Pretend chat 2

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Jul 15, 2012
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The Daylillies are red/yellow and are just starting to bud, so hopefully I can get some good pics when they bloom :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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RosieRedfoot said:
We're having BLT's for dinner :D

Wait... Is every Sunday bacon Sunday?

I have been so hungry for BLT, well for me it's BTs. :D Will be another month most likely before I can have one. :(


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Cowboy_Ken said:
Yes. Tradition mandates Sunday is always bacon Sunday.

I took my piggy pill so I guess I participated :). Today we had friends over that are strict vegan's like Rob so for me it was Cous Cous, kale orzo salad and the like. they have two daughters and they are a year apart, the youngest is a little over one year and the eldest a little over two years old. I am so glad my three are so spread out because it is a lot of work having two babies!!


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We went to the river and kayaked for five hours. We went up river and it was windy and blowing at us all the way up. We got up into the lake and the waves were huge from the wind. Then it started raining and we got in our kayaks and rushed back towards the river. We got lost finding the river in the lake because there were so many choices. Finally as we were figuring out where to go we saw baby storks and the sun started shining. When we got back across the dam in the river I laid back like a sea lion in my kayak and only used my paddle to keep me headed in the right direction :)


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Glad you found your way back!

Tomorrow we're heading up to North Carolina to Craigslist sell some things and go back to check out ikea and supposedly a good po'boy restaurant place.

Been craving a shrimp po'boy for a while now! I dare say when done properly they are better than even a BLT!

Sorry for the blasphemy, Ken :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
We went to the river and kayaked for five hours. We went up river and it was windy and blowing at us all the way up. We got up into the lake and the waves were huge from the wind. Then it started raining and we got in our kayaks and rushed back towards the river. We got lost finding the river in the lake because there were so many choices. Finally as we were figuring out where to go we saw baby storks and the sun started shining. When we got back across the dam in the river I laid back like a sea lion in my kayak and only used my paddle to keep me headed in the right direction :)

Baby storks sound so cute! The cutest thing in my day was this evening, watching Wormie (a solid black cat) playing with a fairly new stray who is pure white. No idea yet if it is a male or a female, but for now the name is Ghost. I also realized that is I am laying down on the swing and not moving, the wilder cats tend to ignore me being there.

I had some happy moments today, one of which was discovering that finally (weeks behind the rest) one of my older hardy hibiscus is coming back to life. I also have this pair of turtles who have been in captivity their entire life I believe, They are like 7 years old or so, if I recall right. I got them last fall and just this week tried putting them into their outdoor pool. Problems happened, when I realized neither of them knew they could dive deep. They would do only shallow dives into the water and always had part of their shell above water. :rolleyes: So every day night I had to bring them in for safety reasons. Well finally today they are actually going completely under water. :)

*sitting and wondering if I would like a shrimp po'boy*


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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It's Monday morning! Time to rise and shine!! :D

So whatcha all have plans to do this week?


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Well…we'll see. As it stands, I'm having a rough go of it getting motivated. This past weekend, I did somewhere in the neighborhood of eight + hours driving, and only about 1/4 of that was back country, the balance was interstate. We did though, as a result of all this, have our man child here, (when we need something moved, we say,“get Bamm-Bamm). And then Sunday night, we got together with my baby girl, (fine,she's 24) for dinner. All in all a great weekend aside from the driving bits.
Gene Rodenbarry lied to me with the whole, “2 to transport", deal.

Portland will be having a, “naked bike riding event." Organizers say its to bring awareness about how vulnerable bicyclists are. I'm afraid it may bring awareness to why the participants need to participate in such extreme exercise programs…too visual? Sorry.


5 Year Member
Sep 7, 2012
Geez, finally get a chance to check back in here (still don t have my tortoise:(, life interrupts) and there s talk of naked people? Thought this site was about tortoises ?!?! Talk of tortoises without shells I would get.


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Deltadawn465 said:
Geez, finally get a chance to check back in here (still don t have my tortoise:(, life interrupts) and there s talk of naked people? Thought this site was about tortoises ?!?! Talk of tortoises without shells I would get.

Apparently, you've never been to Portland, Oregon! The show, Portlandia is pretty much reality.


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I only ever really mountain bike and I always wear the bike shorts with butt pads built in because I will get bruises and it realky hurts. So my only real thought about the naked bike ride is that I hope they have padded seats!!!!


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Keep Portland Weird! And full of hipsters, lol.

But Voodoo Doughnuts is pretty delicious even if some of their names aren't suitable for a PG forum, lol.


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My friends sister came for a visit from Portland and said that my husband and I would totally fit in there because i have short hair and he has a handle bar mustache and we both have tattoos. It's nice to know i'd fit in somewhere:)


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I, don't fit in, in Portland. I drink Coors, not backyard microbrew or wine, and I simply love eating dead animals. That, and I openly laugh.
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