Pretend chat 2

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Dec 31, 2011
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emysemys said:
Somebody brought me a young snapping turtle a couple days ago. Now I'm in a quandry. They are illegal here in California, so I can't adopt it out. I don't want to keep it. And I've lost the info on the guy who I used to ship them to in Arkansas. Besides that, it costs around $50 to ship and I'm cheap.

Are they as ornery when they are young? When we tried to get one out of the road last summer it wanted to bite my face off. Mike wrapped him up in a blanket and then tossed him back over to the side of the pond. He was big boy..

So you guys will never guess what my morning was all about :p
I may have a work dinner and meeting tonight and then I do have a work dinner and meeting tomorrow and then training all day Wednesday and I may have to go meet with my clients sometime on Tuesday or Thursday.
crazy weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk so far.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Sounds like a busy week so far for you Kerryann.

Yvonne, if nothig else, you can always send the snapper here. To bad your not on the most traveled paths for CA for Jeff. Then he ould just hitch a ride with him.

I had a bad day going and was a few mins late for my Dr appt., not the real appt but the 10 mins early to do paperwork. Just couldn't cut a break at home and neighbor's. So here I am trying to get my paperwork done and my cell rings. It's my daughter wanting to know where I was. She had come down to surprise me and had passed me outside of one of the small towns on my way. I never even noticed her. :D Of course her coming down this morning never crossed my mind, because she is working nights for a couple of months. It's funny because I hadn't told her of the Dermatologist appt because one of the things I was having him check out was this growth. She has been at me for months to have it checked out, but I was waiting for things to settle with Jeff first. I had made the appt knowing it would be great to surprise her with it taken care of for her birthday this weekend. So much for my surprise. :D

So the three growths got cut off, but the main issue the psoriasis is so serve that he wants me to see their psoriasis speacialist in Lincoln. So much for going with their closest clinic. :rolleyes:


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Think I found a good match for my rabbits. She's stay at home and has wood floors, and believes in vet care and preventative care for all her pets, and is joining a rabbit forum. She's been researching rabbits for several months now and responded to my ad since she wanted a pair.

I hate to rehome a pet, but I'm concerned that because my one dog wants to eat them that I should do what's best. Being prey animals, having a dog constantly whining to kill you ( unless he's locked outside) has got to be stressful. But to lock the dogs out in the yard all day isn't kind to them either.

I feel bad rehoming a pet, but I feel worse knowing that both critter types are suffering in some way. At least she's a pet fanatic like myself and will spoil them more than I could.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Kerryann I don't envy your work schedule!

Jacqui do you already have a water turtle setup?

Rosieredfoot I am glad you are doing what's best for them all. Sorry you have to do it though.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
RosieRedfoot said:
Think I found a good match for my rabbits. She's stay at home and has wood floors, and believes in vet care and preventative care for all her pets, and is joining a rabbit forum. She's been researching rabbits for several months now and responded to my ad since she wanted a pair.

I hate to rehome a pet, but I'm concerned that because my one dog wants to eat them that I should do what's best. Being prey animals, having a dog constantly whining to kill you ( unless he's locked outside) has got to be stressful. But to lock the dogs out in the yard all day isn't kind to them either.

I feel bad rehoming a pet, but I feel worse knowing that both critter types are suffering in some way. At least she's a pet fanatic like myself and will spoil them more than I could.

So she is going to be a run around the house type rabbit owner? I agree so hard to let a pet so, but sounds like good reasons as to the why.

Thalatte said:
Jacqui do you already have a water turtle setup?

I have several pools both ones currently being used and some old ones not yet remodeled. My favorite being the sunken hottub that the female RES own. I have RES, Yellowbellies, paint, snappers, DBTs, and seems I am missing somebody. *rubs chin*


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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Thalatte said:
Soft shell? MUDs? Alligator?

Currently none of those species. :D

If you went out today, this is what one of the small old, not yet remodeled ones look like. This one has a really small preformed pool that is under a mulberry tree.


I was realizing, I don't think I have any real pictures of any of the pools. :(

Yvonne G

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That poor frozen turtle in the foreground!

Are snappers native to your neck of the woods, Jacqui? If Jeff is ever going up or down Hwy99, I could drive over there and meet him someplace.

Someone asked it its a mean turtle. No, I think it was raised from a hatchling. It's very calm and gentle.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
emysemys said:
That poor frozen turtle in the foreground!

Are snappers native to your neck of the woods, Jacqui? If Jeff is ever going up or down Hwy99, I could drive over there and meet him someplace.

Someone asked it its a mean turtle. No, I think it was raised from a hatchling. It's very calm and gentle.

In the picture, that is a statue. :D I have not had turtles in there for years. Even the last couple of years I didn't even get any goldfish in there. Some of the cats enjoy that as their water source, but that's about all the animal life it gets.

The common snapper is native and very common here. My three are all common.:D

Thalatte said:
(Stage whispers) that's a rock!

What do the useable ponds look like?

Some are larger preformed pools, old bathtubs, and then the hottub. Each of these are buried and in their own enclosure area with land around them. Currently (except in winter) I don't use any above ground which are the black rubbermaid stocktanks then. It's been several years back, but at one time I used the large kids pools as above ground pools for some.

This year I am finally biting the bullet and transforming my "hole of shame" into the pool it is suppose to be. My sons dug the hole for me, years and years ago. :rolleyes: Since then it has just sat there. :(

A close up.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
I can't imagine what so won't is going to think about your yard in 100 years when they start doing yard maintenance and find bath tubs...

That's supposed to say *someone is going to think*


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Thalatte said:
I can't imagine what so won't is going to think about your yard in 100 years when they start doing yard maintenance and find bath tubs...

That's supposed to say *someone is going to think*

That I like fresh air and sunshine on me when I bathe? :D


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So I decided to take Ava with me to the feed store. We get home and Ava drinks a bunch of water. I kick my boots off am walking around in my socks and yup…I step in a puddle of Ava puke. We have wood floors, so I was sort of sliding my feet. Wow. It was great.


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Cowboy_Ken said:
So I decided to take Ava with me to the feed store. We get home and Ava drinks a bunch of water. I kick my boots off am walking around in my socks and yup…I step in a puddle of Ava puke. We have wood floors, so I was sort of sliding my feet. Wow. It was great.

Well I was going to eat lunch but now...


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Cowboy_Ken said:
So I decided to take Ava with me to the feed store. We get home and Ava drinks a bunch of water. I kick my boots off am walking around in my socks and yup…I step in a puddle of Ava puke. We have wood floors, so I was sort of sliding my feet. Wow. It was great.

Well I was going to eat lunch but now...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
West Bloomfield MI
Thalatte said:
Kerryann I don't envy your work schedule!

Jacqui do you already have a water turtle setup?

Rosieredfoot I am glad you are doing what's best for them all. Sorry you have to do it though.

All is happy and good for now. again... eek...
I love what I do and honestly I love my clients but sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. I also think it's because I take on so much. It's just hard for me to force people who are at lower levels to work so much over the weekends since I feel like I would have to do the client contact anyway and that's why they pay me the mediocre bucks.

Cowboy_Ken said:
So I decided to take Ava with me to the feed store. We get home and Ava drinks a bunch of water. I kick my boots off am walking around in my socks and yup…I step in a puddle of Ava puke. We have wood floors, so I was sort of sliding my feet. Wow. It was great.

eek... I have had that happen.. only with bare feet :(:p
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