So, miss piggy is also quite picky, we've found. She LOVES lettuce of all kinds and everything that comes in spring mix (including radichio and frisee). She will also eat bok choy and endive. Sometimes I give her some veggies too- like cuke or zuke. But, that's pretty much it. She turns her little beak up at: dandelion, strawberry leaves, everything that falls into the dark leafy greens category (collards and so on), grass... she's just not interested. We've tried tearing it very tiny and mixing it in... but she is very good at picking around what she does not like.
So, I guess my question is how critical is it that she eat these things? I sort of feel like the mom who's kid subsits on plain noodles, grilled cheese sandwhiches and pudding- because that is all they will eat.
So, I guess my question is how critical is it that she eat these things? I sort of feel like the mom who's kid subsits on plain noodles, grilled cheese sandwhiches and pudding- because that is all they will eat.