Pretend chat 2

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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Cowboy_Ken said:
mike taylor said:
Yep ,looks like you didn't use a level on your barn .

When I walk down to the bottom of our property, we live on a gentle slope. Coming back up to the house, we live on a freakin hillside.

I live on the top of a mountain after a long bike ride. Actually it does make me realize that I do live on the top of a hill.


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Everyone in the Pacific Northwest get outside!!!! Hurry. The space station is crossing from southwest to northeast tonight at 9:41.


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Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been on lately, but I started my cardiovascular therapy last week and I've been working out 3 days a week. That has kept me busy because I have to do what I usually do, only I start later. I do think of my friends here daily. My hubby comes home tomorrow! Can't wait. He's taking me out to dinner when he gets home. Need to go to sleep now since I have to get up very early tomorrow. I hope to get back with you all later tomorrow.


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sibi said:
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been on lately, but I started my cardiovascular therapy last week and I've been working out 3 days a week. That has kept me busy because I have to do what I usually do, only I start later. I do think of my friends here daily. My hubby comes home tomorrow! Can't wait. He's taking me out to dinner when he gets home. Need to go to sleep now since I have to get up very early tomorrow. I hope to get back with you all later tomorrow.
It is awesome news that you are feeling well enough to work out. I hope you have a good day and a fun dinner with your hubs. :D

CtTortoiseMom said:
Good Morning :)
Good morning and happy FRIDAY!!! :D


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YAY for Friday! I am so sick of reports and spreadsheets...I just want to go play outside. :p


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We're getting the rain and some wind from Andrea here. Nothing too serious though.

We're working on introducing the new dog Ellie. Dante (first dog) is fine with her. When she tries to play too rough he does a tiny growl and sits and she stops. When she's around hyper Prince she gets super excited and starts barking and Prince raises his hackles and barks like "back off" to her, but she takes it as a play bark and tries to paw him. He's just unsure of this all and we hope with gradual introductions on neutral territory that he can accept her. She's the kind of dog that feeds off energy and with Dante she sits by him calmly, with Prince she jumps around and tries to wrestle him...

Wish it would stop dumping rain so I could work on walking them as a pack to burn off energy and establish a bond.


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Rain here too. Although, I am having fun playing puzzles with my son. My daughter is going on a dinner cruise tonight as part of her 8th grade graduation and they did not cancel it because of rain, so I am a little worried about that!

Whats up with you all. Cowboy must have had a lot of rain a few days ago because that's what my next few days look like.


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Nope. We've been dry here. I think you're getting rain from that tropical storm Andrea, that hie Sibi. From what I could see, it was heading up the eastern seaboard. That would include you on the outskirts. Last night I watched the ISS fly over. That was interesting to see in that its like 215 miles above us.


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Oh, that makes sense re: the hurricane.

My husband love looking at the stars and such we take the kids to rural fields with no street or house lights to interfere and look through my husbands telescope. In truth the kids and I look for five minutes and then play flashlight tag while my husband looks up for hours!!
Here's his....
It temporarily lives in the basement until we finish the attic and put two large skylights in:)
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Holy telescope, that's a real one! We've got no outside lighting that we don't control. We barely have a city glow from town either in that town is small and eight miles and a couple valleys away.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Holy telescope, that's a real one! We've got no outside lighting that we don't control. We barely have a city glow from town either in that town is small and eight miles and a couple valleys away.

Yah, he doesn't do anything half way. He is in an astronomy club but I call it an "astrology" club to mess with him.


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Ask him what house Jupiter is in and when he answers, tell him that's what the palm reader said! Smiley face thing here.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Ask him what house Jupiter is in and when he answers, tell him that's what the palm reader said! Smiley face thing here.

When he got back from his first meeting I asked of he was a Pisces or did he discover he was in truth a cancer!!!! He was not pleased.


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I'm not wanting to work tonight since last Friday every customer was being quite rude and we were stuck 20 minutes after closing for shoppers that wouldn't leave.

My bf and I have been together for 2 years now. I figure he hasn't left me yet for my pet obsession or oddness so that's always a good thing :)


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RosieRedfoot said:
I'm not wanting to work tonight since last Friday every customer was being quite rude and we were stuck 20 minutes after closing for shoppers that wouldn't leave.

My bf and I have been together for 2 years now. I figure he hasn't left me yet for my pet obsession or oddness so that's always a good thing :)

That is a good thing :D
I got my front porch all summer perty today.
Mikeys parents are coming tomorrow and we going kayaking. It took me over an hour to clean the house tonight. It was like an episode of hoarders buried alive in here :p
I am finally watching game of thrones and it's wonderful. :D


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Kerryann said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I'm not wanting to work tonight since last Friday every customer was being quite rude and we were stuck 20 minutes after closing for shoppers that wouldn't leave.

My bf and I have been together for 2 years now. I figure he hasn't left me yet for my pet obsession or oddness so that's always a good thing :)

That is a good thing :D
I got my front porch all summer perty today.
Mikeys parents are coming tomorrow and we going kayaking. It took me over an hour to clean the house tonight. It was like an episode of hoarders buried alive in here :p
I am finally watching game of thrones and it's wonderful. :D

The last episode of Gameof Thrones was nuts! I cannot wait for the season finale!!!


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CtTortoiseMom said:
Kerryann said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I'm not wanting to work tonight since last Friday every customer was being quite rude and we were stuck 20 minutes after closing for shoppers that wouldn't leave.

My bf and I have been together for 2 years now. I figure he hasn't left me yet for my pet obsession or oddness so that's always a good thing :)

That is a good thing :D
I got my front porch all summer perty today.
Mikeys parents are coming tomorrow and we going kayaking. It took me over an hour to clean the house tonight. It was like an episode of hoarders buried alive in here :p
I am finally watching game of thrones and it's wonderful. :D

The last episode of Gameof Thrones was nuts! I cannot wait for the season finale!!!
I am three or four episodes in :D


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It only took you an hour to clean your house? It takes me all day to do mine. It takes my cleaning lady 5 hours. You must not have had too much to do, or else your thyroid must be on overdrive.
CtTortoiseMom said:
Kerryann said:
RosieRedfoot said:
I'm not wanting to work tonight since last Friday every customer was being quite rude and we were stuck 20 minutes after closing for shoppers that wouldn't leave.

My bf and I have been together for 2 years now. I figure he hasn't left me yet for my pet obsession or oddness so that's always a good thing :)

That is a good thing :D
I got my front porch all summer perty today.
Mikeys parents are coming tomorrow and we going kayaking. It took me over an hour to clean the house tonight. It was like an episode of hoarders buried alive in here :p
I am finally watching game of thrones and it's wonderful. :D

The last episode of Gameof Thrones was nuts! I cannot wait for the season finale!!!

Cowboy, I like the pen you built for your sully. You need to get some plants in there, but it's really nice. I missed you all. My hubby came home today, and he got me a tablet from his seminar. That's cool!
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