Opinions on an enclosure upgrade


New Member
Aug 16, 2023
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Hi everyone.

I have built a bigger enclosure for my eastern hermann several months ago and want to introduce a bigger UVB tube and fixture. I got an Arcadia Lumenize T5 kit that I want to mount on top of the enclosure. The idea I have is to build 2 arches on top at a proper height at the width of the enclosure so the fixture is safely mounted. Currently I have 2 long enough wooden boards bought from a hardware store for other work (not on the enclosure) that can be used. However I believe those are made from pine (or a mixture of other conifer trees). I know that pine fumes can be toxic so my question is should I avoid using these as a possibility to upgrade the enclosure? They will not be in contact with the tort but as they are part of the enclosure, even if above, leads me to think that it could somehow be harmful, especially when top is covered and their smell might be around it.

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