Optimus Prime enjoying outside

Megatron's Mom

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
North Little Rock, Arkansas
I was going to wait until Optimus Prime made 200g but I'm just so happy I wanted to post today.

So Optimus Prime was a mere 40g when my husband gave him to me for Valentines. I was terrified as I didn't know how he was started. Or even when he hatched. But today he weighed in at 184 grams. Roughly 5 months since I've had him

I know he was dry started as we had a pretty scary huge urate that was stuck. Thanks to previous post on this topic and Yvonnes advice in those threads we got that urate out. It was the size or a pencil eraser.

Anyways back to my beautiful tortoise enjoying his outdoor space in this crazy heat. It's a cloudy 92f out but feels like 106. He seems to like it. Don't worry I'm sitting here watching them like a hawk. I just need the second round of seeds to sprout and make things look pretty again. I found a chicken forage seed mix at TSC. He seems to love it. Boy can he move too. Even though I know he can't get out of the pool I still manage to lose track of him.


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Megatron's Mom

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Optimus Prime outside pigging out on clover. 85 today I hope our nice weather holds on for a few more months. Nearly 300g now. She might even be over that now but weigh day is tomorrow and I'll soon find out. Can't believe how much and how fast she has grown.


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Megatron's Mom

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
North Little Rock, Arkansas
Hi, can you point me where exactly Yvonnes' post on urates? I've searched but nothing comes out.

This was back in March and I was pretty freaked out so I was searching all over and reading all threads.
Here are ones I came across. Here are two threads I found, I don't remember the keywords I used. But I came across the second link and that was exactly Optimus's situation. She/He had a huges urate stuck after 1 1/2 hours soaking and it not moving. I didn't know what else to do so I chipped it away a bit and added some vaseline to the area let her rest and then bit by bit as I was chipping it away it started to move and we got it out. It was so big for the tiny torte she was. Poor baby was bruised after that ordeal and didn't come out of her hide all day. The next day she was more like herself eating and moving. Not 100% but much better. I added the mineral oil to her food the next day to help lube anything left up. Since then she's been pretty clear. (knocks on wood)

https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/help-plugged-cloaca.196050/page-2 Post 9 I did this.


New Member
Oct 8, 2023
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This was back in March and I was pretty freaked out so I was searching all over and reading all threads.
Here are ones I came across. Here are two threads I found, I don't remember the keywords I used. But I came across the second link and that was exactly Optimus's situation. She/He had a huges urate stuck after 1 1/2 hours soaking and it not moving. I didn't know what else to do so I chipped it away a bit and added some vaseline to the area let her rest and then bit by bit as I was chipping it away it started to move and we got it out. It was so big for the tiny torte she was. Poor baby was bruised after that ordeal and didn't come out of her hide all day. The next day she was more like herself eating and moving. Not 100% but much better. I added the mineral oil to her food the next day to help lube anything left up. Since then she's been pretty clear. (knocks on wood)

https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/help-plugged-cloaca.196050/page-2 Post 9 I did this.
So much useful information on the thread. Thank you! As a new keeper im gonna write down those emergency treatments and preventions, just in case.

I cant imagine how Optimus was in so much pain back then. Stay healthy, optimus!

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