
New Member
Dec 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hello! My name is Armani and I am very new to the tortoise forum. I've had my tortoise for about five years and have had minimal problems with anything. But this winter has proved to be the most challenging one yet. My goal is to get him through this winter. Alive.

Here is the situation: I live in Las Vegas Nevada and the temperatures here are not ideal for brumation. It is way too warm for my tortoise to brumate. So, because of that, my tortoise has been coming out of his enclosure lately. He'll walk laps around my backyard (He does so rather slowly; you can tell that he wants to sleep). But then he'll sit in the sun and sunbathe with his eyes closed, not quite sleeping, but just about, and if the sun moves, so does he. But my biggest problem is his enclosure itself. He dug himself a hole right under this tree. But that tree gets watered every day, so as you can imagine, it floods the tunnel every day. There is a decent amount of water in the tunnel, and it is freezing cold. I'm very worried and don't know what to do. I've hear that we can decide if we don't want them to brumate. Is that true? If so, how? I'm not sure that I have space in my house for him and my garage is the same temperature it is outside!


New Member
Dec 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas, Nevada
I believe that he is a Gopher tortoise. He is about 35 years old. He is roughly about 1 ft. Give or take 2-3 inches. We did not buy him knowing anything about him, he kinda just showed up one day.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I believe that he is a Gopher tortoise. He is about 35 years old. He is roughly about 1 ft. Give or take 2-3 inches. We did not buy him knowing anything about him, he kinda just showed up one day.
In addition to the thread from SinLA, you need this one:

You need a temperature controlled night box with a heat lamp like what is in the thread.

And this one too:


New Member
Dec 29, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas, Nevada
Thank you guys so much> I'm about to read the threads now. 've only been apart of this little community for a day, but I can already see the amount of care and dedication it calls for. So thank you again!