natural to happen and ensures the better chances of the others to grow healthy. You're doing a great job of Grandma 👍😊
She has 10, but 1 didn't fill with milk. Nothing comes out of it. Also, she laid on another puppy and we lost him 😢💔. Heartbreaking! I've made some changes to the nesting area, and Petra seems more relaxed and calm. I'm hoping this will help stop her from sitting/laying on them.


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Jun 30, 2018
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Make sure, like tortoises, make sure she has enuf comfortable room to get away from the pups and lay down. They mostly will wiggle over to her, or make a huge puppy pile all mixed around...Congrats...


Well-Known Member
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Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Make sure, like tortoises, make sure she has enuf comfortable room to get away from the pups and lay down. They mostly will wiggle over to her, or make a huge puppy pile all mixed around...Congrats...
Maggie, that's exactly what they do! Some dogpile while others line up at the snack bar!